First and foremost, I am an ape. I fight for you.
— Trey’s Trades (@TradesTrey) June 3, 2021
Tonight when I interview Adam Aron, I will get the answers the people need.
We are strong apes friends. Weather the storms, enjoy the sunshine
This is false - they sold these shares in APRIL, filed today.
— Trey’s Trades (@TradesTrey) June 3, 2021
The media tries to paint this narrative to scare people out of their money, and the apes aren't selling
*Please get the word out*
— Trey’s Trades (@TradesTrey) June 3, 2021
The filing of 11.5M shares you’re seeing today is FUD - these shares were sold in late April, and is being filed for now
Don’t panic. We’re doing okay.
Voting for the July 29 AMC Annual Shareholder Meeting begins on June 16. Here is my letter to investors, contained in the preliminary proxy materials filed on June 4 for approval by the SEC. AMC Shareholders, I strongly encourage you to vote. #AMCVoteMakeYourVoiceHeard.
— Adam Aron (@CEOAdam) June 6, 2021
Outrageous but true. Many $AMC shareholders live outside the U.S. Especially in the UK and Europe, brokerage firms refuse to facilitate shareholder voting. Costs the firms time and money to do so. Any workarounds to the problem violate U.S. law. Switch brokers, so you can vote!
— Adam Aron (@CEOAdam) May 30, 2021
Today, we announced selling 8.5 million AMC shares at a price of about $27.12 each. 8.5 million shares is less than 1.7% of our outstanding shares, and is a small portion of our typical trading volume. But it gives us $230.5 million of cash to use primarily to grow AMC. {3 of 5}
— Adam Aron (@CEOAdam) June 1, 2021
First in our sights are the strongest Arclight/Pacific theatres that will not re-open due to pandemic pressures. No one is out of the woods yet, but we like AMC’s improved liquidity, the increases of vaccinated people and the imminent release of new blockbuster movies. {4 of 5}
— Adam Aron (@CEOAdam) June 1, 2021
AMC in the last 4 weeks:
— Trey’s Trades (@TradesTrey) June 6, 2021
5/14 close - $12.98
5/21 close - $12.08
5/28 close - $26.12
6/4 close - $47.91
Up nearly 400% in one month, ALONE.
Up nearly 900% since 2/19
This is progress. This is the story being written. These are the apes.
AMC has been in play for almost 6 months - LOTS of people bought this in the $5-14 range. Apes are up a lot of money. Remember this is a journey, and what's a good story without some conflict
— Trey’s Trades (@TradesTrey) June 4, 2021
We’re in the safest stock.
— Stick to Stocks 🦍 (@StickStocks) June 6, 2021
This WILL explode.
The market will tank.
Hedge funds will implode.$amc will go historical bonkers
You can’t short the entire market with leverage not seen before.
Margin debt is outrageously high and still climbing.
New to AMC and don’t know what #NakedShorts are?
— Trey’s Trades (@TradesTrey) June 5, 2021
Imagine you’re selling 1 banana. All you have is 1 banana, so you sell 1 banana. Standard stuff.
Imagine a naked short as having 1 banana, and selling 5 bananas, 4 nonexistent and 1 real banana.
Seem weird? It is. It’s illegal
$AMC short interest is $5.63BN
— Ihor Dusaniwsky (@ihors3) June 3, 2021
89.98M shares shorted
18.05% SI% of Float
15.29% S3 SI% Float
8.29% fee
Shares shorted up +2.59M shares, worth $162M, +3.0%, last week.
Shorts down -$5.06BN in 2021 mark-to-market losses; up +$139M on today's -2.5% move.
11% of total options trade in us markets belongs to AMC.. this is fucking insane..
— putseller (@putseller1) June 3, 2021
When they try to blame everyone except the people responsible remind people that no one forced hedged funds to recklessly & irresponsibly sell 100 MILLION shares they don’t own. I’ll revisit this tweet when the time is right.
— Josh (@Joshuajammes) April 29, 2021
Citadel has the 2nd largest Put position against $AMC. Where there are Puts there are your shorters. Yet they are the Market Maker controlling all trades on the stock with no oversight. With a paper trail proving they commit fraud freely. One of thee biggest frauds of our time
— Josh (@Joshuajammes) May 18, 2021
If you have billions of dollars, been allowed to commit fraud, & manipulate the market & you’re crying because you’re not allowed to freely do that without millions of rightfully angry citizens of a country opposing your corruption you need a reality check. Suck it up butter cup
— Josh (@Joshuajammes) April 16, 2021
“We’re not allowed to commit fraud freely?! We can’t rob billions of dollars from working citizens?! What about the elected officials we bribed??!! We can’t run our Ponzi scheme in peace?!! This is outrageous!”
