They finally got us! The #GreenNewDeal is a plan to solve climate change AND reverse wealth inequality by proactively building the new energy economy in America. That means building solar panels, bullet trains, electric cars, batteries, new smart grids, and so much more.— Saikat Chakrabarti (@saikatc) July 11, 2019
AOC's chief of staff has this to say on the Green New Deal: “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti continued. “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”— Rick Klein (@rickklein) July 11, 2019
The Washington Post
written by David Montgomery
Wednesday July 10, 2019
On a Wednesday morning in late May, emissaries of two of the strongest political voices on climate change convened at a coffee shop a few blocks from the U.S. Capitol. Saikat Chakrabarti, chief of staff to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), was there to meet Sam Ricketts, climate director for Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D), who is running for president almost exclusively on a platform of combating global warming. A newly released plank of Inslee’s climate change agenda had caught the attention of Chakrabarti and his boss, who had tweeted that Inslee’s “climate plan is the most serious + comprehensive one to address our crisis in the 2020 field.” Pleased by the positive reception from the demanding Green New Deal wing of the climate struggle, Ricketts had set up this meeting with Chakrabarti to establish a personal connection and share approaches to climate advocacy.
“Congrats on the rollout,” Chakrabarti told him as they sat down. “That was pretty great.”
“Thank you again for the kudos you guys offered,” said Ricketts. “We wanted to be pace-setting for the field, and I think we’re there now. … I want to ask you for input … in addition to hearing what you guys are working on.”
Chakrabarti had an unexpected disclosure. “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal,” he said, “is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.” Ricketts greeted this startling notion with an attentive poker face. “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti continued. “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”
“Yeah,” said Ricketts. Then he said: “No.” Then he said: “I think it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s dual. It is both rising to the challenge that is existential around climate and it is building an economy that contains more prosperity. More sustainability in that prosperity — and more broadly shared prosperity, equitability and justice throughout.”
Chakrabarti liked the answer. “The thing I think you guys are doing that’s so incredible is … you guys are actually figuring out how to do it and make it work, the comprehensive plan where it all fits together,” he said. “I’d love to get into a situation where everyone’s trying to just outdo each other.” But Chakrabarti couldn’t help adding: “I’ll be honest, my view is I still think you guys aren’t going big enough.”
Ricketts seemed unfazed by the critique. “Well, you know, we’re not done. When it comes to a nationwide economic mobilization, there’s more to come on this front, for one. And other key components we’re going to be rolling forward speak to some of the key justice elements of this … ensuring every community’s got a part of this.”
Nationwide economic mobilization. Justice. Community. Ricketts kept laying down chords in Chakrabarti’s key. It was an acknowledgment of just how far inside establishment Washington the progressive movement has reached. Everything is intersectional now — including decarbonization.
Ocasio-Cortez’s priorities and approach offer the purest expression of the progressive movement in Congress. And as her gatekeeper and chief of staff — the COS to AOC — Chakrabarti is a new type on Capitol Hill: the movement chief of staff. It’s what you become when your boss is invested with the hopes of millions of Twitter followers and painted with the prejudices of countless haters. Your job involves both scheduling for the next week and planning for the ages.
“I like to show my cards and see people’s reactions,” Chakrabarti told me after we left Ricketts. “I just wanted to get a sense of where they’re coming from. … They seem open and hungry and want to do stuff. … In my mind, an ideal situation is we have a president surrounded by a bunch of people who are constantly thinking how could we go bigger, bolder, faster, better on everything. … I don’t know if Inslee’s going to be president, but if he runs a really good campaign, maybe he ends up running a big agency. What’s the mind-set he’s going to bring to that agency?” Coffee with Ricketts was a way of peering over the political horizon — which is exactly what a movement chief of staff wants to do.
Almost as remarkable as the rise of Ocasio-Cortez has been Chakrabarti’s trajectory. When we met, Chakrabarti, 33, arrived with his customary backpack and white button-down shirt stretched over a torso that has spent a lot of time in a gym. Because I was interested, he began telling the story of how he went from politically disengaged techie to fired-up activist to insurgent insider. He didn’t mention that he also deserves much of the credit for recruiting AOC to run in first place.
