#UPDATE: Death toll climbs to 11 people, with 16 others, mainly civilians left wounded in car bomb explosion outside a café shop on Maka Al Mukaram road in #Mogadishu - Ambulance Service #Somalia pic.twitter.com/ZY9qrYwj0Y— Live From Mogadishu (@Mogadishu_News) March 28, 2019
At least 15 people died when a car bomb exploded on a busy street and ripped into a nearby restaurant in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, an attack claimed by Al-Qaeda's Somali affiliate Al-Shabaab. https://t.co/61Pfj23mHO pic.twitter.com/C4RoV4t3M4— AFP Africa (@AFPAfrica) March 28, 2019
Yahoo7 News
written by AFP staff
Thursday March 28, 2019
At least 15 people died when a car bomb exploded on a busy street and ripped into a nearby restaurant in Somalia's capital on Thursday, medics said.
Security officials and witnesses reported bodies strewn on the ground as plumes of smoke rose high into the air after the bomb detonated on Mogadishu's Maka Al-Mukarama road, one of the seaside capital's main thoroughfares, an area busy with businesses and travellers.
It struck as people were eating lunch.
The attack was claimed by Al-Qaeda's Somali affiliate Al-Shabaab, in a statement posted on a pro-Shabaab website.
Abdulkadir Abdirahman Adan, director of the Aamin Ambulance service, said that 15 people had been killed, as well as several more wounded by the ferocious blast.
Witnesses described scenes of devastation.
"The car bomb struck a restaurant along the road," said Abdulahi Osman, who was nearby when the blast hit. "This really was a disaster."
Vehicles were tossed into the air by the force of the explosion, which also damaged surrounding buildings. Witnesses said several cars and three-wheel motorbikes were destroyed.
- 'Another day, another funeral' -
"I saw 16 people carried from the blast scene -- and more than 10 of them were already dead," Osman added.
Ambulance workers rushed in to help take the wounded to hospital.
"I don't know whether they were dead or wounded, but I could see several people strewn in the street -- some of them were motionless," said Suado Ahmed, another witness who was at the scene moments after the blast.
Teams of ambulance workers carried away those killed and wounded on stretchers, while volunteers also helped by using plastic sheeting to lift the bodies away.
The bombing is the latest in a recent string of blasts in Mogadishu, which has been hit frequently by Al-Shabaab attacks.
On Saturday, Shabaab gunmen attacked a complex housing government ministries in Mogadishu, killing 11 people including the deputy labour minister.
Since then at least four people have been killed this week in three blasts, including car bombs and roadside explosions.
"Another day. Another funeral. Another friend dead. Another acquaintance burnt alive. I have been to 4 funerals in 4 weeks. Mogadishans used to talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time, now its degenerated to being at any place at any time," city resident Dalmar Hassan wrote on Twitter.
Shabaab fighters have been fighting for more than a decade to topple the government. They fled fixed positions they once held in Mogadishu in 2011, and have since lost many of their strongholds.
But they retain control of large rural swathes of the country, and continue to wage a guerrilla war against the authorities, striking at the heart of Somalia's government, despite years of foreign military support.
The bomb blast hit a restaurant in Mogadishu as people were eating lunch.
Mogadishu has been hit frequently by Al-Shabaab attacks.
Somalis rushed in to help take the wounded to hospital after the bombing.
UPDATE 4/4/19 at 4:51pm: I was looking at my previous post that I published and noticed that this guy Masoud Abdirisag has deleted all of these tweets and made his Twitter account private. Very interesting. That's what Islamists and Marxists do. (emphasis mine)
UPDATE 4/4/19 at 4:51pm: I was looking at my previous post that I published and noticed that this guy Masoud Abdirisag has deleted all of these tweets and made his Twitter account private. Very interesting. That's what Islamists and Marxists do. (emphasis mine)
Unbelievable. No mention of the nightmare Islam brought to Somalia?!— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 27, 2019
Islamist militants overthrew the Somalia government and forced Islamic Sharia law on nation.
Islamist militant group keep nation living in terror.
