Fourth Watch Files with Carl Crew published February 21, 2022: The Truth About Area 51, Aleister Crowley and The Inner Circle with Jeff Dornik.
What Carl Crew and Jeff Dornik specifically discuss is that by accomplishing this ritual, they opened up a portal to the demonic realm that completely took over, parading ’ALIEN’ entities which completed much of what Aliester had planned many years prior. Join us as we uncover this incredible hidden reality that is being covered up by the powers that be, even to this day.
Really good interview. Worth your time. I learned some new stuff here. I'll try to come back to type a transcript or at least a transcript of most of the video above. (emphasis mine)
Freedom First Network
written by Fourth Watch Files
Tuesday February 8, 2022
‘Slain Scientist Priest in Black Magic Cult’ read one headline after the death of John Whiteside Parsons on June 17, 1952. By the late 1930s, he had started attending nightly meetings at an occult society called Ordo Templi Orientis that met in nearby Los Angeles.
The OTO, as it is known, was created by the English occultist Aleister Crowley; a heroin- addicted, sexually adventuresome, God-profaning master of the dark arts, who the tabloids had christened ‘The Wickedest Man in the World.’ In a letter to a fellow OTO member, Parsons wrote “It has seemed to me that if I had the genius to found the jet propulsion field in the US, and found a multimillion dollar corporation and a world renowned research laboratory, then I should also be able to apply this genius in the magical field.”
In 1943 Parsons was gently removed from the very science he had created. He was offered $20,000 for his shares in Aerojet, and feeling the cold shoulder from the increasing number of scientists involved in rocketry, decided to leave. He was 30 years old at the time.
He threw himself into magic—not just Crowley’s magic, but strange new rituals of his own creation. Ever the scientist, he strived for physical proof by attempting to obtain visitations, phenomena, and manifestations to prove his magic was valuable.
His fortunes were indiscernibly threatened with the arrival of a hugely charismatic young science -fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard was a storyteller of exceptional tall tales which he insisted his audience believe. His fellow sci-fi writers scrutinized him with great suspicion.
“I recall his eyes, the wary, light-blue eyes that I somehow associate with the gunmen of the old West, watching me sharply as he talked as if to see how much I believed,” recalled Jack Williamson. “Not much.” But Parsons, who was always more than willing to believe, fell under his spell.
They fenced together, discussed magic, and even performed occult rituals while Hubbard moved into Parsons’ mansion. Taking to the air of free love like a fish to water, he worked his way through the denizens’ girlfriends by wooing and wowing them with equal measure. But Hubbard made up for it by helping Parsons with the grandest magical feat he had yet attempted. This was known as ‘Babylon Working’, which was an attempt to incarnate an actual goddess on Earth.
In the end, Parsons believed the experiment had been a success. In his last letter before he accidentally blew himself up, he declared it his greatest achievement. But Crowley was right about Hubbard. In a July 1946 letter to Crowley, Parsons wrote that[,] under the guise of investing in a business venture, Hubbard had run off with Parsons’s girlfriend and $20,000 of his money, sending Parsons into a spiral of doubt and depression.
What Carl Crew and Jeff Dornik specifically discuss in this episode of The Jeff Dornik Show is that by accomplishing this ritual, they opened up a portal to the demonic realm that completely took over, parading ’ALIEN’ entities which completed much of what Aliester had planned many years prior. Join us as we uncover this incredible hidden reality that is being covered up by the powers that be, even to this day.
GlobalAwareness101 published August 4, 2022: Jesse Czebotar: Are Aliens Actually Demons? And Area 51.
Carmen Smith Studer interviews Jessie Czebotar talks about demons, aliens, CIA deep state MK Ultra mind control, Area 51, Mike Pence and the Luciferian Religion on the highest level. ☠
This is what we as a human race are facing. This is real.
The Reveal Report published September 30, 2022: Movies based on TRUE EVENTS with shocking real-life tragedies or curses. Hosted by former occultist George Iceman with special guest Jesse Czebotar.
The Reveal Report Nov 11, 2022: STRANGE PLACES - Bermuda Triangle and Aleister Crowley Boleskine House. We continue our series with STRANGE PLACES. Hosted by former occultist George Iceman with special guest Jesse Czebotar.
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