I added the pictures above to the message below.
Intro written by Lena Stevens at www.thepowerpath.com
Body written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
[source: www.CrystalWind.ca]
Dear Friends,
Full Moon is Tuesday, February 19 at 8:53 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST).
This full moon activates our intuition and emotional side at the same time as inviting us to take more responsibility for the organization of the details connected with our intentions. Creativity and inspiration are key words for this full moon and we need to give our imagination some room to play and dream. We can put off the organization of details as we remind ourselves that life is not all seriousness and growth. There needs to be time for the inner child to express through creativity without any attachment to a specific goal.
The needs for expansion, adventure and expression are alive and well and should be acknowledged as allies during this time. Any resistance you have to a little chaos should be let go on an exhale. Take a break, do something fun, give your creativity an outlet and share your gratitude and inspiration with others. With that said, it is also good to make a plan for organizing the details and giving some structure to what comes from imagination, inspiration and creativity.
Next Group Shamanic Healing:
Join Lena Stevens, founder of the Power Path School of Shamanism and author of the Monthly Forecast for a Powerful Group Remote Shamanic Healing Session Thursday, February 21 at 7PM Mountain Standard Time. On the heels of the full moon, we will work with the energies of activation and creativity. The healing includes clearing, balancing and icaros. (Link Here)
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
Virgo Full Moon
Sun in Pisces ~ Moon in Virgo 0º SuperMoon
Tuesday, February 19 at 8:53 AM Mountain Standard Time
(Tuesday, February 19, 3:53 PM Greenwich Mean Time)
Mercury will be our guide for this Full Moon escapade. The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th taking us out of the cool, impersonal objective realms of air sign Aquarius and into the illusive, receptive watery realms of Pisces. Already in Pisces, Mercury awaits the Sun. With the shift of the Sun into Pisces, we are beckoned into the invisible worlds of imagination, intuition and the more accepting expressions of love rooted in compassion and the desire to serve.
Mercury’s (16º) watery qualities are magnified by a conjunction to Neptune 15º, ruler of Pisces. Mercury/Neptune will shift and open our perceptions to the emotional arenas. Neptune teaches us to be like the vast ocean – the tides, the waves, the drops. Neptune dissolves boundaries, and unites all. We will be sensitive to nuances of feeling like never before. We may not know the source of our feelings. Are they ours, a work partners, from the collective, from the Earth itself? Our imaginations will be calling to us to create, dream, and give our poetic selves free rein to lead us. Messages from our allies in the invisible world can be stronger, more significant. The dream world may turn up the volume and infuse you with vivid, relevant insights. Music and film are the perfect mediums for entering another world and deeply experiencing another’s reality. Meditation can achieve deeper levels of awareness, peace and healing. Practice asking questions of Spirit and this other world and listen expectantly for the response.
Pisces/Neptune rule the spiritual aspects of the chart. We can easily expand into unity consciousness where the web of life links all living forms and where love is the medium that binds us together. We will see Neptune in Pisces 16º empowered again when the Sun and Moon join at Pisces New Moon 15º on March 6th.
We still have more than two weeks remaining to move decidedly forward before Mercury becomes our first planet this year to turn retrograde on March 6. This means Mercury will be in Pisces for an inordinately long time, six weeks, instead of the usual two to three, so it seems we are meant to explore these intuitive realms and learn to embody them, dissolve the boundaries that bind us closely to this physical construct, and bring that other-worldly learning down to the material plane and into your daily life like never before.
I say this because Mercury in Pisces is exactly sextile Saturn in Capricorn 16º. Here is an open portal for bringing the help, support and wisdom of spirit into the material plane of your life. Saturn in his own sign loves to uphold the values of achievement, focus and responding in life in a practical way. Saturn wants to accomplish what needs to be done, clear the path of obstacles, and bank his earnings for growth. Capricorn is the businessperson of the zodiac and takes the responsibility to build the protective structures of community that insures stability, business and progress will continue.
Venus in Capricorn 18º finds herself between two heavies, Saturn 16º and Pluto 22º – a sobering environment for her. She will, no doubt, soften their stern attitude toward what is expendable and frivolous and bring an element of negotiation, balance, and a feminine concern for seven generations. They, Saturn and Pluto, in their turn will seek to revamp and make enduring our finances and the underpinnings of our relationships whether personal or professional. Here is the practical antidote to all that Piscean, other worldly influence. Get real and get practical and be realistic with your time if you want to move energy in the material world. Be wary of falling prey to illusion, denial and addictions – the nemesis of Piscean energy and leaking your energy away. Venus has significant power in this chart.
Mars, our direct line to action, moves into Taurus on Feb. 14 just ahead of Uranus representing a dynamic energy duo that may push you ahead with a jolt from the cosmos to get you moving toward a more inspired path. The cocktail of the planet of action mixed with the planet of change may be the boost you need to get your resources in order and become more self-sufficient. It is going to be important to know what you truly value in the near future as Uranus makes a major move into Taurus for the next seven years. Mars here may make you dig in your heels or needlessly resist what’s before you. Take a breath, create some space and allow the rarefied energy of Uranus at the exalted 29th degree of Aries gift you a direct transmission from your higher self about your new direction. We’re all learning to relinquish control to something greater than the survival oriented nature of our ego minds. We have so much more in store for us.
Mars in Taurus trines and is in full service to the Virgo Full Moon. Deborah Houlding, well respected astrologer, defines Virgo so well, “…the benefits of Virgo are that it bestows purity, diplomacy, a mastery of words, a discriminating intellect, a propensity for study, a talent for investigation and analysis, skillful creativity, and a keen appreciation of the mysteries of nature.” * You hear the ring of the Mercury rulership and influence in her description. Virgo helps us organize, manage and maintain the fruits of our labors. Both Virgo and Pisces are mutable signs able to adapt to what is at hand and thriving on changing circumstances and times.
Chiron re-enters Aries on the 18th after its final visit to Pisces. For the next seven years this natural healer will seek to realign the divine masculine energies represented by Mars-ruled Aries. Our independence and self-awareness will be brought forward in our attention so we may recapture our source of courage, exuberance and pioneering spirit. We ask that the wound demonstrated as aggression and selfish recklessness we see around us be healed and turned into strong medicine for the Earth and its peoples.
*From her “Modern Perspectives From Ancient Symbolism” series 2007 available on her website.
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