May 19, 2019

I'm Free. I'm Delivered. I'm Healed. Defeat And Failure Are Things Of The Past. I've Been Set Aside For The Lord's Attention. Come Out Of Darkness.

Emmanuel TV published on Mar 7, 2019: Be restored for the glory of God and dispel every form of darkness in your life as you join in this glorious time of Mass Prayer with T.B. Joshua at the SCOAN!

"I will never forget who is Light when I come out of darkness. Disease is darkness. Affliction is darkness. Failure is darkness. Disappointment is darkness. Limitation is darkness. That mountain of yours is darkness. Come out of darkness right now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!!!" - T.B. Joshua

Emmanuel TV published on Jul 17, 2018: If you are facing any situation that needs PRAYER, you have found the right video... Get ready for a powerful encounter with the Living God as you get set aside for His special attention!

Join T.B. Joshua in this incredibly anointed time of prayer at The SCOAN and witness the power of God flow into every department of your life! We look forward to hearing your testimony...

"Whatever that is not of Him - your weakness, sickness, infirmity, disease - begin to remove them, in the name of Jesus Christ!" - T.B. Joshua

Emmanuel TV published on Jan 11, 2018: Join T.B. Joshua in this anointed time of prayer and experience God's power anywhere you are in the world!!

"All unclean spirits operating in your life - be it in your career, marriage, health, family, finances or business - I command them to LEAVE YOU RIGHT NOW, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!!!"  - T.B. Joshua


I've had this awful headache since Friday evening. The headache stemmed from pain in my back muscle that was really sensitive to touch. I didn't do anything strenuous to cause it. I felt like something attached itself to me spiritually speaking. I took over-the-counter headache medication. It didn't work. The headache and pain in my back persisted and grew worse. I asked my mom to give me a deep tissue massage in that area of my back that hurt so much. It didn't work. The headache and pain persisted. I am so happy to report that I just finished watching these three anointed messages by Pastor T.B. Joshua and I am healed. Yes, I couldn't believe it either. I still get mind blown. While I was listening to the messages, I put hands on my head and area of my back where I felt the horrible pain. After watching each video twice, the pain dissolved and completely went away. I was burping loud burps and wanting to throw up as I felt the pain dissolve away.

Through this channel God's Supernatural POWER has healed the pain that was trying to torment me. God's Supernatural POWER is real. It really works. I am here to testify that it worked for me. That's why I'm sharing these videos with you. Try it. What do you have to lose?

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