We can do the right thing to create positive change within ourselves and the world around us! I have created this blog with the intention of keeping you informed of news that is affecting humanity and nature throughout the world! There is no better time than the present to become a global participant and not just an innocent bystander. I have provided you with several websites to help empower yourself and a list of global organizations that you can choose from to make a difference.
The alleged white supremacist at White Bear Lake High School turned out to be a black girl after the FBI investigated.
After school walkouts, protest marches and an FBI investigation, authorities concluded that a black girl was responsible for creating an Instagram account that sent racist messages to students at White Bear Lake High School.
The city of White Bear Lake was torn by controversy last month as tearful students made protest signs and gave speeches outside their school after an anonymous Instagram profile called members of the school’s Black Excellence Club racial slurs. Protesters subsequently demanded action be taken to hold whoever ran the profile accountable.
However, it looks like they will not get their wish, as the black student responsible for creating the account will not face any charges.
The College Fix recently obtained a police report which identifies the owner of the account as a black female student and member of the same Black Excellence Club targeted by the racist account. This student will not face penalties for the hate-crime hoax or for lying to investigators during the local and federal investigations, authorities told The Fix.
“I didn’t send those messages,” the student told investigators, per the police report, after investigators concluded that the messages were sent from her home IP address. “Like, I have a question, did the messages come from my house, or was it just the account created at my house?” she continued, attempting to defend herself.
The city of White Bear Lake appeared to make excuses for the student, saying she merely sought to “raise awareness of social and racial injustice due to past incidents that occurred at school.” Although the original news release containing this excuse has since been deleted, it remains quoted across several Minnesota news outlets and Newsweek.
It appears as though the school, authorities, and city all understood that the owner of the racist account was black but refused to release this information as protesting was in progress.
The White Bear Lake superintendent also seemed to be aware that the account was not run by a genuine racist when he assured parents that the controversial posts were a “hoax.” He was then forced to apologize for this characterization but still did not reveal the race of the apparent perpetrator.
Before the race of the offending individual was disclosed, students came to the conclusion that the perpetrator was Avery Severson, a girl who founded a conservative club at the school. Even after her name was cleared, Severson still reported feeling unsafe around her angered peers.
“I was just shocked when I saw that they were accusing me. I felt unsafe. I felt unsafe at school … I just felt unsafe in my community,” she told Fox News.
It remains unclear why the involved parties were hesitant to release information about the account owner’s race when such a revelation may have calmed the town, assuring that there was no genuine white supremacist threat.
Meanwhile, some members of the media seem to suggest that the existence of genuine racists is irrelevant as “false threats” cause “real fear.”
"Go back to Africa"
Racist messages sent to nearly every black student at White Bear Lake Area High School (@isd624) in Minnesota started a panic. But an investigation has found a black student was responsible. And she will not be criminally charged. https://t.co/ED2p80eHxx
Police in Minnesota have used forensics to determine that the creator of an Instagram account from which racist private messages to black students was a black female student at White Bear Lake High School.
In yet another "hate hoax" incident, it appears that the girl was sending racist messages to other black female students, although police could only confirm that she was the one who created the account. As far as individual messages go, they can, however, confirm that the messages did originate from her home IP.
According to The College Fix, the messages were virulently threatening and racist in nature, containing such phrases as "die, ni**er", among others.
One message said, 'Go back to Africa. With your tribe.' Another post said, 'GET HANGED. DIE. KILL YOURSELF," KSTP-TV reported.
The unidentified girl, who has been confirmed as a member of the Black Excellence Club, and said that she couldn't publicly admit that she created the account to her friends because they are "not stupid," implying that they will realize right away that it was her that sent the messages, despite the lack of definitive evidence.
For that reason, she was "unsure if she should tell us who else was with her and sent messages with the account," said the report. She went on to state that "there was only one other person involved and did not want to say that person’s name."
The girl originally told the police that it wasn't her that created the account, but later changed her story and confessed to creating the account in the face of evidence.
At this time, no charges will be laid in connection with the "hate hoax" messages.
WCCO - CBS Minnesota published April 9, 2021: Students at White Bear Lake High School walked out of class on Friday morning to protest what they say is the school administration’s lack of attention to racial issues
FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul published April 9, 2021: A student at White Bear Lake High School says she recently received racist messages from an anonymous sender online. On Friday, the student, along with many of her classmates, walked out of school in protest.
“Hope you & your people will die like George” "Go back to Africa" "Get hanged"
Racist messages were sent to black students at White Bear Lake High School (@isd624) in Minn., prompting a mass #BLM protest & FBI investigation.
The hateful messages received last week by Black students at White Bear Lake Area High School were a “hoax,” sent by a female student who was trying to raise awareness of problems at the school, according to school and city officials.
The FBI helped identify the student who created the anonymous Instagram account, and she took responsibility Monday afternoon, Superintendent Wayne Kazmierczak wrote Tuesday in a letter to families.
Kazmierczak wrote that the student “poses no threat to students of color.” And he described the messages as “a hoax sent under false pretense.”
The superintendent’s letter left many in community confused about what actually happened, and a school district spokeswoman on Tuesday declined to provide more information, citing the “ongoing investigation.”
But on Wednesday, the city of White Bear Lake issued a press release that shed light on student’s motives and identified her as “a juvenile female.”
“The juvenile involved indicated during the investigation that the purpose of their post was to raise awareness of social and racial injustice due to past incidents that occurred at school. We shared this information with the school district and added that the investigating officers believe the juvenile does not pose a physical threat,” the city said.
City police continue to investigate. They said they haven’t determined whether additional people were involved in the deception.
The anonymous messages, sent last week through Instagram’s group chat to several Black students, contained death threats and repeated use of the N-word. They appeared to target students who formed a group for Black students at the school.
Students walked out of school Friday morning to demonstrate against racism in the school.
Kazmierczak wrote in his letter that the school community is “united in supporting our students in speaking against racism and in support of our students of color.”
In a separate letter Wednesday, the superintendent said he regretted using the word “hoax” and that he didn’t mean to “minimize the impact that racism or racist acts has on students and families who have been marginalized throughout history and in White Bear Lake Area Schools.”
Kazmierczak said he would recommend the student responsible for the posts be expelled for violating the district’s bullying and harassment policies.
I love to travel and get away from it all whether it's 1st class, 2nd class or 3rd class makes no difference to me. I simply love to visit new places and meet new people. I really enjoy extreme sports. I started blogging 17 years ago and love to be able to express and share thoughts with others.
Most recently a Mortgage Professional prior to implosion. Earned a living in my previous career as an Institutional Equity Trader (sell side). I have a bachelor's degree in finance with special emphasis in economics.
❤ May my heart be kind, my mind fierce and my spirit brave. ❤
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♥♥♥ ~Love to you all, Josette Marie aka Princess Mononoke
The Best Is Yet To Come.
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Dr Yuval Noah Harari is a transhumanist and top advisor to WEF Klaus Schwab. He said, "In the past many tyrants and governments wanted to do it. But nobody understood biology well enough and nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people. Neither the gestapo nor the KGB could do it. But soon at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack ALL THE PEOPLE. NWO depopulation eugenics agenda happening now.
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