Jussie Smollett fails to pay city of Chicago $130,000.— Charlie De Mar (@CharlieDeMar) April 4, 2019
City will now go after the money in civil court. @cbschicago pic.twitter.com/FwwOopIOJv
City of #Chicago moving forward with a civil suit against #JussieSmollett after he “refused to reimburse the city for the cost of police OT spent investigating his false police report”. The suit will be filed in the “near future” and will seek full measure of damages allowed. https://t.co/nF07A0z0rM— Rafer Weigel (@RaferWeigel) April 4, 2019
Letter from #JussieSmollett atty’s say they would also depose the Osundairo brothers & demand to see all evidence from the case including that which was not turned over to the defense before charges were dropped & the legal team would ask that all records be open to the public. https://t.co/E0izuGN10n— Rafer Weigel (@RaferWeigel) April 5, 2019
Jussie Smollett Says Chicago is Trying to Maliciously Intimidate Him https://t.co/jZxcLIFGW8— TMZ (@TMZ) April 5, 2019
Kim Foxx suggests racism behind criticism of her dropping all charges against @JussieSmollett:— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 7, 2019
“I've been asking myself for the last two weeks what is this really about. ... As the first African American woman in this role, it's disheartening to me" the goalposts have shifted. pic.twitter.com/Z5dLAVdUW7
Foxx later said she didn't make this about her race, but rather "white nationalists" who attended the police union's protest against her did. (She's presumably referring to the Proud Boys, who aren't actually white nationalists.) pic.twitter.com/o6wh3Flgz0— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 7, 2019
The email sent by Michelle Obama’s former Chief of Staff Tina Tchen which was the precursor to text and phone call exchanges between SA Kim Foxx and an unknown #JussieSmolett family member. pic.twitter.com/aRUiK3XYWQ— Rafer Weigel (@RaferWeigel) March 26, 2019
Illinois Congressman Bobby Rush slams the Chicago police union as the 'sworn enemy of black people' following its calls for prosecutor Kim Foxx to resign in the wake of the Jussie Smollett saga https://t.co/AHgiobe3Le— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) April 8, 2019
///BREAKING/// A South Side lawyer filed a petition today asking for a special prosecutor to look into whether Kim Foxx "acted to impede" the investigation of "Empire" actor #JussieSmollett— Jason Meisner (@jmetr22b) April 4, 2019
What's laughable, is how Chicago, Cook County, and the State of Illinois go after hard-working, productive citizens, claiming they don't pay their "fair share," as if higher taxes/fees = social justice. Then Jussie Smollett, an actual criminal who hurts society, walks free.— Brad Thor (@BradThor) March 26, 2019
Stats: White supremacy violence increases from 2 incidents to 4 incidents per year— Leonydus Johnson (@LeonydusJohnson) April 5, 2019
The Media: White supremacy violence has doubled in the past year! White supremacy is on the riiiiiiiise
When the snow goes away, the violent a-holes of Chicago come out to play.. And we supposed to be afraid of “white supremacy”??? Hahahahaha!! GTFOH@TheOfficerTatum @FrantzRadio @larryelder https://t.co/AALrtHOJsd— Will. Power (@KIR_bigg50) April 8, 2019
Dropping all 16 charges against Jussie Smollett –charges indicted by a grand jury– is an absolute disgrace to our justice system. There needs to be accountability for his filing false police reports & faking a hate crime. This is unbelievably wrong & Chicagoans deserves better.— Adam Kinzinger (@RepKinzinger) March 26, 2019
Herald Sun, Australia
written by Rita Panahi
Thursday March 28, 2019
Something is rotten in the once-great city of Chicago. The Windy City, the third biggest metropolis in the United States, is a cesspit of violence, gun crime and, perhaps, high-level corruption.
Jussie Smollett’s elaborate hate crime hoax has not only seen his own reputation trashed but the Illinois justice system smeared thanks to the questionable conduct of the state attorney’s office which has inexplicably dropped all charges against the actor.
