IN HIS OWN WORDS: On December 2017 Matt Damon said, "Ten years ago if you made a claim about me and I had a big movie coming out, okay, I had a $100 million dollar movie coming out, or I have a movie that is personally important to me coming out, close to the release of that film you say that Matt Damon grabbed my butt and stuff his tongue down my throat. We would then go to mediation and organize a settlement. I don't' want this out there you know. Now, with the internet, and you know, not with the internet it wasn't there ten years ago, but with social media, these stories get, it's like they get gasoline poured on them. So the moment a claim is made, if you made that same claim today to me, I would, I would, I'd be scorched earth, I'd go I don't care if it cost me $10 million to fight this in court with you for 10 years. You're not taking my name from me. You're not taking my name and my reputation from me. I worked too hard. I worked too hard for it and I earned it and you can't just blow me up like that."
The Marxist Democrats are a piece of work. I won't watch any of his movies ever again. Matt Damon is an actor since 1988 vs Brett Kavanaugh who has been married for 14 years and has 2 children. Kavanaugh graduated from Yale College in 1987 with a Bachelor of Arts cum laude in American history. He graduated with a Juris Doctor in 1990 from Yale Law School. Brett Kavanaugh is an American attorney and jurist who serves as a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit since 2006. Brett Kavanaugh is not a pretend college graduate. Brett Kavanaugh is not a pretend U.S. Circuit Judge. He's a real judge with real experience AND REAL RESPONSIBILITY making decisions based on what is right UNDER THE LAW.
The Marxist Democrats sat on one of Kavanaugh's accuser's confidential letter she sent to Senator Feinstein on July 30, 2018. Kavanaugh's original confirmation hearings ended on September 7, 2018. The Senate Judiciary Committee scheduled the confirmation vote for September 20, 2018. Ford's very PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL letter to Senator Feinstein was strategically leaked to the media on September 17, 2018 right before the vote. Then the whole circus started with outrageous false accusations with 90% of the media working in concert with the Marxist Democrat party to destroy Brett Kavanaugh's life WITHOUT OFFERING ANY EVIDENCE whatsoever. All of you have convicted this man without due process. This case wouldn't get passed any Grand Jury in the United States. What are the odds that all of his accusers ARE ONLY Marxist Democrat women. I was elated to find out that all false accusations will be held criminally liable. Could even face prison time, as they should.
These false accusations are a disgrace to women who really have been sexually assaulted by men. Instead of helping real victims of rape, you're hurting their credibility with your very public pay for play FALSE ACCUSATIONS. Plus, all of you on the Left who have already convicted Judge Kavanaugh are decimating our judicial due process and using third world mob rule street justice. (emphasis mine)
The Marxist Democrats sat on one of Kavanaugh's accuser's confidential letter she sent to Senator Feinstein on July 30, 2018. Kavanaugh's original confirmation hearings ended on September 7, 2018. The Senate Judiciary Committee scheduled the confirmation vote for September 20, 2018. Ford's very PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL letter to Senator Feinstein was strategically leaked to the media on September 17, 2018 right before the vote. Then the whole circus started with outrageous false accusations with 90% of the media working in concert with the Marxist Democrat party to destroy Brett Kavanaugh's life WITHOUT OFFERING ANY EVIDENCE whatsoever. All of you have convicted this man without due process. This case wouldn't get passed any Grand Jury in the United States. What are the odds that all of his accusers ARE ONLY Marxist Democrat women. I was elated to find out that all false accusations will be held criminally liable. Could even face prison time, as they should.
These false accusations are a disgrace to women who really have been sexually assaulted by men. Instead of helping real victims of rape, you're hurting their credibility with your very public pay for play FALSE ACCUSATIONS. Plus, all of you on the Left who have already convicted Judge Kavanaugh are decimating our judicial due process and using third world mob rule street justice. (emphasis mine)
DUE PROCESS: The Constitution states only one command twice. The Fifth Amendment says to the federal government that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, uses the same eleven words, called the Due Process Clause, to describe a legal obligation of all states. These words have as their central promise an assurance that all levels of American government must operate within the law ("legality") and provide fair procedures. [source: Cornell Law School]
Due Process Clause: The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution each contain a due process clause. Due process deals with the administration of justice and thus the due process clause acts as a safeguard from arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property by the government outside the sanction of law. The Supreme Court of the United States interprets the clauses more broadly, concluding that these clauses provide four protections: procedural due process (in civil and criminal proceedings), substantive due process, a prohibition against vague laws, and as the vehicle for the incorporation of the Bill of Rights. [source: wikipedia]
Civil liberties in the United States are certain unalienable rights retained by (as opposed to privileges granted to) citizens of the United States under the Constitution of the United States, as interpreted and clarified by the Supreme Court of the United States and lower federal courts. Civil liberties are simply defined as INDIVIDUAL legal and constitutional protections from entities more powerful than an individual, for example, parts of the government, other individuals, or corporations. The liberties explicitly defined, make up the Bill of Rights, including freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to privacy.
