I have always LOVED the Queen of Disco! I grew up listening to her music since I was child. My mom was a huge fan of her music and always took me with her to all of her concerts. The tables turned when I became an adult, I was the one surprising my mom with concert tickets for both of us to enjoy Donna Summer perform live.
This song starts off slow for the 1st minute, then picks up to a great dance tune with AWESOME lyrics! A message I can relate to. Let this music permeate every fiber of your BEING! ❤
I hope you're having a wonderful weekend doing whatever it is that puts a great big smile on your face! Always remember to not sweat the small stuff. What is the small stuff you ask? EVERYTHING! Life is good. No matter what it looks like right now, remember life is always good. Just knowing you're above ground should be enough to snap you out of your negative thinking. Change your perspective about your situation. I have found that prayer helps me do that. Prayer keeps my heart and mind on God's promises for me and while I pray, I feel the Holy Spirit giving me a great big spiritual hug inside. It's an amazing feeling. One that makes you keep wanting to come back for more. The kind of feeling you want others to feel. Prayer is a very personal experience. If you have a partner that believes in the same, that's wonderful for you to share this profound experience with another soul. But for the most part, prayer is you drawing close to God, the source of all living things. Which causes you to heal and grow and expand as a result on a personal level.
I've shared some prayers with you on the top right side of my blog. Sending you lots and lots of love. You will get through this. The key word is "through". God is saying "Be still and know that I am with you. I will give you strength, courage and wisdom to see you through" Put your trust in God that everything is going to be okay in the end. Trust and Believe that victory is already yours because of the finished work of Christ at the cross. Have FAITH in God's Supernatural power. It is very real. :)
This song starts off slow for the 1st minute, then picks up to a great dance tune with AWESOME lyrics! A message I can relate to. Let this music permeate every fiber of your BEING! ❤
I hope you're having a wonderful weekend doing whatever it is that puts a great big smile on your face! Always remember to not sweat the small stuff. What is the small stuff you ask? EVERYTHING! Life is good. No matter what it looks like right now, remember life is always good. Just knowing you're above ground should be enough to snap you out of your negative thinking. Change your perspective about your situation. I have found that prayer helps me do that. Prayer keeps my heart and mind on God's promises for me and while I pray, I feel the Holy Spirit giving me a great big spiritual hug inside. It's an amazing feeling. One that makes you keep wanting to come back for more. The kind of feeling you want others to feel. Prayer is a very personal experience. If you have a partner that believes in the same, that's wonderful for you to share this profound experience with another soul. But for the most part, prayer is you drawing close to God, the source of all living things. Which causes you to heal and grow and expand as a result on a personal level.
I've shared some prayers with you on the top right side of my blog. Sending you lots and lots of love. You will get through this. The key word is "through". God is saying "Be still and know that I am with you. I will give you strength, courage and wisdom to see you through" Put your trust in God that everything is going to be okay in the end. Trust and Believe that victory is already yours because of the finished work of Christ at the cross. Have FAITH in God's Supernatural power. It is very real. :)
"Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. 8 But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is LOVE." [1 John 4:7-8 NLT] ❤
Melody of LOVE ~ by Donna Summer
I always
Stayed away from love
Afraid of what might
Might happen
Till I thought
I heard a sound above
Singing through my very
Own heart
Was a melody
I never heard
Like birds singing loud
To the sky
Never dreamed that
True love would help me
Find my way
Didn't know how deep I'd fallen
Until you rescued, rescued me
Strings began
I heard the melody again and again
The sound of music
Flowing through my head
So rare
I'm walking on air
Melody of LOVE
Sing that song for me yeah
I want to hear somebody sing
Melody of LOVE
Oh take me away
One lonely night
You up and danced into my dreams
Baby you set my heart on fire
So I've been burning
Burning ever since yeah
Strings began
I heard the melody again and again
The sounds of trumpets
Flowing through my head
So rare I'm walking on air
Melody of LOVE
Sing that song for me yeah
I want to hear somebody sing
Melody of LOVE
Oh take me away
Melody of LOVE
Oh set me free yeah
I want to hear somebody sing
Melody of LOVE
Oh take me away
Oh melody
Oh melody
I can really feel it
You can feel it too
Oh melody
Oh melody
Melody of LOVE
Sing that song for me yeah
I want to hear somebody sing
Melody of LOVE
Oh take me away
Melody of LOVE
Oh set me free yeah
I want to hear somebody sing
Melody of LOVE
Oh take me away
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