'Tis the season to be jolly.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) November 24, 2018
Happy Birthday to my Sagittarian family all around the world.
FEARLESSNESS is the complete absence of fear. You simply do not feel it.
COURAGE is the ability to face and confront fear, pain, danger, and uncertainty and take action in spite of it.
I am sending all of you, each and every one of you, so much love. We made it. Like a palm tree that has been battered by the storm, we spring back taller than ever before with the roots of our soul grounded deeper in love. Jupiter, our ruling planet of expansion and abundance, is back in our sign of Sagittarius for an entire year. Did you know that we, the archers of the zodiac, are the only sign that has been given a weapon. I just realized this a few years ago. Let us use this weapon of ours for the greater good of all. Right now as I'm writing this to you, I hear this song playing in my spirit, I've Got the Power (1990) by Snap. Yes, we do. This is our time. Let's use it wisely. Now move forward with all of those newly minted arrows in your quiver, and hit those targets you've been dreaming about for such a long time. Look out world, cause here we come. (emphasis mine)
written by Theo Tsaousides Ph.D. author of the book Brainblocks
[source: PsychologyToday.com]
You may believe that brave and courageous people have no fear. Wrong. Courageous people are as afraid as anyone else. It is actually their fear that makes them courageous, not the lack of it. But they manage their fear differently. It’s not a stretch to say that people who truly have no fear are either sociopaths or have severe brain damage. For the rest of us, being "fearless" means knowing how to leverage fear. How do fearless people do that? How do they become fearless without being thoughtless?
1. They respect fear.
Fearless people are not afraid to be afraid. They are comfortable acknowledging their fear. They know fear is hardwired into our nervous system and therefore impossible to shut down. They understand that the role of fear is to warn and protect, not to scare and prevent. For them fear is not an enemy. It is an ally that guides them through high-stakes situations and ensures goal achievement.
2. They understand the mechanics of fear.
Fearless people recognize that fear is a complex experience made up of interactive physical, emotional, and mental components. They know that fear goes beyond feelings of worry and dread, and that their own thoughts can exacerbate their fears by making things seem scarier than they really are. They understand that their own actions can determine the degree of impact fear will have on their lives.
3. They explore the origin of their fear.
When fear arises, fearless people don’t let it linger. They want to know what is causing it. Fearless people realize that fear is not so much about what scares you but about why it scares you. And there are 3 main reasons why something scares you:
- Biology: You are designed to be scared of it. There are a number of things that we are genetically predisposed to be afraid of—snakes, for example.
- Past experience: It (or something very similar) scared you a lot in the past. Fear can be learned and conditioned. If you have been in a bad car accident, you may become afraid of driving.
- Forecasting: You worry about the future. Fear emerges when you expect that your predicament or your actions could have serious and harmful consequences for your life, your health, your freedom, your relationships, or your self-esteem.
4. They focus on building confidence.
There is no better antidote to fear than self-confidence. The more confident you are about your ability to handle what scares you, the more secure you will feel. Building confidence is a result of acquiring knowledge, mastering a skill, and gaining experience. Getting the facts lessens the intensity of fear by making things seem less scary and more preventable. Mastering a skill, whether public speaking or job interviewing, shifts your focus from fear of failing to active coping. Finally, the more experience, direct or vicarious, you gain, the less of a barrier to success fear becomes.
5. They over prepare without overreacting.
Fearless people don’t spend time worrying about the worst-case scenario—they prepare for it. They make a plan, and they have a backup plan. They over prepare without overreacting, obsessing, or ruminating. In Chapman University survey, more than 50% of respondents stated that they were very afraid they would experience a natural or manmade disaster in their lifetime, and 86% believed that preparing ahead of time (e.g., putting together an emergency kit) would increase their odds of survival significantly. Yet, only one in four had actually made any efforts to prepare for such an event. Imagine how much more scared those three out of four people will be when the Weather Channel outlines the path of a powerful hurricane.
6. They take action despite their fear, not because of it.
Ultimately, what determines the outcomes you achieve in life are the actions you do or do not take. And fear will interfere. Fear-engineered actions range from tackling what scares you head on to working through it despite your fear. Fearless people strategize. They plan and evaluate their actions. They know when to push forward and when to pull back. They know what risks are worth taking and which ones they should avoid. And when things get out of hand. . .
