Christian Movies published June 16, 2020: The Perfect Stranger tells the story of Nikki, a troubled attorney who one day receives a mysterious dinner invitation from a man claiming to be Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Throughout their evening of conversation, arguments and spirited debate, Nikki learns things she never knew about life, the universe, and most importantly, herself...
Directors: Jefferson Moore, Shane Sooter
Writers: David Gregory, Jefferson Moore
Starring: Pamela Brumley, Jefferson Moore, Tom Luce, Dennis Martin, Stella Davis, Vin Morreale Jr.
Based on the bestselling novel, "Dinner With a Perfect Stranger" by David Gregory, THE PERFECT STRANGER is an intimate, thought-provoking tale of one woman's journey through the realms of doubt and disbelief... with the most unforgettable man she would ever meet.
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