February 8, 2021

USA: Seattle Councilmember Retweeted A Socialist Posting A Screenshot Of An Article From “Official Voice Of The Communist Party Of The Cuba Central Committee” With Photo Of Mass Murderer Castro

JG In Action published January 28, 2021: Homeless in Los Angeles - They don’t deserve to live this way...
Crazy Day Adventures published January 4, 2021: Homeless in Los Angeles California - IT'S VERY BAD!!! It's not Detroit or a 3rd world country. This is the new Los Angeles California Jan 1, 2021. The homeless population has expanded past the point of no return. After 43 years of hard work I am giving up my California lifestyle in search of a better place to live. The cost of living is bad, Taxes are out of control but the Homeless population expansion is what made me decided to uproot and move away for my own well-being.
California Insider - The Epoch Times published January 2, 2021: How Los Angeles County Profits from City-Wide Homeless Crisis. The homelessness crisis in Los Angeles County continues to rise despite support from both local and state governments. Special interests are profiting from this crisis.
[source: Encyclopedia Britannica]

Constitutional framework

Cuba is a unitary socialist republic. The government is totalitarian, exercising direct control or influence over most facets of Cuban life. From 1959 to 2008, Fidel Castro was the chief of state and head of government. He also served as first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba and commander in chief of the armed forces. In February 2008 he formally relinquished power to his brother, Raúl Castro. The country is governed under the constitution of 1976, which superseded revolutionary legislation that was enacted after the constitution of 1940 had been suspended. The 1976 constitution was slightly amended in 1992 and 2002.

Under the constitution, legislative authority rests with the National Assembly of People’s Power, whose more than 600 members serve five-year terms. The number of seats in the assembly has grown steadily, corresponding to the population of the provinces and municipalities. The National Assembly in its brief, twice-yearly sessions appoints a 31-member Council of State, which is headed by the president. The Council of State remains in session throughout the year and issues laws in the form of decrees (orders). The president also appoints and presides over a Council of Ministers (cabinet), which carries on the daily administration of the country.


Sugar historically has been the country’s main export. In the early 21st century, Cuba also benefited from a joint venture with Venezuela, which shipped petroleum to Cuba for refining and reexport. In the process, refined fuels vied with sugar to be Cuba’s top export. Nickel and other minerals, pharmaceutical products, tobacco (notably cigars), and beverages along with food and food products (including fish and citrus fruits) are also important exports. Among the most important imports are mineral fuels and lubricants, foods, machinery and transport equipment, and chemicals. Cuba’s main trading partners include Venezuela, China, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, Belgium, Mexico, and the United States.
In the 1950s more than two-thirds of Cuban foreign trade was with the United States. By 1961 Cuban-U.S. trade was down to 4 percent, and it soon ceased entirely under U.S. government embargo policies. Trade shifted to the Soviet Union and other socialist countries, and in 1972 Cuba became a full member of the Eastern-bloc Comecon (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance; disbanded in 1991). By the end of the 1980s, almost three-fourths of Cuba’s trade was with the Soviet Union, on extremely beneficial terms for Cuba. Cuba’s overall trade declined sharply after the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991. The United States again became a top trading partner beginning in 2002 when it began to sell food to Cuba under an amendment to the embargo legislation. At the beginning of the 21st century, the Cuban economy became increasingly integrated with that of Venezuela, whose president, Hugo Chávez, used his country’s substantial petroleum-derived wealth to advance a regional socioeconomic agenda through the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) that was intended to offer an alternative to the free market and neoliberalism.

Labour and taxation

The rate of unemployment in Cuba is lower than in many Latin American countries. However, numerous jobs were lost in the 1990s as the economy was hit by the breakup of the Soviet Union. Underemployment is a persistent concern among industrial workers. The State Committee for Work and Social Security sets all wages for the government, which is the dominant employer. Moreover, many jobs must be arranged through state agencies. The standard workweek is 44 hours.

The constitution places the needs of the “economy and society” over the demands of individual workers. However, the document also guarantees an eight-hour workday and one month of paid vacation per year. Strikes are illegal, and independent labour unions are discouraged; no known strike has ever been staged under communist rule. The only legally recognized labour organization is the Confederation of Cuban Workers, which is designed to support the government, raise the political consciousness of workers, and improve managerial performance and labour discipline.

Few Cuban workers pay income taxes, although self-employed workers are heavily taxed. Many Cubans make in-kind contributions to the government by participating in mass organizations, volunteering for agricultural work, or meeting production quotas through overtime. Most teenagers are expected to spend several weeks each summer doing agricultural work. The social security program is financed by an enterprise tax.
Now keep in mind this is the person the Democratic party in the United States of America, including recent US presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Jill Stein have openly declared tremendous respect for this monster and his comrade Argentine Marxist revolutionary Che Rivera who massacred thousands. (emphasis mine)

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