How can a rich, well-connected TV star facing 16 felony counts, each carrying a possible three-year jail term and $25,000 fine, walk away with all charges dropped in exchange for 16 hours’ community service and a $10,000 penalty?
What’s more, the case has been sealed, meaning the public may never know the extent of Smollett’s criminality and the evidence gathered by the police.
In addition, a court order has reportedly been issued barring police from discussing case details.
The police have a file on Smollett 20cm thick, according to the police’s Chief Communications Officer, Anthony Guglielmi.
To call this a miscarriage of justice is simply insufficient.
How can a man guilty of a carefully planned crime designed to boost his star power while sowing racial discord get off practically scot-free?
The hoax received saturation media coverage before it was debunked.
The police union and chief are irate, the mayor is ropeable and even the Left-leaning segments of the media are asking pertinent questions about transparency, culpability and corruption.
For those not up to speed with the Smollett case, it involves a black, gay star of TV program Empire who has long been a fierce critic of President Donald Trump.
Smollett claimed he had been the victim of a vicious hate crime carried out by two white thugs — wearing MAGA hats — who yelled racial and homophobic slurs, assaulted him, wrapped a noose around his neck and drenched him in bleach.
Naturally, the Trump-hating media jumped on the story without asking any questions about the improbability of Smollett’s claims. The cops and most people with IQs above room temperature were suspicious from the start, given the story was implausible with holes you could drive a Mack truck through.
Smollett was charged when two Nigerian brothers, who were known to him, admitted their involvement in the hoax.
The 16-count felony indictment came after police meticulously took apart the fantastical tale, starting with Smollett’s phone records and bank accounts.
Understandably, the police chief isn’t happy about the outcome.
“At the end of the day, it was Smollett who committed this hoax,” Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said.
Last month, Johnson explained how damaging Smollett’s behaviour had been for the community: “I’m left hanging my head and asking, ‘Why?’ Why would anyone, especially an African-American man, use the symbolism of a noose to make false accusations? How could someone look at the hatred and suffering associated with that symbol … how can an individual who has been embraced by the city of Chicago turn around and slap everyone in this city by making this false claim? Bogus police reports cause real harm.”
The police union also slammed prosecutors for dropping the case and called for a federal inquiry into the role of the state’s prosecutor, Kimberly Foxx, who was contacted by Tina Chen, a former chief of staff to Michelle Obama, and asked to intervene in the police investigation.
“We want to make sure that the Justice Department takes a very hard look at that case and what went on today,” said Kevin Graham, president of the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police.
CHICAGO Mayor Rahm Emanuel also wants answers. He said: “You have the state’s attorney’s office saying he’s not exonerated, he actually did commit this hoax. He (Smollett) is saying he’s innocent and his words aren’t true. They better get their stories straight because this is actually making a fool of all of us.
“This is a whitewash of justice … where is the accountability? You cannot have, because of a person’s position, one set of rules apply to them and another set of rules apply to everybody else.”
It’s another sad day for Chicago, a city of 2.7 million which had more homicides in 2018 than New York City (8.6 million) and Los Angeles (4 million) combined.
The Chicago Tribune editorial board summed it up nicely: “It’s an indefensible decision, a deal hashed out in secret, with — this is outrageous — Smollett not even required to take ownership of his apparent hoax. Not even required to apologise for allegedly exploiting hate crime laws. And not even required to reimburse Chicago taxpayers for the enormous cost of this investigation.”
Incredible. This is so wrong. https://t.co/EuW2KyIIMA— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 28, 2019
More from Jussie Smollet team.— Charlie De Mar (@CharlieDeMar) March 28, 2019
“It is the Mayor and the Police Chief who owe Jussie - owe him an apology - for dragging an innocent man’s character through the mud. Jussie has paid enough.”