[source: wikipedia]
Man was interviewed 2 x by the judiciary committee. Says he was the guy who harassed Christine NOT KAVANAUGH— Christine Ford's Annoying Baby Voice (@AFishingGoddess) September 27, 2018
Oh God, clown Booker is asking questions now. He's asking Kavanaugh if he drank on weekdays. I can't imagine having my High School and early 20's dissected like this.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 27, 2018
Now he's saying this was her civic duty coming forward. She never identified Kavanaugh to therapist and husband!
Democrats have dropped the 'gang rape' charge.— thebradfordfile™ (@thebradfordfile) September 27, 2018
Democrats have dropped the 'rape' charge.
Democrats have dropped the 'sexual assault' charge.
Democrats are now going for 'beer drinker'.
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 27, 2018
She should be charged for making a false accusation and intentionally wanting to destroy the life and career of an innocent man.
BREAKING: Multiple sources now telling me 3 additional investigations are about to open:— Kevin McCullough (@KMCRadio) September 30, 2018
1. @FBI - felony lying to Congress by accusers making false claims.
2. Congress - @SenFeinstein’s handling of Ford letter.
3. DC Bar - into Ford’s attorneys malpractice.#payback
Only Democrats knew about the letter. Therefore, only Democrats could leak the substance of the letter to the press— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizWFB) September 27, 2018
PREDICTABLE: Second Kavanaugh Accuser REFUSES to Speak Under Oath to Senate, REFUSES to Provide Statement Under Penalty of Perjury via @gatewaypundit— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) September 26, 2018
Hoax? Fifth accuser recants story of Kavanaugh boat assault.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 27, 2018
CNN's Cuomo: Why would Julie Swetnick attend parties she said were known for gang rape?— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 27, 2018
Avenatti: You should believe her because she's the third Kavanaugh accuser so obviously there's a pattern here.
"Two companies controlled by Michael Avenatti have yet to pay the over $126,000 owed to a victim of sex discrimination case despite orders from a Washington state court,"— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 27, 2018
Please someone help me with this.— David French (@DavidAFrench) September 26, 2018
Georgetown Prep boys frequently committed gang rape.
Lots of people knew they were committing gang rape.
And despite this common knowledge no one has talked publicly for three decades, until the day before a crucial Senate hearing.
In summation, a grown adult woman says she was attending high school parties where all kinds of gang rape was going on and said in a sworn statement she has two witnesses...— 'Sources Say' is Greek for 'Fake News' (@NolteNC) September 26, 2018
Now she has nothing.
This is a pretty damning takedown by @MSNBC & @NBC of Michael Avenatti’s client Julie Swetnick who alleges she was assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh. Was already a flimsy story but now sounds like it’s just a malicious smear.— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) October 2, 2018
When @ChuckGrassley learned of Dr. Ford’s letter in the media, he quickly instituted a full committee investigation. Since then, the Democratic members of the committee chose not to participate.— David Perdue (@sendavidperdue) September 28, 2018
More: Judiciary Committee sent letter today to Ford's attnys requesting 1) audio/visual recordings taken during Fords's polygraph; and 2) charts/data used in drawing polygraph conclusions. Ford's attnys just now refused to supply, saying such material not "important." Really?— Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) September 27, 2018
Why isn’t anyone talking about how she slipped & said that Feinstein would hold her letter until right before the hearing. She tried to catch her on it but she didn’t push it. That’s huge!! @SarahPalinUSA @WayneDupreeShow @seanhannity @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump @DiamondandSilk— Linda (@LindaJWan) September 27, 2018
Before & after GOP agreed to investigation— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 29, 2018
It’s amazing how quickly the goal posts moved from “the FBI is independent of the Executive Branch & can’t be ordered around for political purposes” to “Trump needs to order them to criminally investigate an event for which no actual criminal complaint was ever filed”.— IT Guy (@ITGuy1959) September 29, 2018
The FBI should ask Dr. Ford why she claims to be afraid to fly but also is a jet setting globe trekker.— timothy riley (@triley36) September 29, 2018
"4 boys" (typed letter to Feinstein)— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) September 26, 2018
"4 boys in the room" (therapist)
"3 boys & a girl" (WaPo)
"4 boys & a couple of girls" (letter)
Still no day/week/month
Still no location
Left friend with attempted rapist
No clue how got there or back
Told no-one for decades#credible
This is important. And remember, therapist notes said four boys in the room. These are basic details, which she cannot seem to keep consistent.— Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) September 26, 2018
Dr. Fords written statement included in he polygraph indicates "4 boys and a couple of girls" were present at the party where the alleged assault took place.— The Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 26, 2018
In her letter to Feinstein however, she said the gathering was her "and four others"
Ford's polygraph letter reveals yet another inconsistency in her story.— Amber Athey (@amber_athey) September 26, 2018
Since the allegations were first made public, we've had at least 3 different accounts of who attended the alleged party: 4 boys, 4 boys and a girl, and 4 boys and a couple of girls.