— Josh (@Joshuajammes) June 1, 2021
Sincerely, the billionaire leaders of United States Stock Market.
An Attorney from a HF this morning ordered me to delete a post or they would sue. This is for stating that creating synthetic shares is illegal per SEC law & a firm shorting #AMC has been trading in dark pool exchanges per FINRA reports with 5x AMC float. This is the sign u need.
— Cristhian Andrews (@cristhiandrews) June 4, 2021
My friend, I think you are very strongly underestimating the intelligence of apes.
— Trey’s Trades (@TradesTrey) May 31, 2021
-Pump and dumps don't last 5 months
-Institutions & media maliciously colluding against a stock - this is shilling
Apes aren't the problem. Please get back to the drawing board.
These are two different charts. $AMC and $GME. Still believe $AMC sold off shares?#MainstreamMediaIsaLie
— Jackson Hunter (@jhuntermav) June 3, 2021
Funny how you don't mention how hedge funds have been trying to bankrupt a company that's been around for a hundred years. One we happen to like. Just so they can profit and not pay a single cent of taxes. Oh also by illegal means. Talk about out of touch with reality. 😂
— $Boats&Hoes$ (@BOATZ_HOEZ) June 3, 2021
Many people paid upward of $1500 for a $599 PS5 because they really wanted one and they were scarce. Now apply that to hedge funds and AMC stock when the margin calls come and they NEED to buy the stock, which thanks to retail investors is also protected and scarce..>$1500 🤔
— Tom Miller (@TommillerU) June 3, 2021
$AMC's volume today is greater than all these companies combined: $TSLA $AAPL $AMZN $MSFT $FB
— Eric Balchunas (@EricBalchunas) June 2, 2021
There’s bulls, there’s bears, and now there’s apes.
— Trey’s Trades (@TradesTrey) June 2, 2021
The Market of the Apes
AMC is the hottest and most talked about stock across the whole market. There are only 2 ways this ends.
— Trey’s Trades (@TradesTrey) May 31, 2021
1. Hedgies manipulate this to destruction
2. This fucking squeezes
Which do you think is reality? 😏🦍
$AMC has not had the short squeeze yet. Vulture hedge funds have not covered their short positions.
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 6, 2021
What we just saw was mostly FOMO trying to buy before the June 2nd voting eligibility cutoff. There was some gama squeeze action.
The short squeeze will be astronomical. #ApeArmy
I saw this posted on Webull and saved it. Art by Don Diego. $AMC#apestogetherstrong#DiamondHands#AMCtothemoon 🚀🚀🚀
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 6, 2021
So yesterday I was blocked from accessing my Robinhood account all day. I decided I was closing my account. I have holdings spread out in different accounts.
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 3, 2021
Well, now this is happening in my Webull account today. I don't have a margin account. I'm done with Webull too.
I TOOK THESE SCREENSHOTS ABOVE BEFORE I OPENED ACCOUNT ELSEWHERE AND PUT IN MY TRANSFER REQUEST. First Robinhood locked me out of my account when AMC price shot up on June 2nd. Then the next day, I kept having trouble accessing my Webull account when the AMC price was continuing to soar. Thank goodness I didn't want to do any trading on these days they blocked my access. I was done having to be at their mercy during such a critical moment. I opened an account elsewhere that I will not disclose where I feel and hope my assets are safe. It could have been just a technical glitch or it could have been an evil "Resistance" employee inside these companies hurting those they hate. Sadly, that's what they do. They can't help it, they are a Commie hive mind. I want to feel confident that I will be able to sell my AMC shares when the squeeze happens. (emphasis mine)
UPDATE 6/6/21 at 3:23pm: Added info below.Couldn’t find a parking space in my AMC theater. Had to park across the street. Crazy that the news and the financial experts keep telling us that nobody is going to the movies. You think they are not being honest with us 🤣#AMC500k
— Henry for Integrity (@WittnauerH) May 30, 2021
Fyi... $AMC #GorillaGang
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) May 30, 2021
CLICK LINK 👉 AMC Short Squeeze Simulator 👈 select trainerOoooh... m...g! $AMC #GorillaGang you need to try this amazing simulator. Wowie! My heart fluttered. Incredible. 😍🥰🍻👏
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) May 30, 2021
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