But you want to shame USA for trying to stop the nightmare?! https://t.co/CNQ7tpuQUu
Islamists overthrew the Government of Somalia LoL , where did u learn history? Why r u spreading fake news?— Masoud Abdirisag (@mafka2356) March 27, 2019
LOOK AT DATE On March 10, 2009, members of the Council of Ministers (Cabinet) of Somalia approved a proposal for the introduction of Islamic law as the law of the land. Of the 36 members of the Council, 20 were present, and their endorsement was unanimous.https://t.co/3jcpqCbsyh— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 29, 2019
[source: Global Legal Monitor]
(Mar. 19, 2009) On March 10, 2009, members of the Council of Ministers (Cabinet) of Somalia approved a proposal for the introduction of Islamic law as the law of the land. Of the 36 members of the Council, 20 were present, and their endorsement was unanimous. Speaking about the importance of the step taken by the Somali Cabinet, Information Minister Farhan Mohamoud said, “Islamic Sharia is the only option to get solutions for the problems in this country [Somalia].” The proposal will need to be presented to the legislature for approval. (Cabinet Approves Implementing Islamic Law, SHABELE MEDIA NETWORK, Mar. 10, 2009, available at http://allafrica.com/stories/200903100526.html.)
The Somali President, Sharif Sheik Ahmed, who was elected only about a month ago, AGREED to impose Sharia law in Somalia to avoid a clash with (ISLAM) tribal leaders. This deal was reached through “talks between the Somali government and its clan opponents, and mediation by regional religious leaders.” (Somali Leader Agrees [sic] Sharia Law, BBC, Feb. 28, 2009, available at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7916937.stm.) Speaking to reporters in Kampala, Uganda, Ahmed said: “[t]he purpose of this decision is to ensure that he who claims that he is fighting to have Sharia no longer has a reason to fight. Sharia does not allow for blood to be shed for political reasons. So that door is closed.” (Somali President Defends Plans for Islamic Law, AFP, Mar. 13, 2009, available at http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jk0V4C7Nw4e1ICQuTRgblaxNboLw
Apparently, you're deliberately spreading misinformation. Do you understand meaning of the word, IMPOSE?— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 29, 2019
"The Somali President, Sharif Sheik Ahmed, who was elected only about a month ago, AGREED TO IMPOSE Sharia law in Somalia to avoid a clash with tribal leaders." (circa 2009)
The US is doing not enough, bombing civilians n extremists same alike won't solve our problems u r only right now recruiting tool for extremists, if the us wants to do something they could lift the arms embargo on Somalia so the Federal Government can do its job— Masoud Abdirisag (@mafka2356) March 29, 2019
THIS IS A LIE 👇Talk to United Nations about restrictions placed on Somalia.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 29, 2019
al-Shabaab Islamist militants terrorizes locals by forcing them to pay to use public roads, block humanitarian aid.
Iran helps them transport illegal Somalia charcoal export. Labels Product of Iran skirt UN sanctions
Who was the cause of the rise of Alshabab? US funded Warlords to police Somalia who were the destroyers of Somalia killed thousands of Civilians n alshabab was created by few extremists to fight against these vicious Warlords n they won the approval of the people at that time— Masoud Abdirisag (@mafka2356) March 29, 2019
Till they became the vicious killers n started killing civilians, so please don't lecture us , u mix urself with other people's affairs n when it explodes u play the Hero , who was the cause of the creation of ISIS or Al Qaeda?— Masoud Abdirisag (@mafka2356) March 29, 2019
You said "til they became the vicious killers".— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 29, 2019
They have always been vicious killers. They never changed.
Islam uses Islamist militant groups to overthrow secular governments in 3rd world nations, then IMPOSE sharia law on entire nation. Islam conquest one nation at a time.
This guy sounds like a Muslim defending the Islamist overthrow of Sudan's government, then IMPOSED sharia law on nation, then massacred 1 MILLION African Sudanese Christians.
