July 24, 2023

USA: So, Wow, It Was Leaked On Friday That Fox News Has 100% Matching Contributions For Far-Left Non-Profit Organizations Including The Satanic Temple. Today Fox News Reversed Decision.

Newsmax published July 21, 2023: 'Grave danger': Glenn Beck exposes alleged 'satanic' Fox News activity. 'GRAVE DANGER': Glenn Beck and The Blaze reported that Fox News is encouraging — and engaging in support for left-wing, "satanic" groups. Beck joins Eric Bolling to reveal his findings.
The Blaze Media
written by Joseph Mackinnon
Friday July 21, 2023

Fox News’ viewership has historically leaned right and favored Republican causes. While the company wears a conservative face on air, it appears that behind closed doors, Fox is willing to lean left or in whatever other direction the wind is blowing.

Insiders have revealed to Blaze Media that Fox will subsidize some of the very activist groups that despise and seek the ruin of the network's viewers, evidencing a "complete disregard and hatred" for its core audience.

"Fox Giving" is an app in the company portal that facilitates charitable donations via the Canadian-based donation management platform Benevity. Fox will apparently match donations up to $1,000 to various organizations that satisfy the company's criteria.

While on its face, this appears to be little more than an attempt at corporate beneficence, the company is willing to match donations to the Satanic Temple, the Trevor Project, Planned Parenthood (and local Planned Parenthood branches), and the Southern Poverty Law Center – radical leftist groups antipathetic to conservatives and the values they hold most dear.

The Satanic Temple is an atheistic leftist organization that has distributed satanic literature to children; publicly performed "unbaptisms"; sought to ensure that women can legally have their unborn children killed by way of their "religious abortion ritual"; and erected statues of Baphomet on government property.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a leftist grievance organization that tends to characterize conservatives, parental rights groups, constitutionalists, and those critical of big government as extremists and bigots. For instance, last month, the SPLC deemed Moms for Liberty an "anti-government extremist group." Fox, which the SPLC previously called a "megaphone" for far-right extremist groups, has even written up some of the SPLC's various scandals in the past, including the 2012 incident when a gunman attacked the Family Research Council, which he noted he had seen on the SPLC's "hate map."

The Trevor Project is an activist group that purportedly seeks to “end suicide among LGBTQ young people,” but actively promotes gender ideology and woke propaganda. The group claims that “gender is a social construct” and holds fast to the notion that sex-change mutilations and cross-sex hormone therapies can be meaningful remedies for at-risk teens.

Planned Parenthood is not just in the business of exterminating the unborn, having executed nearly 9 million babies in its abattoirs since 1970, but is among the second-largest provider of cross-sex hormone therapy in the nation. The organization has battled Republicans' pro-life legislation around the country and has long supported Democratic candidates.

At one time or another, Fox News has appeared critical of these groups and/or the agendas they help advance — those that revile Christianity, characterize conservative mothers as extremists, kill the unborn, and promote child sex-change mutilations.

However, according to two current Fox News employees and one former Fox News producer, all three of whom spoke to TheBlaze on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals from the company, these same groups have ostensibly been eligible for a charitable top-up from Fox.

One source provided screenshots confirming the allegations, and two sources provided corroborating testimony.

A Fox employee personally took Rikki Ratliff-Fellman, director of programming at Blaze Media, through the company portal and showed her some of the donation matches seen in the screenshots.

Ratliff-Fellman said, "I watched this source physically log in to their company portal at Myfox.okta.com to confirm the giving app and to see some of the questionable charities and the donation match option for myself to verify nothing was photoshopped."

These insiders detailed how donations to the Satanic Temple, the SPLC, Planned Parenthood, and the Trevor Project would all receive 100% matching donations by Fox (i.e., $1,000 matching $1,000).

Planned Parenthood similarly gets a 100% donation match with funds ostensibly raised, in part, with the help of Fox News cable subscriptions.