“To me, there wasn’t a difference between working for her and working for the movement as a whole,” he said. “The whole theory of change for the current Democratic Party is that to win this country we need to tack to the hypothetical middle. What I think that means is, you don’t take unnecessary risks, which translates to: You don’t really do anything. Whereas we’ve got a completely different theory of change, which is: You do the biggest, most badass thing you possibly can — and that’s going to excite people, and then they’re going to go vote. Because the reality is, our problem isn’t that more people are voting Republican than Democrat — our problem is most people who would vote Democrat aren’t voting.”
The son of immigrants from India, Chakrabarti grew up in Fort Worth. He graduated from Harvard with a computer science degree and went to work on the tech side of a hedge fund in Connecticut. After saving enough money to start his own company, he moved to San Francisco in 2009 and co-founded Mockingbird, a Web design tool. In 2011 he became one of the earliest employees of Stripe, the online payments platform. Chakrabarti and Ross Boucher, one of his colleagues on the Stripe product team, would work 70-hour weeks, eat dinner every night in the office, then go work out. “He’s someone who actually cares about the thing being done and not whatever credit he might get,” Boucher told me. “He’s interested in the outcome, and doing the work.”
At first Chakrabarti shared the idealism of those lured to the Bay Area to change the world through tech. But San Francisco was a shock. “You see, like, holy crap, is this the dystopian future we’re signing up for?” he says. “I mean, it’s just huge amounts of wealth and some very rich people, and then just poverty and homelessness very visually and very viscerally. That was a lot of why I ended up quitting Stripe. I loved the people I worked with — I just didn’t feel like I was actually solving any real problems. And I wanted to figure out how to do that. And you know, yes, climate change is an existential threat, but there’s also kind of this existential issue of why is it that as our society is progressing … things seem to be regressing and getting worse for a large number of people? Why is that happening? How do we fix that?”
Initially, he doubted the answer lay in political engagement — a learned cynicism, he thinks, of his generation having grown up watching wars, recession and bank bailouts. “We’ve only ever seen the establishment win,” he says. What changed his mind was the enthusiastic mass reaction to Bernie Sanders’s campaign four years ago. He contacted Zack Exley, a senior Sanders adviser, and said he’d do anything to help. Exley was in charge of the campaign’s distributed organizing team, which was trying to use the Internet to harness the tremendous volunteer energy. “He saw how our organizing worked, and he was able to imagine the [software] tools that we needed and just build them himself,” Exley told me. “He was just a super-humble, super-level-headed guy. I always used to joke that he was the only emotionally healthy person in politics.”
In the spring of 2016 — even before Sanders conceded the primary race — Chakrabarti, Exley and other Sanders organizers, including Alexandra Rojas and Corbin Trent, were thinking of next steps for the movement. To enact change, they reasoned, it was vital to transform Congress. They formed a group called Brand New Congress with the mission to recruit hundreds of community leaders and working-class candidates to run on a vision of getting corporate money out of politics, tackling climate change, transforming the economy, providing health care for all, standing for racial justice and stemming mass incarceration. They sifted through more than 10,000 nominations to find the best recruits. “Our biggest criteria was, basically, find someone who had a chance to sell out and didn’t,” Chakrabarti says.
Because Ocasio-Cortez is owned by Justice Democrats, Brand New Congress run by a Communist and an Islamist who named his YouTube channel after the Turkish Islamist militants who genocided Armenian Christians.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) April 23, 2019
AOC is an actor who answered casting call. ๐
Ocasio-Cortez, who was then a bartender from the Bronx, was nominated by her brother. It was Isra Allison, another member of Brand New Congress, not Chakrabarti, who had a key initial recruiting interview with her. But Chakrabarti drove the overall effort. In the recent Netflix documentary “Knock Down the House,” which follows four of the candidates, Chakrabarti can be seen declaring to a gathering of the recruits, including Ocasio-Cortez, “We actually want to create that grass-roots-funded machine that can be a real opposition to the current institutional powers.” Nasim Thompson, who also helped recruit candidates, told me: “It was clear from the very beginning that the ship was moving with his guidance. … He was so focused that it naturally created a gravitational pull. … He was sort of relentless in that, and simultaneously just so pleasant, it was shocking. Almost not human. I used to say, ‘How do you stay so Zen?’ ”
In the end, the project “was a spectacular failure,” Chakrabarti tells me, laughing. They managed to recruit only a dozen candidates because, as it turned out, many good people doing strong community work didn’t see the point of running for Congress. Of the 12, only one won: Ocasio-Cortez. Chakrabarti ended up helping to manage Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign, while Trent handled media and Rojas worked on field operations. Under the auspices of a new group, Justice Democrats, also co-founded by Chakrabarti, they endorsed dozens more, including progressive winners such as Reps. Ilhan Omar (Minn.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.).
