The governor of California @GavinNewsom just signed SB-145 into law.— Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) September 12, 2020
This bill empowers sexual predators with new rights to target, groom & violate our children.
God help us.
A #California bill that critics say encourages pedophilia was signed into law by Gov. #GavinNewsom.— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) September 12, 2020
SB 145 “exempts defendants convicted of specified, non-forcible sex offenses involving minors from mandatory registration as a sex offender.”
The Epoch Times
written by Sarah Le
Saturday September 12, 2020
A California bill that critics say encourages pedophilia was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 11.
The bill was passed by the state legislature on the last day of the 2020 session and sent to the governor’s desk on Sept. 8. Newsom had until Sept. 30 to sign or veto the legislation.
Senate Bill 145 (SB 145) “exempts defendants convicted of specified, non-forcible sex offenses involving minors from mandatory registration as a sex offender,” according to the bill’s Senate Floor Analyses.
Current California law doesn’t require mandatory registration as a sex offender for convictions of non-forcible vaginal sex between a minor 14 to 17 years of age and an adult no more than 10 years older. In this case, a judge would have the discretion to require sex offender registry.
Before Newsom signed the bill, the law stated someone convicted of non-forcible oral or anal sex with a minor must automatically register as a sex offender. SB 145 expanded the law to allow a judge to decide whether the adult must register in every case of non-forcible sex with a minor.
The author of the bill, state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), says the bill protects teen couples and “ends blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry,” his office said last year in a press release.
Wiener says he’s faced death threats and other attacks for weeks because of the bill. He blames “right-wing conspiracies,” which he says caused some people to believe the bill legalizes pedophilia.
“SB 145 does not legalize any kind of sex with a minor and does not change the potential sentence for having sex with an underage person,” the press release stated.
Politicians and other individuals across the nation have weighed in on the controversy.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wrote in a Sept. 3 tweet, “Today’s CA Dems believe we need more adults having sex with children, and when they do, they shouldn’t register as sex offenders.”
Every Republican California legislator except one voted against the bill or abstained.
Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) wrote a letter on Sept. 8 urging the governor to veto the bill.
“This bill simply moves in the wrong direction. California should not send the message that adults who commit sodomy, oral copulation, and sexual penetration by foreign object on children as young as 14 are not sexual offenders,” she wrote.
In the Aug. 31 legislative session, former educator and Assemblyman Steven Choi (R-Irvine) called SB 145 “unbelievable.”
“In an age of historic sex trafficking and child trafficking here in California, I think this bill is entirely inappropriate,” he said. “I don’t understand why a 24-year-old volunteer coach should not have to register as a sex offender for being with a 15-year-old student.”
The bill was supported by groups such as the ACLU of California, the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL), the California Police Chiefs Association, and the California District Attorneys Association.
Janice Belluci, executive director of ACSOL, said in a statement that SB 145 “has been controversial since its introduction.”
“Due to the dedication of its author, Senator Scott Wiener, Senate Bill 145 was passed over the objections of the Appropriations Committee chair and despite multiple threats of physical harm,” she said.
Those opposed included the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association, the Child Advocacy Center, and MassResistance.
Some Democratic state legislators also opposed the bill.
California Assembly Appropriation Committee Chair Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) urged her colleagues not to vote on the bill at the legislative session. She said while she agreed with the purpose of the legislation, she couldn’t support it without modifying the previous California law at the same time.
“Any sex is sex. I don’t care who it’s between or what sex act it is. That being said, I cannot in my mind as a mother understand how sex between a 24-year-old and a 14-year-old could ever be consensual, how it could ever not be a registerable offense,” Gonzalez, who is a mother of five, said.
“I think this needs to go back to the drawing board. I think we need to take up both portions of the code and make a determination.”
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law that would give judges a say on whether to list someone as a sex offender for having oral or anal sex with a minor.— ABC30 Fresno (@ABC30) September 12, 2020
Gay, straight, doesn’t matter. California needs to get rid of the 10 year age gap. A 24 year old who has sex with a 14 year is not mandated to register as a sex offender in CA. Judge’s discretion instead. That’s disgusting, but it’s been CA law for a long time. It’s indefensible.— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) September 12, 2020
Kamala Harris supports Scott Wiener, who just got SB-145 passed in California. SB-145 makes it legal for an 18 year old to have sex with an 8 year old as long as the minor consents. Yes, you read that right. That's what you can expect in the USA if Harris becomes Vice President.— Buzz Patterson for Congress (CA-7) (@BuzzPatterson) September 7, 2020
From your office:— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) September 6, 2020
“[A]t least 2,400 people on the [CA] sex-offender registry, and potentially hundreds more, have been convicted of non-vaginal sex with a minor age 14 or older.”
Anal and oral sex don’t cause pregnancy, why RJ laws even existed.— POV (@landshark805) September 5, 2020
This allows for predators, of all persuasion.
If intent was actually protecting youth, loophole age would be cut down to 5 years (or 4) years apart. Then equal for all.
The narrative of this entire bill is predatory and dangerous. The terms “willing minors,” “consensual minors” are impossible. There is no such thing as a willing or consensual minor.— K.A.M. (@kependall17) September 5, 2020
Seems every CA official who supports this wants to pass a crime as legal before Ghislaine gives up all the names.— j chan (@jchan59) September 5, 2020
They keep trying to justify this law with a 18yr old boy with a 17yr old boy.— Eban 'Monkey' Smith (@smith_eban) September 5, 2020
But you have to look at worst case scenario when making these laws.
25yr old male predator manipulating a 15yr old boy into a relationship then sexually abusing him will use this law to his advantage
This law will be abused guaranteed.— Eban 'Monkey' Smith (@smith_eban) September 5, 2020
Child predators will use it to escape having to register then be able to acquire positions of trust to hunt again.
Wiener is beyond naive.
I read it.— Eban 'Monkey' Smith (@smith_eban) September 5, 2020
You changed the law the wrong way round.
Prior a 24 yr old male could have 'nonforcible' sex with a 15yr old female and not automatically go on the register where a gay couple would.
This should have been changed to the straight people do auto go on.
Scott Wiener is sponsoring legislation that is making it okay for an adult to stick his weiner in a minor > 14 years of age and less than a 10 year gap so long as it is “consensual“.— Moonsausage (@RealMoonsausage) September 5, 2020
Is there any such thing as consensual sex between an adult and a minor? —> Answer: NO
Senator Wiener why was the original law and this one using a 10-yr window not made 1-yr given the concern was someone 18 having sex with a 17 yr old and being at risk? It sends a confusing message as it relates to protection of minors with a 10-yr window. Don't you agree?— Howard M (@volfan29681) September 5, 2020
Scott Wiener you should be ashamed of yourself. You are just trying to protect your Hollywood friends who are worried what will happen when Epstein's girl Maxwell spills the beans!— Tony Altamura (@tony_altamura) September 5, 2020
I am beyond disgusted that a bill in California has been passed to lower penalties against sex offenders.— J D. (@naykiddtruth) September 9, 2020
So b/c a 14 yr old allegedly gives their consent to perform sexual acts on them, it’s OK? That’s still considered to be a minor. What the fuck is wrong with people?
THE HILL: San Francisco considers changing local voting age to 16-years-old— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) September 12, 2020
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