Proposed California bill would mandate priests report sexual abuse discussed in confession— KTLA (@KTLA) April 4, 2019
KTLA News, Los Angeles local
written by Tribune Media Wire
Thursday April 4, 2019
California lawmakers are hoping to reverse hundreds of years of tradition in the Catholic church and mandate that priests who hear of child sexual abuses in confession report it to law enforcement.
"The victims are told to be quiet, abusers are let go, free. Nothing happens to them and the cycle repeats and repeats," Kameron Torres said.
It was just two years ago Torres, as he puts it, woke up to the brainwashing of being a Jehovah's Witness. He says at 6 years old he was sexually abused by a person of authority within the church and nothing was done about it.
"You go to meetup groups, that’s what happened to me, and I started hearing the same stories," Torres said. "I realized very quickly it wasn't just me."
Torres said abuses happen in many religious denominations, and too often the abuser gets away with it. He’s now helping lawmakers push Senate Bill 360 to end the silence around abuse.
"SB 360 requires clergy to report suspected child abuse or neglect," said Sen. Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo.
But many people are wondering if the bill goes too far.
It would challenge centuries of church tradition in which priests are sworn not to violate their promise to God to keep what’s said in confession private.
"It would undermine the entire sacrament of confession for something that’s not likely to happen," said Steve Pehanich with the California Catholic Conference of Bishops.
Pehanich said SB 360 would essentially put clergy in an impossible position and violate California laws or violate their oath to God.
Pehanich added if the aim is to stop sexual abuse within the ranks of the clergy and stop the church from hiding those abuses, this isn’t the solution.
"We all want to protect children, especially now, but this bill is not going to do it," he said.
Current law does exempt clergy from reporting crimes they hear about during confession but lawmakers said it's time for California to change that.
"It is immoral and against God's will for people to abuse children and I think it is the responsibility of the state to do everything it can to make sure that does not continue," said Sen. Hannah Beth Jackson, D-Santa Barbara.
Torres said he and others will continue to fight for the bill as church leaders push back.
"It’s misusing this exemption for clergy," he said.
"The confessor is not confessing to the priest, he or she is confessing to God," Pehanich said.
The bill did advance out of its first committee 5-0 but two senators didn't vote at all.
The Catholic Church is one of many Christian denominations.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) April 4, 2019
I'm curious why this bill doesn't apply to all religions? It has only targeted one religion. Interesting.
For the record, I am a non-denominational Christian.
This is dumb on it's face. The abuser will not confess.
That has no chance of holding up on a court challenge— Michael Sheridan (@heartofgypsy77) April 4, 2019
At first read, this sounds bizarre....but I'm thinking that that would be a priest in the confessional confessing their abuse behavior with another priest?— BeachPretzel (@BeachPretzel2) April 4, 2019
Doesn’t matter. Priests take an oath to God that they won’t reveal anyone’s confession. This law would get tossed by the Supreme Court— HUH (@jamezmarvin) April 4, 2019
That's what I thought.— BeachPretzel (@BeachPretzel2) April 4, 2019
BREAKING NEWS: Catholic church will 'never again' ignore allegations of sexual abuse, Pope Francis declares, as he promises to 'spare no effort' to bring guilty priests to justice. He also said the Church would not 'seek to hush up' these 'abominations'.— Dave Vescio (@DaveVescio) December 21, 2018
#PopeFrancis has called upon young people to be vigilant in the face of “horrible crimes” of clerical sexual abuse, and to confront priests “at risk” of betraying the trust of their office. via @cnalive #ChristusVivit #Catholic— EWTN Vatican (@EWTNVatican) April 3, 2019
Catholic News
written by Courtney Grogan
Tuesday April 2, 2019
Vatican City, Apr 2, 2019 - Pope Francis has called upon young people to be vigilant in the face of “horrible crimes” of clerical sexual abuse, and to confront priests “at risk” of betraying the trust of their office. The pope issued the plea in his post-synodal apostolic exhortation on youth, Christus vivit, published Tuesday.
“If you see a priest at risk, because he has lost the joy of his ministry, or seeks affective compensation, or is taking the wrong path, remind him of his commitment to God and his people, remind him of the Gospel and urge him to hold to his course. In this way, you will contribute greatly to something fundamental: preventing these atrocities from being repeated.”
The apostolic exhortation was published in response to last year’s synod on young adults, the faith, and vocational discernment.
The pope also asked young people to seek inspiration from “the vast majority of priests” who have not “committed these horrible crimes.”
Monsignor Fabio Fabene, under-secretary of the Synod of Bishops, highlighted this paragraph in his presentation of the document by the Holy See Press Office April 2.
“Pope Francis calls for the collaboration of young people also in relation to the gruesome phenomenon of sexual abuse of children, first of all through careful vigilance,” Fabene said.
This is an example of how the pope “expresses his confidence in young people,” affirming that they have much to contribute to reform and “healing this wound.”
CNA asked Fabene if - given the “horrible crimes” of the abuse crisis - calling on young people to confront violent priests could put them at greater risk.
Fabene said the invitation to hold priests to account directly was “prophetic on the part of the pope,” who was entrusting young people with “this mission, this task, this closeness” in rejuvenating the heart of “priests who find themselves in difficulty” in their vocation and mission.
“I don’t see any problems with this,” he said. “I see an act of trust that the pope has in young people … that shines throughout all of the document.”
The apostolic exhortation’s eight-paragraph section titled “Ending every form of abuse” makes extensive use of quotes from the final document of the Synod of Bishops on young people, faith, and vocational discernment, first published October 28.
The text of Christus vivit adds that young people “can be a source of great healing if they employ their great capacity to bring about renewal, to urge and demand consistent witness, to keep dreaming and coming up with new ideas.”
“Our sins are before the eyes of everyone; they appear all too clearly in the lines on the age-old face of the Church, our Mother and Teacher,” the pope wrote in paragraph 101.
“Let us never forget that we must not abandon our Mother when she is wounded, but stand beside her, so that she can summon up all her strength and all her ability to begin ever anew.”
The new document “reaffirms the firm commitment made to adopting rigorous preventative measures intended to avoid the recurrence of these crimes, starting with the selection and formation of those to whom tasks of responsibility and education will be entrusted.”
The exhortation does not, however, include the phrase “zero tolerance.”
Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, explained that "zero tolerance" was omitted because “the pope wanted to highlight other aspects” of the abuse crisis.
“The pope could not say everything in one document,” Baldissseri noted, but said that the pope had emphasized his commitment to fighting abuse.
“Youth need to know that this problem exists and the Church doesn’t tolerate it,” Baldisseri said.
The document, addressed to “all Christian young people,” observes that because of “sexual and financial scandals” and “a clergy ill-prepared to engage effectively with the sensitivities of the young,” a substantial number of young people want nothing to do with the Church.
Pope Francis used the document to express his gratitude, “together with the Synod Fathers,” to all of those who had “the courage to report the evil they experienced.”
“They help the Church to acknowledge what happened and the need to respond decisively,” said the pope.
The “holy People of God” will “liberate us from the plague of clericalism, which is the fertile ground for all these disgraces.”
“This dark moment, ‘not without the valuable help of the young, can truly be an opportunity for a reform of epoch-making significance,’ opening us to a new Pentecost and inaugurating a new stage of purification and change capable of renewing the Church’s youth,” Pope Francis said.
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