One current employee stressed, "Fox pretends to care about Christians, but some of the stuff they push internally suggests otherwise. Glory holes, trans surgeries for kids, and potential donations to Satan are a huge slap in the face to every Christian at the company, and we resent it," adding, "It offends me personally that this company acts like they support Christians and yet they’re literally willing to match $1,000 donation to the Satanic Temple."

Fox’s internal donation policy states: “FOX will not match or provide volunteering rewards to : -Donations to organizations that discriminate on the basis of a personal characteristic or attribute, including, but not limited to, age, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity characteristics or expression, marital status, … pregnancy or medical condition either in its selection of recipients of the organization’s services, funds, or other support; in delivery of services; or in its employment practices."

While Fox will apparently match donations to the Satanic Temple, the company further states it will not match or provide volunteering rewards to “donations made to organizations that are private and non-operating, or political, religious, or fraternal in nature.”

TheBlaze has reached out to Fox News for comment, but had yet to receive a response by the time of publication.

The former Fox producer who spoke to Blaze Media indicated the liberal musculature behind the network's conservative face has been growing stronger in recent months.

"It became clear certain things weren't going to be tolerated on air any more after Tucker was gone. We were told: Lay off Dylan Mulvaney," said the former producer. "Once I realized we couldn't say certain things on air any more, I started to dig more into the reality of the corporate views."

That Fox might simultaneously ape conservative talking points while bankrolling leftist initiatives struck the former producer as an affront to the network's audience.

"It shows complete disregard and hatred for Fox's core audience, which is a huge part of the country. They watch believing Fox is speaking for them, when in reality it's a company participating in certain things that don't match their audience's values. [The disdain] is driven more by executives, lawyers, and HR than people realize, especially post-Dominion," said the former producer, referencing the company's $787.5 million settlement with Dominion Voting Services earlier this year.

Although the second current Fox employee who spoke to Blaze Media doesn't "want to blow up the company" over this revelation, they nevertheless found it "disappointing."

"Goes to show there's definitely a mismatch in values," said the second Fox employee. "Our business model has turned into 'just tell the audience what they want to hear.' It's about appeasing and assuaging the audience even though most people in the C-Suite disagree with their audience's values. It's manipulative."

The insider intimated that this and other capitulations at Fox to the woke left were a means of "signaling to whatever ESG police are out there ... 'don't come for us.'"

Just as Fox executives are allegedly pursuing the path of least resistance, the employee indicated that in the aftermath of the recent spate of firings, people at the company are similarly less interested in the "pursuit of the truth" and more in saving their jobs.

This seems to be a company-wide problem: "After Tucker was fired, I don't think anybody is safe, to be honest."

When asked about whether she reckons this to be mere capitulation to the "ESG police" or an indication that Fox News' conservative face was merely a mask, now lifted, Ratliff-Fellman told TheBlaze, "I never personally witnessed woke corporate policies when I worked at Fox News, and I was proud of my time there. However, this revelation is a sobering reminder for me to remain beholden to the values of our audience and subscribers."
Glenn Beck published July 24, 2023: UPDATE: Fox News CHANGES Satanic Temple donation matching. On Friday, Glenn and Blaze Media brought the exclusive that Fox News corporate had a program that matched donations to "charities" like Planned Parenthood, the SPLC, and The Satanic Temple. Blaze Media also asked Fox why it would match donations to "charities" that hate Fox News and go against their audience's values. As of Monday morning, Fox has yet to respond. But Glenn reports that, according to a source, Fox has silently backtracked on its decision to match donations to the Satanic Temple. "This is incredible how far Fox has fallen," Glenn says.

The Blaze Media
written by Staff
Monday July 24, 2023

Last Friday, Blaze Media dropped an exclusive on Fox News and its new giving program.

Sources inside Fox confirmed that the company matches up to $1000 in donations for a number of far-left charities and organizations, including the Satanic Temple, Planned Parenthood, the Trevor Project, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Even though Fox has refused to respond to questions, the company clearly feels the heat because it has since changed its giving policy — at least for the Satanic Temple.

