He puts Mustafa from the Lion King to shame.
Israel does back ISIS in Syria this is undeniable and Israel should be. a state for all people not an ethno state— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 9, 2019
Israel is THE ONLY Democracy in the Middle East.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 9, 2019
ISIS is in Gaza and West Bank helping Hamas murder Israeli Jews. Because that's what Islam lives for.
ISIS is funded by Muslim Brotherhood to establish Global Caliphate. WHY would Israel benefit from an Islamic sharia Caliphate?
ISIS openly threatened Hamas and called them Kafir. ISIS is not backed by the MB and Israel openly supported ISIS in Syria since they are weak and without an air force and would weaken Syria.— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 9, 2019
They ALL want the same damn thing. Islam global domination ruled by sharia law. The only issue with all of these aholes is who will be leader of this global Islamic Caliphate.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 9, 2019
Same bs has been going on since Mohammed was assassinated by his family to rule his Caliphate conquest.
— RisingPhoenix (@GondwanaLands) March 9, 2019
ISIS once attacked Israeli troops by accident. then openly apologized and once Israel attacked ISIS fighters by accident and then openly apologized. Israeli F16s constantly attack the Syrian Arab Army who are fighting ISIS— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 9, 2019
Islam wants to annihilate Israel even if it means massacring Muslims living there too. They will suicide bomb all Muslims living there for the jihadi cause that all of Islam agree with Jews must die.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 9, 2019
Islam doesn't want the name Israel to exist, nor Jews.https://t.co/mlA2GsjOqP
Islam is a religion not a country. One individual does not represent a nation or a religion. Only a Zionist thinks that religion and country are the same— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 9, 2019
Umm Islam wants a Global sharia ruled Caliphate. That is a fact.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 9, 2019
This is why a hard core Islamist will say "why are you trying to stop the nation of Islam in other countries."
Islamist get pissed off that France intervenes when Islam is trying to overthrow a nation in Africa.
And I am not referring to the Louis Farrakhan Nation of Islam. I am talking about the Islamic Supremacist.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 9, 2019
I'd like to go further to say Israel just wants to be left alone.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 9, 2019
Whereas, Islam uses Islamist moderate groups around the world to take over local cities one at a time impose sharia
But in third world countries, Islam uses militants to overthrow government, then impose sharia.
Radical Islamists who are a tiny minority of Muslims want Global Caliphate regular Muslims and moderate Islam does. not— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 9, 2019
Your ideas of tiny is massive, like in the billions of Islam followers want the same end game for humanity on this planet.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 9, 2019
Those Muslims who don't tow the Islam ideal are massacred.
Give me an example— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 10, 2019
Somalia government was overthrown by Islam, Islamic sharia law imposed on nation.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 10, 2019
Central Africa Republic government was overthrown by Islam, Islamic sharia law imposed on nation.
Islam tried to overthrow Mali government to impose Islamic sharia law but France stopped them.
Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Iran used to be secular nations now ruled by Islamic sharia law.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 10, 2019
The caucus region in and around Russia have areas strictly ruled by Islamic sharia law.
Islamist militant groups trying to overthrow governments to impose Islamic sharia law in Nigeria, Kenya, Algeria and so on and so on.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 10, 2019
Islam doesn't say that is wrong. No. Those countries overthrown by Islamist militants to impose sharia become legitimate nations of Islam.
Pakistan used to be secular nation is now ruled by Islamic sharia law.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 10, 2019
Afghanistan used to be secular is now ruled by Islamic sharia law.
Uyghurs Islamist militants in China.
Royhinga Islamist militants in Myanmar.
Several Islamist militant groups wanting same in Philippines
How many nations were not Islamic sharia ruled and then became ruled by Islamic sharia law?— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 10, 2019
Like you said it's not a race. Islam is everywhere right?!
Sudan government was overthrown by Muslim Brotherhood and sharia imposed on nation, millions of African Christians massacred.
Okay what about UAE? What about Malaysia? What about Turkey? What about Syria and Iraq? Even Pakistan is ruled by the Anglo Saxon Judicial and Democratic system . Your ignorant!— Mustafa Shaban (@mustafashaban) March 10, 2019
NOT PROPAGANDA real events— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 16, 2019
Islam Jihad Report
Attacks 150
Killed 883
Injured 547
Suicide Blasts 10
COUNTRIES 22 👈https://t.co/OsSoilBdSs
NOT PROPAGANDA real events— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 16, 2019
Media and Islam defenders don't give a damn.
Islam Jihad Report
Mar 02, 2019 - Mar 08, 2019
Attacks 27
Killed 145
Injured 283
Suicide Blasts 2
COUNTRIES 10 👈https://t.co/OsSoilBdSs
The legal system of the United Arab Emirates is based on the Constitution of the United Arab Emirates; this system is dual in nature as it has local and federal courts with a Supreme Court Based at Abu Dhabi.
Unlike Britain and other countries where previous court judgments are regularly used as legal precedents, the UAE does not depend that much on precedents, although sometimes the judgments of higher courts can be applied by lower courts in similar cases.
Where legislative provisions do not cover a specific issue, the court will make a decision in accordance with Sharia law. Islamic jurisprudence is widely used in the construction and interpretation of the UAE law.
Cenk Uygur created Justice Democrats — the far-left group that created Ocasio-Cortez. https://t.co/uTkqDuJxJS— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) March 9, 2019
This is just a bonus related tweet about the lies they spread. This guy Cenk Uygur named his YouTube channel after the Young Turk Islamic revolutionaries that are responsible for the genocide of 1.5 MILLION Armenian Christians. Please CLICK HERE to read more. (emphasis mine)
As a Jew, I am grateful every day for my Evangelical Christian friends who support our shared history and *defend* the Jewish people and our right to our homeland.— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) March 8, 2019
Without their support there would be no one else on Earth standing by us as genocidal masses relentlessly attack. https://t.co/qJLZ5HaATj
fyi Turk, Jesus Christ and all his disciples are Jewish. The first half of our Christian Bible is the Jewish Torah that we Christians revere.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 8, 2019
Unlike Islam that claims allah allowed Abraham to slice the throat of Ishmael which is an outright lie. Islam twisted the Holy Bible.
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