written by Tania Gabrielle
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contact her at www.TaniaGabrielle.com
Welcome the exciting Capricorn NEW Moon on January 2, 2022, setting off a series of 2’s!
2 is the vibration of bringing opposites into harmony.
Seeking to find common ground through compassion and kindness is a major theme this year.
During this Capricorn New Moon:
Uranus creates a gorgeous trine to the Sun and Moon awakening your quest for liberation.
Mars sextiles Saturn creating a surge of new energy as you dedicate yourself to your divine mission.
New Moons signify a fresh start, and this is the first New Moon and first lunation of 2022.
So this Capricorn New Moon creates a Birth of Inner Dedication.
Enjoy this exciting Star Codes episode!
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
P.S. To access life-changing tools and wisdom to help you THRIVE in 2022, check out the 8th annual Ultimate Yearly Forecast 2022!
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