September 2, 2021

USA: Gay Male Pediatrician Said If Kids Are Administered Hormones Or Given Double Mastectomies -- Not A 'Big' Surgery Anyway Said The Male Gay Doctor Who Is Not A Woman.
written by Dr. Susan Berry
Monday March 9, 2020

Two pediatricians say data from a study published at the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) actually reveals the opposite of what its authors conclude – that puberty blockers are linked to positive mental health outcomes in youth claiming to be transgender.

In the February issue of Pediatrics, Drs. Jack L. Turban, Dana King, Jeremi M. Carswell, and Alex S. Keuroghlian, asserted that “pubertal suppression for transgender adolescents who want this treatment is associated with favorable mental health outcomes.”

“There is a significant inverse association between treatment with pubertal suppression during adolescence and lifetime suicidal ideation among transgender adults who ever wanted this treatment,” the authors concluded from their data.

Two pediatricians, however, both board members of the American College of Pediatricians, which has posted a position statement on child gender dysphoria and the consequences of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone treatments, said the data actually reveal the opposite of what Turban and his associates claim.

“Given the controversy surrounding the practice of puberty suppression for gender dysphoric adolescents, the article by Turban et al creates more confusion than clarity,” wrote Drs. Scott Field and Den Trumbull in a comment responding to the journal article.

The authors of the study used a cross-sectional survey of 20,619 transgender adults between the ages of 18 and 36. They examined the adults’ self-reported history of puberty blocking drugs during adolescence and then studied “associations between access to pubertal suppression and adult mental health outcomes, including multiple measures of suicidality.”

The researchers found that 90 percent of the transgender adults who wanted, but were unable to obtain, puberty blockers experienced suicidal thoughts. However, 75 percent of transgender adults who received puberty blocking drugs experienced the same suicidal thoughts.

Turban and his colleagues reported 16.9 percent of those adults surveyed self-reported they “ever wanted” to take puberty blockers. Of these participants, 2.5 percent received the drugs.

The authors concluded:
After adjustment for demographic variables and level of family support for gender identity, those who received treatment with pubertal suppression, when compared with those who wanted pubertal suppression but did not receive it, had lower odds of lifetime suicidal ideation.
In examining the data, however, Field and Trumbull addressed several problems with the study:
The authors imply causal evidence for a reduction in suicidal ideation with transgender adolescents who received puberty suppression (PS), yet they fail to acknowledge the exceedingly high rates in both groups of suicide ideation (75% and 90%) and suicide attempts (42% and 51%).
The pediatricians observed flaws in the design of Turban et al’s study:
The cross-sectional design using online survey data is insufficient to validate the efficacy of such a life-altering therapy. Because the data was collected by survey, there is no way of knowing how many would-be participants in either group actually succumbed to suicide. The so-called “lifetime suicidal ideation” is misleading, since at the time of the survey, the PS treatment group was significantly (p=001) younger (mean age 21.7 years) than the “ever wanted” PS control group (mean age 23.4 years), and the total age range of survey participants was 18 to 36 years. With mean age of hormone treatment initiation being 15.7 years in the PS group and 22.5 in the control group (p 0.001), it is obvious that the follow-up time for both groups was far too brief to assess “lifetime suicidal ideation.” The control group was not appropriately matched to the treatment group by age at time of survey or by age when hormone therapy was begun. Since there were over 30 controls for each PS case, they could have been selectively trimmed to be better matched.
Field and Trumbull then noted the outcome is actually the opposite of what the authors claim:
What is more disturbing is that the PS treated group actually had double (45.5% versus 22.8%) the rates of the control group for serious (resulting in inpatient care) suicide attempts in the year preceding the data collection.
The pediatricians identified another study that found adolescents who identify as transgender, as well as those who identify as lesbian, gay, and bisexual, are increasing at “extraordinary rates,” specifically, doubled between 2009 and 2017.

“[T]hese adolescents are almost four times more likely than their heterosexual peers to commit suicide,” Field and Trumbull noted. “The same study found that over 35% of adolescent suicide attempts in 2017 came from sexual minorities, who comprised only 14% of the adolescent population.”

According to the pediatricians, there are no long-term studies proving puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or “gender-confirming surgery” are either safe or effective. They added these treatments “potentially render recipients sterile, physically altered, and sexually dysfunctional,” and, therefore, should be considered “experimental” until longitudinal studies can prove otherwise.

“The prevailing narrative that these interventions are necessary to prevent suicide is without reasonable evidence,” Field and Trumbull asserted.

Turban said in January that his findings add to the “growing evidence base suggesting that gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth is associated with superior mental health outcomes in adulthood,” reported NBC News.

“It certainly argues against the misguided notion that gender-affirming care is inherently harmful and should be legislatively banned,” he added, apparently referring to several bills introduced in states attempting to ban transgender drugs and surgeries for children.

Turban is a psychiatrist who was nominated for NBC Out’s #Pride30 list by producer Andy Cohen, who praised the psychiatrist’s efforts to “bring the stories of transgender youth to the general public” and “build empathy and support” for the trans community.