— Masoud Abdirisag (@mafka2356) March 29, 2019Please read something i was present at that time when they were created in the South of Somalia n it was first Warlords financed by the US against Islamic courts Union n Alshabab was included in ICU they were the Military wing, shit started when they defeated the Warlords
Okay let's just say you're right. Has anything improved for Somalians since Islam overthrew government and imposed sharia law in 2009?— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 29, 2019
Islamist have had total control of Somalia government who is allied with Qatar for 10 years.
From what I see Somalians are suffering miserably
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 14, 2017Wow This Says A Lot. 😕 Somalia Rejects $80 Million Offer to Sever Qatar Ties. https://t.co/FpoaTfOmO9
Israel does back ISIS in Syria this is undeniable and Israel should be. a state for all people not an ethno state— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 9, 2019
Islam wants to annihilate Israel even if it means massacring Muslims living there too. They will suicide bomb all Muslims living there for the jihadi cause that all of Islam agree with Jews must die.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 9, 2019
Islam doesn't want the name Israel to exist, nor Jews.https://t.co/mlA2GsjOqP
Islam is a religion not a country. One individual does not represent a nation or a religion. Only a Zionist thinks that religion and country are the same— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 9, 2019
Umm Islam wants a Global sharia ruled Caliphate. That is a fact.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 9, 2019
This is why a hard core Islamist will say "why are you trying to stop the nation of Islam in other countries."
Islamist get pissed off that France intervenes when Islam is trying to overthrow a nation in Africa.
Radical Islamists who are a tiny minority of Muslims want Global Caliphate regular Muslims and moderate Islam does. not— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 9, 2019
Your ideas of tiny is massive, like in the billions of Islam followers want the same end game for humanity on this planet.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 9, 2019
Those Muslims who don't tow the Islam ideal are massacred.
Give me an example— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 10, 2019
Somalia government was overthrown by Islam, Islamic sharia law imposed on nation.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 10, 2019
Central Africa Republic government was overthrown by Islam, Islamic sharia law imposed on nation.
Islam tried to overthrow Mali government to impose Islamic sharia law but France stopped them.
Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Iran used to be secular nations now ruled by Islamic sharia law.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 10, 2019
The caucus region in and around Russia have areas strictly ruled by Islamic sharia law.
Islamist militant groups trying to overthrow governments to impose Islamic sharia law in Nigeria, Kenya, Algeria and so on and so on.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 10, 2019
Islam doesn't say that is wrong. No. Those countries overthrown by Islamist militants to impose sharia become legitimate nations of Islam.
Pakistan used to be secular nation is now ruled by Islamic sharia law.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 10, 2019
Afghanistan used to be secular is now ruled by Islamic sharia law.
Uyghurs Islamist militants in China.
Royhinga Islamist militants in Myanmar.
Several Islamist militant groups wanting same in Philippines
Pakistan is not ruled by Sharia Law . Pakistan operates under Parliamentary Democracy and Anglo. Saxon Judicial system your just ignorant as a Cultural Marxist— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 10, 2019
How many nations were not Islamic sharia ruled and then became ruled by Islamic sharia law?— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 10, 2019
Like you said it's not a race. Islam is everywhere right?!
Sudan government was overthrown by Muslim Brotherhood and sharia imposed on nation, millions of African Christians massacred.
Okay what about UAE? What about Malaysia? What about Turkey? What about Syria and Iraq? Even Pakistan is ruled by the Anglo Saxon Judicial and Democratic system . Your ignorant!— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 10, 2019
The legal system of the United Arab Emirates is based on the Constitution of the United Arab Emirates; this system is dual in nature as it has local and federal courts with a Supreme Court Based at Abu Dhabi.
Unlike Britain and other countries where previous court judgments are regularly used as legal precedents, the UAE does not depend that much on precedents, although sometimes the judgments of higher courts can be applied by lower courts in similar cases.
Where legislative provisions do not cover a specific issue, the court will make a decision in accordance with Sharia law. Islamic jurisprudence is widely used in the construction and interpretation of the UAE law.
NOT PROPAGANDA real events— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 29, 2019
Media and Islam defenders don't give a damn.
Islam Jihad Report
Attacks 153
Killed 931
Injured 555
Suicide Blasts 10
COUNTRIES 23 👈https://t.co/OsSoilBdSs
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