7. They are not afraid to ask for help.
Despite its incredible evolutionary value, fear is not a fun feeling. It is an inherently unpleasant experience that causes physical discomfort, emotional distress, and mental turmoil. When a person doesn't deal with fear properly, it can become pathological. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, almost one out of five adults will suffer from an anxiety disorder in a given year. The psychiatric literature reports over 100 phobias, disorders which manifest in a persistent and irrational fear of objects or situations. Fearless people know when to seek help. When a worry becomes excessive and anxiety interferes with daily life, it is time to consult a professional.
You can purchase this print I've shared with you above from Successories.com
Surround your home with quotes that inspire you, that speak to your soul. This print and many others that I was exposed to growing up and especially when I was starting out in the workforce, helped to encourage me. So, if you have children, I highly recommend filling your home with these nuggets of wisdom for their eyes to see daily. The eyes are the windows to the soul. (emphasis mine)
written by Lolly Daskal, author of the book Leadership Gap
[source: LollyDaskal.com ]
Wu Feng was a Manchurian diplomat in the 1700s who was posted with an aboriginal tribe in the outskirts of Taiwan.
He befriended the aboriginal chief, whose tribe beheaded one of its members every year as a form of sacrifice. Each year Wu Feng pleaded, with all his compassion and reverence for life, for the chief to put to an end to this custom. The chief would listen respectfully, then summon the chosen tribe member and without hesitation behead him.
Finally, after living with the tribe for 25 years, Wu Feng once more pleaded with the chief to stop the killing. But this time, when the tribe member was called forth, Wu Feng took his place and said, “If you will kill this time, it will be me.”.
The chief stared long into his old friend’s eyes. He could not kill him. And from that day, the practice of beheading stopped.
There are many kinds of leaders and all kinds of leadership, but the leaders we remember the most—the ones who remain unforgettable—are those who lead with courage.
The courageous speak up when no one else will.
The courageous step up and out when no one cares.
The courageous risk when no one else dares.
There is a stubbornness found in courageous leaders. They are not easily frightened and they allow their courage to rise, especially when they feel intimidated.
Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.
Courageous leaders speak their truth. Most people tell us what we want to hear. Courageous leaders speak their mind, never settling for less that what they know to be right. They lead with their integrity and what they know to be true; their honesty lies in telling it to others.
Courageous leaders lead with tenacity. Most people would rather go with the status quo then make waves.At times the truth can be severe and demanding, but courageous leaders stand up for what they believe even if the opinion is unpopular, and encourage others to do the same. Courageous leaders will dare, and dare again, and then dare a little bit more, and go on daring.
Courageous leaders stand apart from the crowd. Most people would rather just be part of the crowd rather than stand alone. Courageous leaders fiercely hunger for what is righteous. They stand apart from the herd and they don’t back down. When a principle is for the good of others, they stand bold and brave.
Being deeply fearless gives us strength, while being deeply courageous gives us character.
Only the real know what is real.
Only the authentic know authenticity.
And only the courageous know courage.
Fear is the panacea for those who lack confidence in their own decisions and their own leadership. It takes courage minus the fear to be who you really are!
Lead From Within: The courageous leader is not one who does not feel afraid, but the one who conquers that fear. Courage is not the absence of fear but the judgment that something else is more important than fear.
Sagittarius, the Centaur. He/She is the archer who cast down the dragon. Click the following weblink to read more about this from the book, The Messianic Legacy in the Age of Aquarius. Very interesting read. ;)
UPDATE 11/24/18 at 7:07pm: I was in the kitchen cooking just now, and this thought of Jupiter being the god of gods passed through my mind. Intrigued by the thought, it made me want to stop cooking for a minute and look it up on the internet. So, I wanted to share this information with you. You are free to do some more digging of your own. There is always a message within a message. I found it to be a very interesting read. I have always loved studying philosophy and mythology. Enjoy! :)
[source: Greek Gods and Godesses]
In terms of Roman mythology, the god Jupiter is the king. In fact, he is often referred to as the king of the gods. He may not be the original creator of the MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURES that dominated tales and lore; that distinction belongs to his father Saturn. But Jupiter is the main man, a la ZEUS in Greek mythology.
