In private calls, Biden's campaign promised Wall Street donors that populist reform talk is just that -- talk.— John Binder 👽 (@JxhnBinder) September 9, 2020
Breitbart News
written by John Binder
Tuesday September 8, 2020
Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is promising Wall Street donors the economic status quo that they became used to before President Donald Trump’s administration, according to a report.
An investment banker on Wall Street told the Washington Post that in private calls with financial executives two months ago, Biden’s campaign assured them that talk of populist reforms on the campaign trail was nothing more than talking points.
The Post reports:
When Joe Biden released economic recommendations two months ago, they included a few ideas that worried some powerful bankers: allowing banking at the post office, for example, and having the Federal Reserve guarantee all Americans a bank account. [Emphasis added]But in private calls with Wall Street leaders, the Biden campaign made it clear those proposals would not be central to Biden’s agenda. [Emphasis added]“They basically said, ‘Listen, this is just an exercise to keep the Warren people happy, and don’t read too much into it,’” said one investment banker, referring to liberal supporters of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). The banker, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private talks, said that message was conveyed on multiple calls. [Emphasis added]
In a statement to the Post, Biden’s campaign downplayed the influence of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) — left populists on trade and economic policy — on the former vice president’s agenda.
“The Biden-Sanders task forces made recommendations to Vice President Biden and to the [Democrat National Committee] platform drafting committee,” Biden spokesperson TJ Ducklo said. “This anonymous source appears to be confused and uninformed about this very basic distinction.”
The report comes as Biden told AFL-CIO members on Labor Day that he will be the “strongest labor president” union workers “have ever had.”
“You can be sure you’ll be hearing that word, ‘union,’ plenty of times when I’m in the White House,” Biden pitched. “The words of a president matter. Union. We’re going to empower workers and empower unions.”
In the Democrat presidential primary, Biden told a group of rich Manhattan donors at a private fundraiser that “nothing would change” for them or their wealthy lifestyles if elected.
“I mean, we may not want to demonize anybody who has made money,” Biden said at the June 2019 fundraiser.
“The truth of the matter is, you all, you all know, you all know in your gut what has to be done. We can disagree in the margins but the truth of the matter is it’s all within our wheelhouse and nobody has to be punished,” Biden said. “No one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change.”
Like failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Biden has enjoyed a cozy relationship with Wall Street executives, along with his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).
Most recently, Biden touted Wall Street’s support for his plan to abolish America’s suburbs by seizing control of local zoning laws to construct housing developments and multi-family buildings in neighborhoods. Likewise, Wall Street is fully behind Biden’s plan to hugely expand legal immigration levels, beyond already historical highs at 1.2 million green cards and 1.4 million visa workers a year.
The Biden-Harris ticket has elated Wall Street so much that for the first time in a decade, more financial executives are donating to the Democrat candidates than Republicans, the latest Center for Responsive Politics analysis reveals.
1 YEAR AGO TODAY: After defending them for years, Joe Biden pledged to close down immigration detention facilities if he’s elected president.— Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) August 29, 2020
Biden is an empty vessel for the radical left. He’s embraced their dangerous, open-borders agenda!
Democrats like Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg followed the lead of @JulianCastro in pushing for the decriminalization of illegal border crossings—a policy Obama’s Homeland Security chief said was essentially “open borders.”— Eddie Donovan (@EddieDonovan) January 2, 2020
Joe Biden ratcheted up the Democrat Party's attacks on the Second Amendment:— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) February 21, 2020
Biden: ban "assault weapons" & "get those clips that have multiple bullets in them not for sale, not be able to sell silencers, all those things."
This is a broadside on every law abiding American.
Joe Biden is essentially calling for a ban on weapons that hold “multiple bullets”.— Ryan Jensen (@realryanjensen) September 2, 2019
You will never take away my right to own a firearm, Joe.
'You're full of sh*t'— Joe Biden had this exchange with a gun enthusiast who criticized his plan to ban assault weapons— Shakthi Vadakkepat (@v_shakthi) March 11, 2020
From day one, Donald Trump downplayed the threat COVID-19 posed, ignored scientists, and refused to take action.— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 5, 2020
Now, nearly 5 million cases and more than 150,000 deaths later, it's crystal clear we're paying the price for his failed leadership.
A wall will not stop the coronavirus.— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) March 13, 2020
Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it.
This disease could impact every nation and any person on the planet — and we need a plan to combat it.
In February WHO told the world not to close their borders to prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus disease.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) April 26, 2020
The Marxist Democrats in America also berated President Trump for both China travel ban and Europe travel ban calling him racist and stupid
You're seriously blaming President Trump for the economy?— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 13, 2020
Communist China ALLOWED Covid19 infected people to travel out of Wuhan during Chinese New Year season. China destroyed the world's economy.
Communist China QUARANTINED all of China from traveling to and from Wuhan.
