Liberation and Exciting Shifts
written by Tania Gabrielle
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On December 22, one day after the Winter Solstice, an exquisitely positive FULL MOON in Cancer invites you to explore your life from a brand new perspective.
It’s the FINAL lunation of the year signifying the message we need to hold in our hearts as we cross the threshold into 2019.
First a very quick reminder before we jump into today's article that all our blueprints and online trainings are now ON SALE until Friday, December 21!
Due to the timing right after the Solstice the impact of this Full Moon is increased – especially since a solstice creates the birth chart for the next three months (until the Equinox in March).
Cancer governs your HEART and is the sign ruled by the Moon!
There is a major focus on your home, family, your roots and ancestors, Soul family, and intimate relationships.
Your feelings are even more activated than a usual full moon…
Also, it’s is the second of five consecutive full moons at 00°!
- 00° indicates a HUGE shift is developing in your life!
- New Beginnings are pressing the RESET Button!
Nothing is as life-changing as being at the ZERO Point and NOT having a ROADMAP!
That’s what these five months feel like.
You’re on your own exploring from a brand new perspective and paradigm.
And since this is the FINAL lunation of 2018 – bringing the year to a close, you’ll feel the impact even more deeply.
Several important transits coincide with the Solstice and Full Moon:
- Uranus Trine Sun and Sextile the MOON.
The keyword is LIBERATION!
There are insights and answers you have been seeking for a while… You’re going to get those now.
Some answers may shock you, take you off guard. That’s OK! The end result is POSITIVE, even if it surprises you at first.
- Venus in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces.
Beautiful for romance. An amazing Trine activating sweet, tender, warm energy and attracting emotional intimacy and a deeply spiritual connection.
- Full Moon T-square to Chiron and Mars
Very dynamic energy that can create a lot of healing, if you don't use it in an impulsive way.
Awakens your INNER sacred warrior.
- Jupiter Conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius
Will help you feel really good about connecting and communicating with others, what you talk about, write about, and share.
This is a gorgeous Cancer Full Moon!
It forecasts a beautiful ending to 2018…
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
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