June 25, 2023

USA: 54yo Male Finance Exec Accused Of Drugging And Raping Young Teen Girl He Met Online For 6 Months. Posted $1 Million Bail And Continued To Contact Teen Girls. IPad Reveals Many Victims.

I couldn't find any news about this on YouTube. I tried using different terms for my search and found nothing. Why? I don't understand why the local news wouldn't want to warn families and especially young teen girls about predators like this on social media. Maybe there are other victims of his that may want to come forward. I'm sure his other victims would also be relieved that he has been arrested and taken off the streets. (emphasis mine)
New York Post
written by Kyle Schnitzer and Allie Griffin
Thursday June 15, 2023

A 54-year-old finance executive was indicted Thursday for allegedly raping a 14-year-old girl — whom he met online — inside hotel rooms across New York City and feeding her drugs until she overdosed, prosecutors announced.

Michael Olson was hit with a 17-count indictment for the alleged months-long abuse that was uncovered May 26 when paramedics responded to a Manhattan hotel to find him and the girl, who had ingested a cocktail of ketamine, cocaine and Xanax, according to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.

The girl was rushed to a hospital and survived, and Olson, of Manhattan, was arrested.

He was released after posting a $1 million bond.

While out on bail, Olson continued to try to contact underage girls — despite the slew of charges against him and the fact that he was being electronically monitored, according to prosecutors.

The young teen he was found with was not Olson’s only victim. She was just one of many vulnerable young teens — specifically teenage Asian girls — the accused serial abuser allegedly preyed on, prosecutors said.

Olson first targeted the 14-year-old in December 2022, when he found her Instagram page and replied to a post she had made about clothing costing too much money, according to the DA’s Office.

He then allegedly sent her a gift card and began to pay her to spend time with him.

Over the next six months, he allegedly raped the young girl on several occasions — paying her $700 a week in exchange for sex at hotels in Queens and Manhattan, the office said.

Olson also traveled with the child on trips to Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Miami and pretended that she was his daughter by purchasing her boarding passes using her first name with his last name.

He was charged with one count of criminal sale of a controlled substance to a child, five counts of rape in the second degree, seven counts of aggravated patronizing of a minor for prostitution in the second degree, two counts of criminal sexual act in the second degree, one count of facilitating a sex offense with a controlled substance and one count of endangering the welfare of a child.

The executive, who worked for Dwight Mortgage Trust but is no longer listed as an employee, is expected to be slapped with more charges as investigators discovered Olson had contacted numerous other young teens in addition to the 14-year-old victim.

Olson’s iPad, which was recovered from the Manhattan hotel room, revealed more victims, prosecutors said at his arraignment in New York State Supreme Court on Thursday.

“A search of an iPad that the defendant had with him that day revealed numerous other victims,” prosecutor John Fuller said at the hearing, according to the New York Times. “There were hundreds of screenshots of various Instagram accounts of young, Asian teenage girls that the defendant messaged.”

Fuller alleged that Olson targeted girls who posted images of self-harm or complained of money troubles on the social media platform.

Many of the girls listed their middle or high schools in their Instagram bios, making their age obvious to Olson, the prosecutor added, according to the publication.

Olson would allegedly message the teens with dollar amounts of how much he would pay them to have sex with him, while also asking about their schools and taking vacations together, the Times reported.

He is believed to have also supplied drugs to other minors he targeted.

He allegedly kept detailed spreadsheets of what drugs he fed to what girls and how much money he paid to each.

Additionally, he had screenshots of the New York City public school calendar and Uber receipts showing pickups from elementary and middle schools on his phone, prosecutors said.

The accused pedophile also kept a collection of nude photos of minors and underage girls performing sex acts on the iPad seized by investigators and is expected to face additional pornography charges, Fuller said.

Olson was remanded without bail at an arraignment in New York Supreme Court on Thursday.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg encouraged other victims to come forward.
The Daily Mail, UK
written by Will Potter
Sunday June 18, 2023

A Manhattan financier accused of drugging and raping a 14-year-old girl had a young child frequently visiting his apartment, a neighbor has claimed.

Michael Olson, 55, allegedly had the girl - who appeared to be just 11 or 12 - walking his dogs from his Battery Park apartment, the neighbor told The New York Post.

The alleged attacker was said to be secluded but lived with a woman, while the teen was often spotted 'always alone in the hallway', neighbor Rocco Flammia, 44, said.

Olson has been charged with a litany of offenses after he was found in a Manhattan hotel room in May with a girl overdosing on a cocktail of drugs, who he is also accused of raping.

Olson's relationship with the young girl Flammia spoke of, or whether she is the girl he is accused of raping, is unclear. The neighbor speculated that she may have even been his own daughter.

'I thought it was their child, or maybe from his previous marriage, she looked like she was mixed (Asian/white) but I haven't seen her in months,' he said.

'She was maybe 11, 12... I guess they would let her go out by herself. She was always alone in the hallway going out to walk the dogs.'

Flammia also reportedly said his secluded neighbor would always wear noise-canceling headphones, adding that his partner was also much younger.

'She's much friendlier, the wife or the girlfriend,' he said.

'I rarely saw them together. It was kind of weird. He's in his 50s, and she's very young. She's a cute girl.

'It's very disturbing. I literally share a wall with this guy'.

Olson is facing a series of disturbing allegations about his behavior, including claims he would target young Asian girls on Instagram.

It is alleged he would specifically seize upon girls posting about not being able to afford clothes, or about self-harm.

According to police, Olson stored a screenshot of the New York City public school calendar on his phone.

There were also records of pick-ups and drop-offs from NYC elementary and middle schools.

He has been charged with a range of offenses against one child who was found in a hotel room with him in Midtown Manhattan in May after overdosing on ketamine, cocaine and Xanax. Olson was there but told police the drugs were 'gifts'.

Prosecutors say he kept a spreadsheet detailing the drugs he gave young girls, and who he'd sent messages to.

The girl he was found in the hotel with had also been on trips with him, traveling to Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Miami.

Prosecutors claimed he pretended she was his daughter on the trips to avoid suspicion.

Olson first came onto the radar of law enforcement in May, when EMTs were called to a hotel room where his alleged victim was overdosing.

He was arrested, but was released after posting a $1 million bond. Once free, however, police say he continued to prey upon young girls on social media.

In a statement to DailyMail.com, a spokesman for Dwight Mortgage Trust - the firm where he worked - confirmed he'd been fired.

'Yesterday we became aware of the serious criminal allegations against one of our employees, Michael Olson, and immediately after learning about these allegations, he was terminated.

'The allegations are horrific and our hearts go out to the victims and their families.

'We will cooperate fully with any request by law enforcement regarding Mr. Olson.'

The investigation into Olson will continue, says Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, whose office is asking any other victims to come forward.

His attorney, Jeffrey Lichtman, told The New York Post that Olson is 'very upset' about the charges against him.

'Of course he's upset, he's a human being … it's a horrible day for him,' he said.

Lichtman would not give an expansive response to the allegations, instead saying: 'These are just allegations at this point, no matter how salacious they may be.

'We haven't received a single piece of paper of evidence yet, so it's hard to really discuss the case intelligently when you're not exactly sure what the evidence is.'

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