“I’m a cisgender, gay white man,” Turban told NBC Out. “I recognize my privilege. We’ve made so much progress in LGB health, but the T was left behind.”

Turban’s co-authors, King and Keuroghlian, are affiliated with the Fenway Institute, an interdisciplinary center for research, training, education, and policy development regarding LGBT individuals.
RivalMaverick published May 18, 2020: DETRANSITION: My story, and what I wish I knew.Howdy. I'm a FTMTF detransitioner, and felt that there wasn't as many videos online about detransition as there should be, so I have uploaded my video to the mix. Enjoy.
RivalMaverick published July 14, 2020: Howdy guys. Today I bring to you my detransiton timeline video, with all my embarrassing old photos. Enjoy.
The Daily Signal
written by Sydney Wright
October 9, 2019

I can’t wrap my head around all that I’ve done to myself in the last two years, much less the “help” that some health care professionals have done to me.

Two years ago, I was a healthy, beautiful girl heading toward high school graduation. Before long, I turned into an overweight, pre-diabetic nightmare of a transgender man.

I won’t place the full blame on health care providers, because I should have known better. But they sure helped me do a lot of harm to myself—and they made a hefty buck doing it.

Here’s my story.

From my earliest years, I was always different from the other girls. I wore boy clothes, and I played with boy toys. I was a classic tomboy.

As I got older, I became romantically interested in other girls. In fact, with the exception of one guy I dated in high school, I exclusively dated girls.

At the time, you wouldn’t have been able to tell I was gay just from looking at me. I had long, blond hair, wore makeup, and carried myself rather femininely. But in my head, I knew I was gay—though I was more of a self-loathing gay.

The truth is, I didn’t like gays, and didn’t want to be associated with them. Yet there I was, dating only other girls.
Photo: Sydney as a Senior in High School.

By the time I was 17, my parents had long divorced and I was living with my dad. That’s when he found out I was dating girls. He promptly kicked me out of the house, saying it was his way or the highway.

With little choice, I moved in with my mom.

Soon after that, I cut my hair—a decision that grieved both my parents. But what happened next grieved them far more.

At age 18, I started seeing a bunch of transgender men’s “success stories” on Instagram. The trans men talked about how something had always “felt off” with them, and they said people couldn’t tell they had been the opposite sex after their transition.

Their stories all seemed to have a happy ending—and it made me rather jealous.

Here I was getting frowned upon for holding hands with my girlfriend in public, feeling like I’m constantly being judged by everyone, while transgenders could date their same-sex significant other while looking like the opposite sex.

I resented that and began to envy the transgenders. I looked into it for myself.

A Fast Track to Transgender

Everything I read was in favor of transitioning.

Regrettably, I couldn’t find any articles about transgender regret or the huge health issues that would come from making the transition. They only mentioned how brave the transition would make you, and how good it would be for you.

I tried my best to find books that discussed the issue critically and offered opposing views, but all I found were pro-transgender authors. That left me with the obvious conclusion: If all the “experts” were in favor of transition, why not do it?

Every passing day, I saw myself as this awful “dyke,” this unnatural lesbian. I hated that image and would much rather have been a guy dating girls. So I Googled how to make the transition to male.

The first step was to find a therapist who would write me a letter to start me on male hormones.

I soon found a therapist who said she would help me, and I told her I wanted to start the hormones on my 19th birthday, which was only five weeks off. She required only a one-hour appointment each week.

That’s hardly enough time to get to know someone. Yet those five hours got me an official letter that unlocked the doors for me to get hormone therapy and become a “man.” It also helped me change my “sex” on my driver’s license from female to male.

I now see a huge problem with how easy this was. If the therapist had gone slower and been more careful, she would have seen that I wasn’t actually trans.

But by this time, I’d seen the promotional videos. I was convinced that my gender is what was “off,” and the therapist guided me along and made me feel like a sex change is what I needed.

By this point, my friends were also encouraging me to transition. “You’re a hot girl,” they said. “You’ll be a hot guy, too!” Others were too afraid to say anything against it, because after all, it was 2017. I never got pushback from anyone.

In reality, of course, I was not a boy, and hearing otherwise was the last thing I needed. I was simply insecure about being tomboyish and a lesbian in public.

My therapist never once tried to sit down with me and figure that out. Instead, she asked me questions like: “When did you start feeling this way?” “Why do you feel you’re this way?”

Not once did she tap the brakes to keep me from gender transition.

The Scam That Scarred Me

Once I got my letter, I went to a doctor in Atlanta in what turned out to be the worst treatment of my life.

The doctor came in and asked if I had any questions. I told him, “I’m just a little nervous.” He asked, “Do you not want to do this?” I said, “I do,” and he replied, “All right. Where’s your letter?”

I gave him my letter, but he didn’t open it—not even to check if it was real.

He said, “I’ll call in your prescription for testosterone.” That surprised me—I thought he was going to administer it himself.