That's the one thing Jussie has been consistent is lying. They made a huge mistake threatening to sue the police. That forced State Attorney Kim Foxx to admit they had enough evidence to prove Jussie was guilty. Grand Jury charged him w/16 felony counts. https://t.co/2P9t55CIW0— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 28, 2019
He's guilty. They wiped clean his record as if he weren't guilty. Here is Kim Foxx's office scrambling to find other criminals they set free under same circumstances.https://t.co/sw355892RC— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 28, 2019
They say look for an example that "restores the victim". Well, MAGA Trump supporters were Jussie Smollett's victims. Jussie stirred up so much violent hatred toward us. And he never apologized for what he did. He is still lying that he's innocent and that he was the victim.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 27, 2019
Cook County's top prosecutor says the deal given to @JussieSmollett is "available to all defendants." If so, why did all of these—charged with the exact same crime—people plead guilty?— CWBChicago (@CWBChicago) March 28, 2019
EXCLUSIVE REPORT: https://t.co/T7TCom3ukt pic.twitter.com/QGv5suzAYM
CBS reporting: "State prosecutor Joe Magats is the person who made the decision to drop the charges. He believes Smollett made up the allegations but says the non-violent case qualifies for community service and a financial penalty which he believes is common practice."
CBS Interviewer: So you believe he's guilty?
First Assistant Cook County State's Attorney Joe Magats: Yes.
CBS Interviewer: So why drop the charges?
First Assistant Cook County State's Attorney Joe Magats: Our priority is violent crimes and the drivers of violence. Jussie Smollett is neither one of those.
CBS Interviewer: And is community service and $10,000 enough to wipe this clean?
First Assistant Cook County State's Attorney Joe Magats: I feel that it is.
"Do you believe that he is innocent?" CBS reporter @adrianasdiaz asks First Assistant Cook County State's Attorney Joseph Magats about dropping charges against Jussie Smollett. "I do not believe he is innocent," Magats responds. pic.twitter.com/NEWZuD2aBe— CBS Chicago (@cbschicago) March 26, 2019
That's not what Kim Foxx or First Assistant State's Attorney said. They both clearly stated publicly that her office had enough evidence to prove Jussie Smollett was guilty of a crime. That's why a Grand Jury charged Jussie with 16 felony counts. If convicted 45 years in prison. https://t.co/R8BeqkY2qp— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 30, 2019
Double jeopardy doesn't apply to Jussie Smollett's case because it was never officially tried in a court of law. So, Jussie Smollett's case can be reopened and tried with a jury of his peers AGAIN.
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) March 28, 2019“Do you consider him guilty?” State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is questioned by ABC 7 Chicago on why the charges were dropped against Jussie Smollett. She hesitates to answer. It was revealed through a FOIA that she privately communicated w/his friend & family. pic.twitter.com/VfeJPHazqQ
Kim Foxx said in this interview above, "A court has not found Jussie Smollett guilty. But BASED ON THE FACTS and EVIDENCE presented in the charging decision made by this office, this office believed that THEY COULD PROVE HIM GUILTY. ๐๐๐๐๐๐
ABC Interviewer: Do you think that he is culpable of falsifying a police report?
Kim Foxx: I think this office based on those charging decisions believed that he is culpable of doing that. ๐๐๐๐๐๐
Incredible. https://t.co/9lu47y5T2o— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 27, 2019
A PR company just sent out this talking points memo on #JussieSmollett that includes this line: “ The news media was used by the Chicago Police Department and in many cases reported falsehoods without properly checking them out. “ pic.twitter.com/qt07k0HqtL— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) March 26, 2019
Called it: State's atty said "she was dropping the case because Jussie would have only gotten community service if convicted and she said he has already performed community service so there is no point in prosecuting him."https://t.co/X5K0Mcocwb— Nate Madden (@NateOnTheHill) March 26, 2019
Oops. You can read the @JussieSmollett case files that we received in their entirety here:https://t.co/GLYC5W5gwH https://t.co/nssWYzIunT— CWBChicago (@CWBChicago) March 27, 2019
Smollett's other attorney, Tina Glandian, suggested on GMA that the Nigerian brothers are also behind the death threat the Chicago PD says Smollett sent himself.— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 27, 2019
When asked if Smollett 100% denies sending it to himself, Glandian said: "I believe so."