Glenn Beck and Pat Gray discuss the update.

As of Friday, a screenshot of the Fox giving app showed that the company will not match donations to Billy Graham’s charity, as the organization “doesn’t meet program guidelines,” while another screenshot showed the Satanic Temple as an eligible charity.

However, as of today, Billy Graham’s charity has been sent an invitation to join the program, and the Satanic Temple has been removed from the list of eligible charities.

“We can’t confirm the little mystery,” Glenn says, “because [Fox] never got back to us.”

Regardless of the company’s reticence, Glenn is still shocked at “how far Fox has fallen.”

He’s also shocked that people keep pushing the absurd idea that the Satanic Temple has nothing to do with Satan or evil practices.

“I am so done with people saying, ‘Oh, they’re not really satanists,’” he says, adding, “What would you expect a satanist to say? Gonna tell you the truth?”

Pat jokingly suggests creating a “DUMPFOX promo code.”
The Blaze Media
written by Joseph Mackinnon
Monday July 24, 2023

Following TheBlaze's recent report detailing Fox News' apparent willingness to match employees' charitable donations to radical leftist organizations, it appears the nominally conservative company has stealthily made a change.

TheBlaze previously reported that the company would match donations up to $1,000 to the Satanic Temple, the Trevor Project, Planned Parenthood (and local Planned Parenthood branches), and the Southern Poverty Law Center on its "Fox Giving" app.

Two current Fox News employees and one former Fox News producer spoke to TheBlaze on the condition of anonymity. One source provided screenshots confirming the allegations, and the other two provided corroborating testimony.

A Fox employee also took Rikki Ratliff-Fellman, director of programming at Blaze Media, through the company portal and showed her some of the donation matches she had seen in the screenshots, demonstrating the accuracy of the insiders' claims.

The prospect that Fox News subscribers might be made complicit in the company's subsidy of anti-Christian libertines, social constructivists, abortionists, and/or leftist smear merchants prompted significant backlash online, which the cofounder of the Satanic Temple characterized as a "Right-wing purity spiral."

Fox has since quietly dropped the Satanic Temple from its roster of eligible charities, according to a current Fox News employee.

The Satanic Temple is an atheistic leftist organization that has distributed satanic literature to children; publicly performed "unbaptisms"; sought to ensure that women can legally have their unborn children killed by way of their "religious abortion ritual"; held a demonization ceremony in protest of the canonization of the Catholic Spanish priest Junรญpero Serra; and erected statues of Baphomet on government property.

Late last week, the cause profile for the Satanic Temple on Fox's charity app still marked the radical group as eligible and indicated the company was willing to match offers with a rate of 100%.

As of Monday, the so-called charity was marked as an "ineligible cause."

According to the Fox News employee, this change means employees can no longer donate to the Satanic Temple through the portal either.

"The whole point of the portal is for Fox to match, so if they can't match, there is no option for donating," said the insider.

TheBlaze reached out to Fox for comment about both the initial revelations and this recent alleged change but has not yet received a reply.

Nationally syndicated radio host and co-founder of Blaze Media Glenn Beck recently noted on "The Glenn Beck Program" that there was some indication "that groups like the Satanic Temple are not auto-loaded, it seems, into the 'Fox Giving' portal by third party apps."

Beck, who previously suggested Fox News had "gone the way of the woke," referenced on air how Ratliff-Fellman had been confronted with seeming evidence from a Fox insider that the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, unlike the Satanic Temple or Planned Parenthood, had not been an eligible charity as of Wednesday night — a status that allegedly also changed following TheBlaze's exposรฉ.

"We can't confirm the little mystery because they never got back to us," said Beck.

What's not a mystery is why some Americans might be averse to feeding money to an organization that would blithely match donations to groups antipathetic to everything they stand for and respect.

"I have what's called a discriminating taste. You know, it used to be a good thing. ... It's my money. I want to put it to the right place," said Beck. "Let me think about it and use some discrimination to say: Satan [or] God? I'm going to go with God."

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