written by Tania Gabrielle
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[source: CrystalWind.ca]
How exciting to start this momentous year with two powerful eclipses! The Total Full Moon Eclipse in Leo (January 21, 5:16 am Universal Time) is truly a wonderful lunation, enhancing Love, Romance, Fortunate shifts and Abundance.
You have the opportunity to thrive and expand your influence.
To uplift people (instead of wishing them ill).
Leo governs the heart… being loved, shining your Light and knowing you are loved.
Leo invites you to EXPRESS yourself with utmost passion.
Leo lifts up, lights up and fires up.
Delight in your internal FIRE.
Your Soul is more fired up than ever to fulfill your destiny and divine mission. Everything has led up to this point…
- This is the third of five consecutive Full Moons at 00° – we are at the middle pivot point of a 5 month journey.
- Somewhere in your life you are pressing the Reset Button and starting a new endeavor, way of life, relationship.
What is being set at a new zero point?
Since this is a Total Eclipse of the Moon and in Leo, your heart-center and emotions are intensified.
Use the passionate energy to your advantage.
You may be experiencing radical shifts – excitement, revolutionary changes. That’s also because Uranus is forming a T-square to the Sun and the Moon, while the Sun is in Aquarius (the sign Uranus rules!).
- T-squares are the most activating sacred geometric shape in astrology.
- T-squares really motivate us – we really have no choice but to ACT.
Other exciting transits during this Supermoon Eclipse:
Chiron trines the Moon and sextiles the Sun, forming a beautiful triangle of health, love and healing.
And adding some spice to the eclipse is Mars Square Saturn, which will be exact at the time of the eclipse. Saturn is in Capricorn, its own home sign.
This Mars-Saturn meeting may bring up some latent anger issues and frustrations about events or relationships that are really calling for your attention to work through.
Eclipses bring to the forefront those issues that we were blind to, so this is such a great time to acknowledge latent anger or frustrations and heal them with compassion, wisdom and love.
Leaving the BEST for last:
Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Sagittarius!
Venus and Jupiter are the two benefics in astrology, so this merging of love and abundance, beauty and joy in Sagittarius, the sign that Jupiter rules, is one of the great happy celebrations of the year.
Venus and Jupiter merge together at 15°in Sagittarius, number of Spiritual Alchemy, uplifting others through joy.
You feel so Optimistic, Generous, Fortunate, Happy, Expansive!
Adding even more impact – VENUS and JUPITER are exactly trine to MARS!!
What a clear sign of LOVE, Romance, Creative Bliss, Prosperity and Passion…
It’s a wonderful time to appreciate great music, art, beauty, pleasures of life and take a fun trip or weekend getaway.
If you are in a relationship, this will deepen your union, stimulate it, make it more romantic.
If you are not in a relationship, you may fall in love around this time.
Eclipses are a six-month event – so the window begins in the weeks prior and continues in the months after.
Such positive vibes are awakening within you in this gorgeous Leo Full Moon Eclipse!
Make the most of it!
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
P.S. Set yourself up for greater success in 2019 when you watch the powerful 2019 Ultimate Yearly Forecast virtual webinar – and get your 2019 Success Map plus my private Fortune Calendar Guide for 2019 (with the list of most fortunate Astro-Numerology days for every month).
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