Unreal. pic.twitter.com/x87k2bISFk
It’s almost like Smollett’s team thinks it’s OK to destroy the lives of these Nigerian brothers if it means Smollett can get back to being a celebrity in good standing.— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 27, 2019
I don’t care if the Jussie case is sealed. I’m posting this. Share it far and share it wide. pic.twitter.com/c3DKhM1wg3— Jack Posobiec ๐บ๐ธ (@JackPosobiec) March 26, 2019
lol Jussie Smollett said he experienced a vicious racist homophobic attack at 2am during a polar vortex on the coldest night ever in Chicago.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 29, 2019
When the Chicago detectives reviewed thousands of hours of surveillance video, no one was outside EXCEPT for Jussie's friends bundled up.
Just spoke with former attorney for Osundairo brothers.— Charlie De Mar (@CharlieDeMar) March 27, 2019
She says her relationship with them came to an end because the charges were dropped.
Did Jussie or anyone from his team pay the brothers?
Attorney: Absolutely not pic.twitter.com/W8djiYQ3DF
Gloria Schmidt, the attorney for the Osundairo brothers no longer represents them.— Charlie De Mar (@CharlieDeMar) March 27, 2019
Schmidt and a credible crisis management team have decided to walk away from the brothers. Full statement below. @cbschicago pic.twitter.com/y85NxAXfpN
So it would be ok, if those two black Nigerians were up on hate crimes and may have served over a decade in jail? Cause that would have happened if they didnt have any proof to exonerate themselves.— Ravage Beatz a.k.a. DJ Wreck (@PhillyLegend) April 2, 2019
I feel that. I also wonder what he would have done if the cops made a real arrest. That's my only issue with dude at this point.— Nik (@NoTrueName) April 1, 2019
It's got nothing to do with dogma. It's got to do with staying associated with some aura of objectivity. It ain't the crime of the century, or the crime of the month, or the week. But it is a crime. We'd all be much better off if there hadn't been a deus ex machina here.— Dennis Wanebo (@WaneboMusic) April 1, 2019
Jussie, damaged the credibility of the Black community, and he attempted to use REAL Black suffering for person gain. He should go down. If a White boy staged an assault by Black men we'd be screaming to high Heaven. Let's not be hypocrites, or we'll pay for it in the end.— Wattree (@Wattree) April 1, 2019
I am so tired of hearing about this goon. But I disagree with you. What he did is a REAL crime. He is sick in the head for this. He had something on someone very powerful that all charges got dropped over night.— Vanessa ๐ปJasmine ๐ง๐ฝ♀️ (@Vrabb) April 1, 2019
State Attorney Kim Foxx did publicly state that she recused herself because of biased conflict of interest. She says she did in this ABC interview in video above. ๐๐
If Kim Foxx recused herself because of biased conflict of interest, her entire office is recused because they work under her authority.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 28, 2019
Ergo, the decision First Assistant State's Attorney Joe Magat's made to drop ALL 16 felony charges against #JussieSmollett are NULL and VOID.
Though Foxx said she recused herself from the case because of her contact with Tchen and the Smollett family, it was revealed this week that she did not in fact do so. As Daily Wire's Emily Zanotti reported, Foxx was forced to admit an "egregious error"https://t.co/TGRKJ0lsMX— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 29, 2019
Wow. Foxx’s office now admitting she didn’t *actually* recuse herself from the Smollett case, legally speaking. They just used that word “colloquially,” for public consumption. pic.twitter.com/b63Mhct2ln— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) March 28, 2019
Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx claims that the fact that Smollett had no criminal background played a role in the outcome of the case.— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) March 27, 2019
This is a lie.