“It was a total failure, but we also had no idea that one or two victories would have as much of an earth-shattering impact like AOC’s victory did,” Chakrabarti says. “It was a learning experience to find out that Alexandria, but also Ilhan, Rashida and Ayanna, just by being strong leaders within Congress and continuing to act the way they did during the campaign, to a large extent, can actually move stuff so fast and so massively and so big. … One of my favorite things Alexandria said recently was: We’re not just changing the Democratic agenda, we’re changing the Republican agenda. Because now there’s Republicans putting out climate plans.”
Trent has joined Chakrabarti inside Ocasio-Cortez’s office, as communications director, while Rojas and Thompson remain on the outside, as executive director and candidate recruitment director, respectively, of Justice Democrats. The movement now has an inside game, as well as an outside game. “That’s what building power looks like,” Thompson says.
After she was elected, Ocasio-Cortez said in a video to recruit a new crop of Justice Democrats: “I’ve literally been movement-first and accountable to social movements the entire time I’ve been running for office.” The office Chakrabarti manages in the Cannon Building operates in that spirit. “We think of ourselves as an office that’s … a component to a larger infrastructure,” he says. “Literally, our mission statement in the office talks about what do we, as a movement, want to do in the long run, and that’s how we set our goals.” A draft of the mission statement brainstormed at a staff retreat begins: “To boldly and decisively spur a people-led movement for social, racial, environmental and economic justice.”
Not everything has run smoothly. Chakrabarti played a major role in helping to produce the Green New Deal resolution introduced by Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) in February. Yet the measure’s rollout was marred by an FAQ that included controversial language not in the resolution, such as providing economic security to those “unwilling to work.” Conservative critics gleefully pounced. “An early draft of a FAQ that was clearly unfinished and that doesn’t represent the GND resolution got published to the website by mistake,” Chakrabarti wrote on Twitter. “Mistakes happen when doing time launches like this coordinating multiple groups and collaborators.”
In March, meanwhile, a conservative group filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission highlighting more than $1 million paid by Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats to a corporation set up by Chakrabarti. Chakrabarti and an attorney for the groups said none of the money went to Chakrabarti but was to support the multiple campaigns seeking to transform Congress.
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Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca wants communal ownership of land, labor and resources “by any means necessary.”— John Catsimatidis Jr (@johncatsjr) June 15, 2019
Some of these Democrats are skipping over socialism and going straight to communism!
New Denver City Council Member: I Will Usher In Communism ‘By Any Means Necessary’. ๐ฆ— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 17, 2019
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) June 16, 2019
This makes the “economic security for those unwilling to work” in the initial GND FAQ all the more damaging— Jesse Hunt (@JJHunt10) July 11, 2019
Of course. It was always about enslaving us under totalitarian communism and destroying the US. @AOC isn't fooling anybody.— Tim Westcott (@tdw1116) July 11, 2019
Green on the outside, red on the inside...— Goldens Rule (@jamesbranch3) July 11, 2019
The whole thing is just a way to transfer wealth.— Chris King (@ChrisK90) July 11, 2019
...they are the modern Democrat Party...#crazy— #191,323,175 (@SchauTim) July 11, 2019
At least he is honest, Climate change has always been about distribution of wealth. A socialist utopia— Tejas Conservative (@TXGaryM) July 11, 2019
"I gave several of the Green New Deal's Dem cosponsors the opportunity to debate and vote on their ridiculous Green New Deal legislation, but they were afraid to debate it, labeled it as not serious, and voted against it because they know this disastrous— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 6, 2019
“Democrats are upset they had to vote on their own Green New Deal.— Jessica Ditto (@JessicaDitto45) March 27, 2019
Isn’t democracy great? Only in Congress could a political party introduce legislation with great media fanfare, then vote against it and blame the other side for cynicism.”
Democrats, Including Ocasio-Cortez, Vote Against Green New Deal Amendment— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 6, 2019
NYC To Ban Hot Dogs and Processed Meats To Improve Climate. ๐ฆ [4/23/19]— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) April 26, 2019
Mayor signed 'Green New Deal' that will be cutting 50% of meat eating. Dems wouldn't vote for GND on record in Congress, so they're pushing this oppression on public at local level.