Mythology dominated religious culture in Rome up until the point in which Christianity took over. Until that happened, Jupiter was the main deity. He was the god of the sky and, along with the help of the kings of the time, established principles of the Roman religion.
His similarities with Zeus and the GREEK MYTHS didn’t stop with their connections with the sky and thunderbolts. Jupiter was brother to two other gods: Neptune and Pluto. Like the Greeks, each of these three gods controlled one realm of existence: the sky (Jupiter), the sea (Neptune), and the underworld (Pluto), with Jupiter being the most powerful.
The physical nature of Jupiter is one that folks often equate with Zeus or even the Christian god: a tall, white male with a flowing, white beard. He carries a staff or scepter, sits on a majestic throne, and is often flanked by an eagle. Again similar to the god of the old testament, Jupiter could strike fear into his followers. He often led through creating that fear. It helped that he always carried an endless supply of lightning bolts.
Jupiter was born from Saturn and was the supreme god. He was often referred to as Jupiter Optimus Maximus, which translates as the best and greatest. He was the father of the gods of Roman mythology. His jobs were many. Jupiter brought light and controlled the weather. He supplied protection during battle and gave victory to the winners. His presence was needed in times of war, but also during peace, where he kept order and supplied welfare. It was also thought that he was the god of heaven and not just the real-world sky above.
The Roman calendar held more holidays to Jupiter than anyone else. His name translates to Old Latin as “father.” Another phrasing of his name, Jove, is an extension of our day of the week Thursday. And obviously, we use his name in description of our largest planet today. That final point is derived from an extension of one of his epithets. Jupiter was often called all kinds of different terms for separate functions he served. One was Jupiter Caelestis, meaning heavenly or celestial. As the Romans spotted the planet Jupiter in the night sky, they named it after their god of the sky. The astronomical symbol for the planet became a lightning bolt, again representing the god. And the adjective “jovial,” from the root “jove,” means happy or friendly, for the astrological influence the Jupiter connotation is supposed to hold. There are numerous connections to be made.
[source: CrystalLinks.com]
Jupiter is the supreme god of the Roman pantheon, called dies pater, "shining father". He is a god of light and sky, and protector of the state and its laws. He is a son of Saturn and brother of Neptune and Juno (who is also his wife).
The Romans worshipped him especially as Jupiter Optimus Maximus (all-good, all-powerful). This name refers not only to his rulership over the universe, but also to his function as the god of the state who distributes laws, controls the realm and makes his will known through oracles. His English name is Jove.
The largest temple in Rome was that of Jupiter Optimus Maximus on the Capitoline Hill. Here he was worshipped alongside Juno and Minerva, forming the Capitoline Triad. Temples to Jupiter Optimus Maximus or the Capitoline Triad as a whole were commonly built by the Romans at the center of new cities in their colonies.
His temple was not only the most important sanctuary in Rome; it was also the center of political life. Here official offerings were made, treaties were signed and wars were declared, and the triumphant generals of the Roman army came to give their thanks.
Other titles of Jupiter include: Caelestis (heavenly), Lucetius (of the light), Totans (thunderer), Fulgurator (of the lightning). As Jupiter Victor he led the Roman army to victory. Jupiter is also the protector of the ancient league of Latin cities. His attribute is the lightning bolt and the eagle is both his symbol and his messenger.
The Romans regarded Jupiter as the equivalent of Greek Zeus, and in Latin literature and Roman art, the myths and iconography of Zeus are adapted under the name Iuppiter. In the Greek-influenced tradition, Jupiter was the brother of Neptune and Pluto. Each presided over one of the three realms of the universe: sky, the waters, and the underworld. The Italic Diespiter was also a sky god who manifested himself in the daylight, usually but not always identified with Jupiter. Their Etruscan counterpart was Tinia.
It was once believed that the Roman god Jupiter (Zeus in Greece) was in charge of cosmic Justice, and in ancient Rome, people swore to Jove in their courts of law, which lead to the common expression "By Jove," that many people use today.
UPDATE 11/25/18 at 8:25pm: This is how I'm feeling. So excited for us. Celebration dance.
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