Smollett pled guilty in 2007 to DUI, driving without a license and ***providing false information to law enforcement*** https://t.co/bTRrAFLXMP
I thought Jussie Smollett walked in part because he had no prior record?— Stefan Molyneux (@StefanMolyneux) March 28, 2019
‘Empire’ Actor Jussie Smollett Pleaded Guilty to DUI, Providing False Information to Law Enforcement in 2007 https://t.co/Omzj1vJRpY
.@EmpireFOX is removing Smollett’s character from end of the season. The show’s producers like @Dannystrong consistently sought to discredit those who were skeptical. They even hired security to protect from Trump supporters when the risk was from within. https://t.co/wX0GyC1nxU— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 22, 2019
Jussie Smollett has a criminal history of being dishonest. In 2007, after being questioned by police in CA for driving intoxicated & not having a valid driver’s license, he identified himself as his brother @JAKESMOLLETT. He signed that name as well. https://t.co/j7iqs0eLG0— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 23, 2019
NEW: From @ABC @JoshMargolin: The FBI and US Postal Inspection Service are continuing their probe into whether Jussie Smollett played a role in sending a threatening to himself prior to the allegedly staged attack, according to a law enforcement official briefed. 1/2— Rob Elgas (@RobElgasABC7) March 26, 2019
MORE: The federal investigation, originally confirmed by @ABC on Feb. 20, has remained open all along–even after the “Empire” actor was hit with Illinois state charges. Developments today have no impact on the federal probe. The FBI’s Chicago office declined to comment. 2/2— Rob Elgas (@RobElgasABC7) March 26, 2019
The dropped charges for faking an assault were in local IL court. Charges involving USPS crimes -- letter with white powder, ie terroristic threat - are an entirely different jurisdiction, with separate prosecutors and judges. Charges could still come. FBI declined to comment— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) March 26, 2019
Just in: @ndaajustice (National District Attorneys Association) blasts Cook County State’s Attorneys handling of #JussieSmolett case. pic.twitter.com/ZDxMC9hM9g— Kristen Nicole (@KristeNicoleFOX) March 28, 2019
Illinois prosecutors' bar puts @SAKimFoxx on blast in scathing letter that "condemns" Foxx's "misleading," "Inaccurate," "abnormal" handling of Smollett case.— CWBChicago (@CWBChicago) March 28, 2019
READ IT: https://t.co/m0JiEME38g pic.twitter.com/TRGjV32ZEV
Meet The Michelle Obama Chief Of Staff Who Kept Jussie Out of Jail https://t.co/uguPz1XiVC via @BigLeaguePol— Curtis Scoon (@CurtisScoon) March 27, 2019
So just so we are clear: People close to Obama got Smollett out of trouble and people close to Obama also let the Russians get away with interfering in an American presidential election.— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) March 26, 2019
Obamas call Disney & Roseanne is fired for a tweet. Obamas call Chicago’s top prosecutor & all charges are dropped against Jussie Smollett because of his “work in the community.” All the while the Obamas are hanging out on David Geffen’s yacht. Must be nice to be them.— John Doe (@JohnDoe78359022) March 26, 2019
Jussie Smollett charges dropped the day after Mueller exonerates Trump. We can all see what's going on here behind the scenes— Jack Posobiec ๐บ๐ธ (@JackPosobiec) March 26, 2019
Gay✔️— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) March 26, 2019
Black ✔️
Liberal ✔️
Celebrity ✔️
Anti-Trump ✔️
= Too many social justice warrior points for Jussie Smollett to be held accountable for his crimes.
Jussie Smollett can't erase this interview and his false accusations against half of America that stirred up so much violent hatred toward us. He was facing 45 years for 16 felony counts and now walks free.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 28, 2019
Jussie GMA Interview on alleged vicious attackhttps://t.co/Wpr21PStnG
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