#NYC to Start 'Phasing Out' Hot Dogs as Part of Their Green New Deal the @AOC war on #Jobs and #Joy continues... the 15,000 people who voted her in office have done more damage per liberal than any group I can remember. ๐๐คฃ๐— Michael Flynn (@mrmikeflynn) April 26, 2019
These are AOC’s followers supporting the Green New Deal. How do they plan on powering their homes, cars, schools and cellphones when she shuts down all coal fired and nuclear power plants? Bye bye to Big Macs, Hot Dogs and Grocery Stores. Adios America!— ฮฮฮฮฉฮ ฮฮฮฮ (@Charles28973069) March 16, 2019
The Left put a hijab on the Statue of Liberty. They hate America and Israel, Christians and Jews.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) July 3, 2019
They hate our Western values. Marxists and Islam working together to bring down America. Both have taken over UN. This has been their ultimate goal. ๐
Bose worked with the Axis to kill Indians and other allies... Including relatives of mine.— Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) July 9, 2019
AOC’s Chief of Staff wore a shirt supporting a fascist who actively collaborated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 9, 2019
My latest for @HumanEvents.
Woke antifascist leftists (who aren't Indian nationalists) are actually supporting a pretty extreme national socialist self-proclaimed "my ideology is Hitler meets Stalin" guy who furthered Hitler's plans for global domination to own Winston Churchill. Okay. You can't be real.— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 9, 2019
Human Events
written by Ian Miles Cheong
Tuesday July 9, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Chief of Staff Saikat Chakrabarti wore a t-shirt bearing the face of Subhas Chandra Bose, a staunch collaborator of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Chief of Staff has shown support for a controversial Indian leader known for his long-time collaboration with both Imperial Japan and Adolf Hitler.
Saikat Chakrabarti, who previously supported Bernie Sanders’ bid for the White House in 2016, entered public politics with a series of tweets slamming Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for belittling her freshman colleagues and losing to the Republicans.
Following his brief brush with fame, the AOC staffer has posed in a t-shirt printed with the likeness of early 20th century politician Subhas Chandra Bose.
As twice-elected leader of the Indian National Congress, Bose called for the violent overthrow of India’s British government, but was forced to resign following opposition from Mohandas Gandhi.
At the dawn of the Second World War, Bose established diplomatic ties with authoritarian regimes, including the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Imperial Japan.
Bose was a fierce proponent of both Hitler’s national socialist ideology and Stalin’s version of communism. Bose described his ideology as “a synthesis of what modern Europe calls socialism and fascism.” During his exile from India, Bose penned laws that demanded a death sentence for anyone who defied his future rule. He intended to rule India for at least 20 years following its liberation from British rule.
At the height of the war, Bose led the self-styled Indian National Army with heavy assistance from Imperial Japan.
He made use of slave labor made up of prisoners of war captured by the Japanese, and conscripted Indian POWs into the role of shock troops to support the Japanese invasion of Asia. His military campaigns against the British Commonwealth and Allied forces in the region were failures.
Bose died in a plane crash in August 1945, just days before Japan’s unconditional surrender to the United States of America.
Despite his failures, he continues to be a celebrated figure among some Indian nationalists and members of the diaspora – among them Saikat Chakrabarti, who appears to idolize the controversial figure.
It is not known if Chakrabarti is aware of the full scope of Bose’s political leanings – or if he is simply wearing a shirt with Bose’s face on it the same way leftists celebrate the memory of Che Guevara by wearing t-shirts with his face on them.
Chakrabarti’s reverence for Chandra Bose is the perfect accompaniment to Ocasio-Cortez’s recent quoting of Argentina’s Eva Perรณn, whose sympathies for the Nazis are well documented.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 7, 2019“I had watched for many years and seen how a few rich families held much of Argentina's wealth and power in their hands. So the government brought in an eight hour working day, sickness pay and fair wages to give poor workers a fair go.”
- Evita Perรณn
No , you have no clue what you are even talking about . It was the start of a disaster for our country . They stole from everyone to give to the poor and did not help anyone but themselves and their friends .— Paula Aragone (@PaulaAragone) July 8, 2019
Does she really think they were trying to help the working class and the poor ? No they weren’t , they killed the working class with their totalitarian and socialist system, and oh boy if you didn’t wear their pin on your outfit or didn’t agree with them ... you got fired!— Paula Aragone (@PaulaAragone) July 8, 2019
Eva Peron ‘kept Nazi treasure taken from Jews’— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) July 7, 2019
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