I've posted this message many times before. The first time I shared this book in December 2007. Nevertheless, the parable described in this book keeps playing in my spirit. Therefore, I am reposting this book along with the parable for all of my new readers.
"Fire in the Soul" is a great book written by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. back in 1993. In 1994, I randomly chose to read this book out of a list of books given by my English 101 Professor for a book report. It's said that there is NO such thing as coincidence. I truly believe that. Because after only reading the preface, and without even knowing, it was precisely the book/message I needed to read at that time. Here is a little excerpt taken directly from the book. Enjoy! :)
This is a book about freedom, about breaking the chains of old beliefs and fears that keep us in bondage to the illusion that we are separate from each other and from All That Is.
Freedom is the destiny of every living being. We become free by waking from our dreams of fear, scarcity, blame and guilt, by taking responsibility for acting, to the best of our knowledge, with care and loving-kindness that we may kindle the LIGHT of love within and by that LIGHT see our way home and serve as beacons for others along the way.
It is most often suffering that kindles love, loss that deepens understanding, hurt that opens the eyes of the heart that see forgiveness as a way of life and peace of mind as our birthright.
The following is a beautifully written parable that I have borrowed from the book "Fire In The Soul":
A Parable: Safe Passage Home
Once upon a time, a long long time ago, before even Grandfather Sky had given birth to the stars, there was only One Being. One pure consciousness of LOVE resting in the completeness of its own untold Stories and mute Songs unsung.
Then, one day, for reasons no one remembers, if in fact anyone ever knew, the One became restless. Some say It decided to play a cosmic game of hide and seek, splitting its LIGHT into tiny sparks, each with the full potential of the Whole. In this way the One could know itself and grow itself.
So each spark was clothed in a costume of flesh and its LIGHT and wisdom hidden deep within its heart. The challenge of the game was for all parts of the the Whole to discover their way back Home again having lived all the Stories and sung all the Songs that would make them wise and compassionate co-creators and companions to the One.
The fledgling souls took many roads Home. Each Way had its own Story and each soul responded to that Story with the gift of FREE WILL, embroidering new stories on the dream-tapestry of the One Great Dreamer. And the sun rose and the the sun set. The tides came in and the tides went out. New flesh was born and old flesh went back to the earth. And the One saw new stories grow in the Theater of the Many.
Some of these stories led closer to Home. These were the ones in which fear was conquered by LOVE. Some of these stories led down blind alleys. These were the ones in which LOVE was hidden by fear. The plays were long and the distractions many. One by one most souls forgot that they were on a journey at all. They fell asleep to the first stories that the One had left as eternal roadmaps and guides so that each soul could find its way back Home.
Believing that they were alone and separate these lost souls wandered in a strange land dominated by the illusion that death was real and that love was as transitory as a shadow. Some sought solace in money, others in power. Some found it in food or drugs or alcohol or anger or television or possessions, gossip or judgment or a jealous god who whispered lies. You are special, you are saved, there is only one way Home and this is it.
In its LOVE and mercy for its lost parts of itself the One sent alarm bells out into the Universe to wake its sparks up from their dreams of fear and to guide them back into paths of LOVE and longing for reunion with the Great Cosmic Beloved. These wake-up calls of pain roused the souls from their sleep of forgetfulness.
And their cries for help were heard by their brothers and sisters throughout the Universe. Seen and unseen helpers came whenever they were drawn by the intent, the powerful pull of will of any soul who appealed to the Source with a true longing for reunion, forgiveness and love. And they helped those souls to become FREE from the bondage of limiting beliefs and past unloving or ignorant actions so that they could find safe passage Home.
They will give you safe passage too, if you ask with faith, even the size of a mustard seed, and if you are patient and willing to listen to the directions of the Universe, even if they are not what you wanted to hear. Thy will, not mine, be done --- this is the understanding that will bring you Home.
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