I asked, “Are you not going to give me the shot yourself?” He then sarcastically suggested I could drive all the way back to Rome, Georgia, (four hours) to get my prescription, and then come back to his office to get the shot.

That wasn’t realistic, and he knew it.

“But I don’t know how to give myself a shot,” I said.

He replied, “There’s no wrong way to give it.” He told me to go home and figure it out. He suggested watching a YouTube video.

That honestly scared me. It should have been red flag No. 1 that the doctor didn’t care, that this was just a money scam. His hands-off approach showed he was confident he wouldn’t be held accountable for this treatment.

But at this point, I was still caught in the delusion. I thought gender transition could make me “normal.”

Unfortunately, that’s not the reality that awaited me.

Destroying My Own Body

The injections of male hormones started to have their effect, but not in the way I expected. I started gaining more and more weight. My skin started to get more and more puffy and discolored. My blood started to thicken.

The doctor’s office was running bloodwork for me every three months, and it actually said I was now pre-diabetic—something that was totally new for me.

My gender-transition doctor said not to worry, but I decided to see another doctor for a second opinion. He said my thickening blood put me at risk for a heart attack or stroke.
Photo: Sydney during the first few months on hormones.

I did this to myself for almost a year. During that time, I gained 50 pounds and was miserable. None of my problems that I thought this would solve were being solved, and I came to have even less self-confidence than before.

I started feeling regret.

Unfortunately, I was stuck: I had already declared to everyone that this was who I was. I had changed my gender, and I had forced people to play along with it and call me by a new name: Jaxson. At work, men had to be OK with their former female co-worker now using the same restroom as them.

Everyone was walking on eggshells around me—and people fell in line for fear of what might happen if they objected. (Employers are already being sued over this kind of thing, after all.)

Nobody could tell me what I was doing was wrong, or “Hey, wake up!” A few brave souls at work did quietly try to say, “Are you sure?” Or, “Why don’t you think about it a little while?”

Meanwhile, my mom was crying daily about why I was doing this to myself, all the while blaming herself.

Finally, one day, my grandfather sat me down to talk about it. He was, and will remain the only person whose opinion I will ever care about. With tears in his eyes, he asked me to stop.

Everything in me wanted to keep going—not even because I wanted it anymore, but because of pride. “What will people think?” I thought. I had made everyone play along. If I suddenly stopped, what would I tell people?

Those questions ate at me. And yet, there was my grandpa, the man I respect most, pleading with me through tears. I just couldn’t tell him no.

That was a saving grace. I would have let this treatment kill me before admitting I’d screwed up. His intervention may have saved my life.

So I decided to quit—and I quit cold turkey without seeing my doctor again.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t that simple.

Not even two weeks after stopping hormone treatment, the withdrawals kicked in with a vengeance. I was soon on the floor groaning, crying, throwing up, not able to keep anything down, and not able to eat at all.

Getting sick every single day was exhausting. I went to the emergency room three times and had to have two procedures to figure out what was happening to me. My hormone balance was way off, and I was miserable.

The last time I went to the ER, I had been showering and suddenly went into withdrawals. I called my mom, who had to drive 30 minutes to come get me out of the shower and take me to the hospital. I didn’t even think I would make it there alive.

Before the ER gave me medicine to sedate me, I begged my mom to make them admit me to the hospital. “I will die if I go back home or leave here,” I said.

She and I both sat crying before I passed out from all the sedatives they gave me. I thought I wasn’t going to make it.

Finally, Hope

After four long, exhausting months of being sick every day and losing the 50 pounds, I finally got back to a semi-normal life.

I’m now more stable, but my body bears the scars of gender therapy. My voice is still deep, and I look very masculine. I’m now $1,000 poorer due to the cost, though that’s a fraction of what insurance paid.

And, because of that doctor’s letter that said I’m irreversibly a male, my driver’s license is now stuck with a “male” label. I’ll have to appear in court to prove I’m a female again.

Nevertheless, I’m just thankful to have gotten off this horrible path alive, and before I had any body parts mutilated.

It’s insane to me that our society is letting this to happen to young people. At age 18, I wasn’t even legal to buy alcohol, but I was old enough to go to a therapist and get hormones to change my gender.

This is happening to vulnerable kids much younger than I was, and the adults are AWOL.

When you walk into these clinics, you won’t really see older people around. It’s boys and girls playing dress-up, brought there by clueless parents, waiting for the appointment that could likely ruin their lives.

I hope I’m not the only one who sees a major problem with this. Our culture has set up a fast-track to gender transition that will only result in scarred bodies and ruined lives—and the medical community is complicit. I met with these doctors in person and gave them my own cash. I can tell you they did not care.

This is a public health crisis that our media and politicians are completely ignoring. More young people are being deceived every day, being told that the solution to their insecurity and identity problems is to get a sex change.

That’s just about the worst path you can put a young person on.

Until we do something, until the medical community puts up serious guardrails and begins to do its due diligence—and until politicians grow a spine and step in—expect to see more young people scarred for life.

If anything, I hope my story can serve as a warning bell and save some other young teenager the misery and grief I’ve been through./div>

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