This clip of @ThomasSowell debunking the myth of systemic racism is about to cross a million views:— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) July 20, 2020
Black Lives Matter Leader: “If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.. I could be speaking figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation.”— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 25, 2020
Black Lives Matter Greater New York Chair on @marthamaccallum:— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 24, 2020
"Jesus Christ is the most famous black radical revolutionary in history."
Fox News
written by Victor Garcia
June 24, 2020
Greater New York Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome joined "The Story" Wednesday to discuss the direction of the movement in the wake of George Floyd's death in police custody and the subsequent demonstrations across the country, many of which have sparked destruction and violence.
"You ... have said that violence is sometimes necessary in these situations," host Martha MacCallum told Newsome. "What exactly is it that you hope to achieve through violence?"
"Wow, it's interesting that you would pose that question like that," Newsome responded, "because this country is built upon violence. What was the American Revolution, what's our diplomacy across the globe?
"We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like. So for any American to accuse us of being violent is extremely hypocritical."
MacCallum clarified that her question was based off comments she had heard Newsome utter in various interviews.
"I said," Newsome told the host, "if this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking ... figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It's a matter of interpretation.
"Let's observe the history of the 1960s, when black people were rioting," he went on. "We had the highest growth in wealth, in property ownership. Think about the last few weeks since we started protesting. There have been eight cops fired across the country."
"I don't condone nor do I condemn rioting," Newsome added. "But I'm just telling you what I observed."
Later in the interview, Newsome insisted the Black Lives Matter movement is about "saving lives" and its adherents should be "applauded" for upholding the Second Amendment.
"Nobody's talking about ambushing police officers. We're talking about protecting lives," he said. "There's nothing more American than that. We talk about uplifting and upholding the Second Amendment but it seems to be the hypocrisy of America that when black people start talking about arming themselves and defending themselves, [that] talk is 'violent'. But when white people grab assault rifles and go to our nation's, their state capitals, it's all good."
The interview took a turn after MacCallum read a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. and asked Newsome if he agreed with it.
"Let us be dissatisfied," King told the Southern Christian Leadership Conference convention in 1967, "until that day when nobody will shout, 'White power!', when nobody will shout, 'Black power!', but everybody will talk about God's power and human power.'"
"I love the Lord and my Lord and savior," Newsome responded to MacCallum's prompt. "Jesus Christ is the most famous black radical revolutionary in history. And he was treated just like Dr. King. He was arrested on occasion and he was also crucified or assassinated. This is what happens to black activists. We are killed by the government."
At the conclusion of the interview, Newsome told MacCallum, "I just want black liberation and black sovereignty, by any means necessary."
Black Lives Matter is a Marxist movement disguised as racial unrest.— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) June 26, 2020
These thugs are delivering ultimatums to businesses & schools: Do as we say, or burn.
These “demands” were posted by Marxists at James Madison University.
We fight now, or lose America to violent communism.
BLM is a Marxist org, who funnels their money (over a billion+ so far) to ActBlue, rather than helping the people most in need of assistance.— Jon Conley (@Jonathan_Conley) July 19, 2020
BLM=Actblue=Democratic Party— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) July 21, 2020
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) July 21, 2020
Unbelievable. The @NFL just agreed to give the domestic terror group BLM 250 million dollars.— Lauren 🇺🇸 (@MAGA_GRL_4Life) July 21, 2020
Bank of America has pledged to give Marxist Black Lives Matter ONE BILLION DOLLARS.— Brent Bozell (@BrentBozell) July 17, 2020
Every conservative customer MUST CLOSE THEIR ACCOUNTS.
This is (BLM) what corporations are donating by the millions if not billions of dollars. When will USA designate these groups BLM and ANTIFA as Marxist Domestic Terrorist groups. Here are some company’s donating to the BLM, Antifa cause.— Felipe Lopez (@Felipelopez1360) July 17, 2020
DCCC memo called the group radical in 2015:— Lisa Boothe (@LisaMarieBoothe) June 25, 2020
Why is it so hard for people to understand that you can unequivocally believe that black lives matter without supporting a radical organization that has roots in Marxism and the DCCC called radical in 2015?— Lisa Boothe (@LisaMarieBoothe) June 25, 2020
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) June 26, 2020
Wow. Unreal. When is this Communist Democrat nightmare going to stop. 😧— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 29, 2020
Restaurant forced to close after BLM notices 'racist' menu item.
Watch how BLM heckles, berates and attempts to block parishioners from entering Grace Baptist Church, so much so that the men from the church have to block and protect the congregates and their House of Worship.— DEB-PLORABLE 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@DebHaslam) July 6, 2020
When will BLM be declared a terror group?
THIS is the group to which major corporations are donating HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of corporate dollars!— GretchenInOK (@GretchenInOK) July 20, 2020
They burnt a man alive inside a store for George Floyd.— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) July 21, 2020
I fixed it for you. You're welcome. 🙃— ☕ 𝚆𝚊𝚕𝚔 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚢 ☕ (@0P0NYER) May 30, 2020
UPDATE 7/21/20 at 6:02pm: Added info below."I'm an afro-indigenous non binary local organizer here in Portland, organizing for the abolition of not just the militarized police state, but also the United States as we know it.”— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) July 18, 2020
It’s never been about justice.
Help me identify this piece of TRASH...— QAnon John🇺🇸🐸 (@QStorm1111) July 21, 2020
I warned you all. This is unacceptable— terry crews (@terrycrews) July 21, 2020
I’ll be muting this now I proved my point. You all can get mad at the truth but you know I’m right.— RolliN 🏁 (@RevoltRollin) July 21, 2020
BREAKING: Angelica and Laura are kicking off the #StrikeForBlackLives early in California by walking off the job ON STRIKE from @McDonalds!— Fight for $15 LA (@Fightfor15LA) July 20, 2020
Economic and police violence isn't going away.
We're fighting back. #J20
These people HAVE A JOB, most of the rest of the world would die to have to be able to support themselves. In America, if you don't like your pay, you can ask for a raise or quit and find another job that will pay you what you want. No one owes you anything. We all have to work hard to survive in this lifetime. You have no idea what OPPRESSION is. People actually living in OPPRESSION would be thrilled to exchange places with you. (emphasis mine)
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