Marxist Democrat Governors and Mayors FORCED BUSINESSES TO SHUTDOWN. They imposed draconian restrictions on Americans and thus destroyed Americans lives.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 13, 2020
They're still doing it. LA Health Director was exposed on leaked audio saying she's imposing lockdown until after election.
.@JoeBiden: “The only person calling to defund the police is Donald Trump.”— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 8, 2020
Joe Biden says “Yes, absolutely!" to “redirecting” police funding and calls them “the enemy.”— Matt Margolis 🇺🇸 (@mattmargolis) July 17, 2020
Biden on his earlier vow to ban fracking: "I never told the environmentalists that I’m going to ban fracking, period! Number one. Number two, it’s a fat lie about what President Trump is saying."— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 8, 2020
— Abigail Marone (@abigailmarone) September 8, 2020
Joe Biden has said MANY times that he WILL BAN FRACKING - killing hundreds of thousands of American jobs.— J. Hogan Gidley (@JHoganGidley) September 8, 2020
I'm so glad this LOCAL reporter asked Joe Biden a question the NATIONAL media never
Joe Biden calls for nationwide mask mandate.— ABC News (@ABC) August 13, 2020
"Let's institute a mask mandate, nationwide, starting immediately—and we will save lives."
IMPORTANT: Biden changes position on national mask mandate, says he would no longer support one due to it being unconstitutional— ELIJAH RIOT (@ElijahSchaffer) September 8, 2020
He has changed a few positions recently, including no longer defunding the police due to low polling numbers from the public
Sleepy Joe Biden has pledged to ABOLISH Suburban Communites as they currently exist by reinstating Obama’s radical AFFH Regulation. There goes Suburbia!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 8, 2020
Breitbart News
written by Staff and AP
Thursday July 23, 2020
The Trump administration said Thursday that it is revoking an Obama-era housing regulation that was designed to eliminate racial disparities in the suburbs but was deemed “unworkable” in practice.
In a statement, Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson said the regulation known as Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, or the AFFH rule, was “unworkable and ultimately a waste of time for localities to comply with.”
It will be replaced by a new rule that reduces the burden of local jurisdictions to prove that they are actively taking steps to address historical patterns of racial segregation in order to qualify for HUD financing.
“Washington has no business dictating what is best to meet your local community’s unique needs,” Carson said.
The move comes after President Donald Trump characterized the 2015 rule as an existential threat to the suburban way of life that will bring about more crime and lower home prices. Fair housing advocates have decried the change as an election year stunt designed to appeal to white voters.
The topic has become a potential hot-button issue in an election year as Trump has said the rule WOULD FORCE the construction of low-income housing in the suburbs.
Can you imagine section 8 low-income projects built in Studio City, West Hollywood, Brentwood, or Malibu? Drive through areas that currently have built section 8 low-income housing. Or better yet look at the CrimeMap on the internet for these areas. You'll understand why this is being revoked. (emphasis mine)
“Your home will go down in value and crime rates will rapidly rise,” Trump said last week. “People have worked all their lives to get into a community, and now they’re going to watch it go to hell. Not going to happen, not while I’m here.”
HUD had already floated the idea of changing the rule earlier this year, but ultimately decided to cancel it entirely. Fair housing advocates says the latest HUD move attempts to skip over the traditional months-long notice and comment process where stakeholders are inviting to weigh in on a proposed rule change.
A statement from The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law called the change, “a full-frontal assault on the rule of law” and promised, “the civil rights movement will fight this tooth and nail.”
The 2015 rule established a 92-question survey and grading tool requiring local jurisdictions to assess their own racial and economic disparities and present detailed plans on how to address them. Carson said the jurisdictions were “forced to comply with complicated regulations that require hundreds of pages of reporting.”
The issue has been a long-standing issue for Carson, and fair housing advocates say the program never truly got off the ground because Carson suspended its implementation shortly after taking office.
Trump has used the AFFH rule as a means of contrasting himself with Joe Biden, his Democratic challenger and Barack Obama’s vice president. Biden has said he would implement the Obama administration’s housing rule.
In an op-ed at RealClearPolitics, former New York Lt. Governor Betsy McCaughey described the AFFH as “one of the worst abuses of the Obama-Biden administration — a power grab masquerading as racial justice.”
McCaughey wrote that compliance with the rule meant that “[t]owns had to scrap zoning, build bigger water and sewer lines to support high-density living, expand schools and social services and add mass transit. All pushing up local taxes. Towns that refused would lose their federal aid.”
Here are just a few of the things that Kamala Harris believes the state can ban at expense of your personal freedom:— Nick Short (@PoliticalShort) January 30, 2019
➖ private health insurance
➖ personal cars
➖ affordable energy
➖ political speech
➖ your guns
➖ for-profit colleges
Americans for Tax Reform published August 18, 2020: FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Admits Her Medicare for All Plan Would Strip Your Private Insurance
Joe Biden's candidate for vice president, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), admitted that she would strip away American's private healthcare plans in a post debate interview with Anderson Cooper on July 31, 2019.
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