"Useless eaters" @ProfKlausSchwab founder of the @wef
— Waszul (@Waszul1) June 10, 2021
"You will own nothing and be happy" pic.twitter.com/E8LPfQuoHe
A video scrubbed from @wef Twitter and YouTube in English, but remained in Mandarin and Spanish. It is 4 years old. "You will own nothing. And you'll be happy. Whatever you want you'll rent. And it will be delivered by drone." pic.twitter.com/3yPnrT6cib
— Gregory Bedaux (@GregoryBedaux) April 14, 2021
Cyber attacks are all part of Klaus Schwab plan for “THE GREAT RESET” pic.twitter.com/0pYYXUQhs6
— Jazz 🇺🇸 (@missjazzyfitnes) December 20, 2020
I typed a transcript from the video above because most of you will not watch the video and listen for yourselves. They're telling it like it is within their Commie globalist circle. Jeremy Jurgens, Managing Director of World Economic Forum said, "There will be another crisis. It will be more significant aaand you know we need to actually start preparing for that now. When we do see this next crisis, it will be faster than what we've seen with covid. The exponential growth rate will climb much steeper. The impact will be greater AND as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant. (emphasis mine)Klaus Schwab, WEF/DAVOS, has been leading CYBER POLYGON since 2019! Each yr they PRACTICE a cyber global ATTACK just like EVENT 201! To usher in the reset they must 1st collapse the current society! A grid down event! They are putting this in plain sight just like CV! HEADS UP! pic.twitter.com/BqdDmQE7Nz
— Jackie (@risetoflyy) May 27, 2021
Implanted Microchip, Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum and The Great Reset https://t.co/zAdoq4baVS via @YouTube From a 2016 interview with @ProfKlausSchwab, boss of the @wef in #Davos, in which he says humans will have a chip implanted in their brain or skin within 10 years.
— CURRUPTIE POLITIEK (@WijnenTonnie) May 2, 2021
ICYMI - Transhumanist Klaus Schwab, Founder and President of the World Economic Forum, said in 2016: "Humans will have a microchip implanted under the skin or in the brain within 10 years" @disclosetv pic.twitter.com/PbyFTyhr1J
— Res ‘Publica’ 🔛 (@ResPubl79983835) May 3, 2021
JUST IN - World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab claims businesses that are not committed to his ESG metrics and stakeholder capitalism "are on the wrong side of history".pic.twitter.com/ELh8KAIRF6
— Disclose.tv 🚨 (@disclosetv) June 2, 2021
This revolution will come as a tsunami! Klaus Schwab, Ida Auken! pic.twitter.com/DM3RGw2m6j
— Husserl (@husserl78) June 15, 2021
NEW - Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum has released another dystopian video promoting an "artificial sun," so it is "easier for people to gather again."pic.twitter.com/isf8irieTm
— Disclose.tv 🚨 (@disclosetv) March 8, 2021
When Humans Become Cyborgs | DAVOS 2020 - YouTube#KlausSchwab#TheGreatReset#WEF
— Henri (@Heel_Gewoon) June 16, 2021
When Humans Become Cyborgs | DAVOS 2020 - YouTubehttps://t.co/tG6xU2TAw6 pic.twitter.com/mNvCgVdooV
Schwab speaks with his WEF Young Global Leader (YGL) member, and Google Founder, Sergey Brin, about taking technology from predictive to "prescriptive mode" -- a world without elections, redefining humanity and government.
— Dr Peter Moloney Foundation (@DrPeterMoloney) June 15, 2021
Gavin Newson was also a YGL.https://t.co/payemVrK1k
Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin was born in Moscow, Russia, USSR in 1973.
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) April 7, 2021
American computer scientist and entrepreneur who created, along with Larry Page, the online search engine Google, one of the most successful sites on the Internet.
Google acquired YouTube in 2006.
[Britannica] pic.twitter.com/68zcR1qlYk
Italy Leonardo Defense Contractors
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) February 6, 2021
Nancy Pelosi Crowdstrike
Joe Biden CIA FBI
Google involved in funding and investigation into Italian Leonardo Defense Contractors data hack. pic.twitter.com/m7Xiu6TGB6
UPDATE 6/22/21 at 10:10pm: Added info below.I finally switched my search engine to Duck Duck Go from Google. What a humongous difference. It's so clear how Google censors and suppresses information and websites.
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) January 16, 2021
I have to start transitioning over to Gab from Twitter and go to Rumble instead of YouTube.
Try it yourself. pic.twitter.com/mjxG27Djw0
WEF in plain english: https://t.co/MHBDmFiCNP
— Critical Thinking 101(Expert of Expert Evaluation) (@critica18495985) June 23, 2021
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