Kav HS friend Meghan McCaleb: “This claim is absolutely false and absurd. We never hung out with anyone from Gaithersburg High School, there was never any drug use at our parties, and the fact that she is coming out and saying that is such an insult to Brett and to all of us."— Keith Appell (@keithcrc) September 26, 2018
They went from serial gang rapist to “thrower of ice” in less than 72 hours— Jack Posobiec ๐บ๐ธ (@JackPosobiec) October 1, 2018
And for the record, I can quite imagine plenty of people, especially in today's day and age, being moved to throw ice at someone while stone-cold sober. Still looking for anything in that police report that says it was clear he "drank to extreme"? Again, words matter.— Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) October 2, 2018
Blasey is affiliated with her hypnosis specialist colleague Lynn Waelde's "Inner Resources Center."— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) October 2, 2018
BREAKING!— Pam Besteder (@pambesteder) October 2, 2018
It's just been reported that Kavanaugh tore off the tag on his mattress.
Ford is being paid off to make these false accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. Look at how many people donated. Very few making huge donations to Ford. Isn't this called a bribe? (emphasis mine)Dr. Ford has FIVE GoFundMe accounts in total of...— Peggy A Hubbard ๐บ๐ธ (@pahubb43) September 27, 2018
Let that sink in
Her attorneys admitted they are doing this pro bono...why does she need gofundme accounts?— Robin Lutzow (@HalfP1nt24) September 27, 2018
Kavanaugh has been through 6 background checks. He has over 300 opinions on public record. Hundreds of thousands of pages of docs were turned over to Committee. If a person makes a serious allegation against another, they should be prepared to provide all the evidence they can.— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) September 27, 2018
My best guess is that the well-meaning adults in the media (eg New Yorker, NYRB, NYTimes, Atlantic ) are intimidated by the 20-something liberal arts majors from elite schools in the office.These recent grads insist on ideological purity—otherwise, they feel unsafe. Adults cave.— Christina Sommers (@CHSommers) September 27, 2018
Anyone who says that Kavanaugh went on an “angry tirade” obviously has no F’in clue what the word “reasonable” means.— Frosty (@SemprFrosty) September 28, 2018
Kavanaugh showed incredible restraint today and over the past 2 weeks. I would never be able to stay composed like that if someone tried to assassinate my name.
I think I found the ultimate "social justice" culture police moment— Cathy Young (@CathyYoung63) October 2, 2018
It is so gloriously dumb, it's like a perfect distillation of "social justice" in(s)anity
Daily Beast
written by Kevin Fallon, @kpfallon
Monday October 1, 2018
Casting Matt Damon, who has insinuated the #MeToo movement has gone too far, as Brett Kavanaugh. Joking about swapping birth control with Tic Tacs. Kanye does MAGA. Not great, SNL.
On social media leading up to Saturday’s season premiere of Saturday Night Live—and we’ll admit one’s timeline can be an echo chamber—we noticed an expressed uneasiness over the inevitability that the episode would tackle the Senate testimonies of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh surrounding her allegation of sexual assault.
Their testimonies became a news event that captivated the nation, during which politicians’ egos were exposed, one privileged man’s behavior barreled through the standard for histrionics and hysterics, and a kangaroo court juggled the future of our country like a hot potato. Of course Saturday Night Live would tackle the hearings. It’s what the show does.
But this is new territory for the country and our culture’s discourse. A conversation about sexual assault is taking place on a wider national level than ever, exposing raw nerves on all sides. Watching Dr. Ford deliver her testimony was a watershed moment, but also a painful and traumatizing one for those forced to relive their own experiences through watching her share hers—and then see it be so cavalierly dismissed by some of the most powerful people in politics.
This was a time for rage, sure. But maybe not a time for satire.
SNL’s handling of the hearings this weekend earned mixed reviews. Making headlines from the starting gun, the show cast Matt Damon as Kavanaugh. The Daily Beast’s own headline proclaimed that “Matt Damon Absolutely Nails Brett Kavanaugh in Season Premiere.”
“Damon, sporting just a hint of gin blossoms and a mobile, sniffing rage-mask as Kavanaugh, brought the appropriate frat boy ire to the sketch’s version of the judge,” The A.V. Club said in its review. “More importantly, though, Saturday Night Live’s contentment to pick the easiest jokes on any subject is especially ill-suited to what, for a whole lot of people, was one of the most illuminating and wrenching events in recent memory.” In the end, the reviewer called the approach “dismayingly pedestrian, settling for impersonation, exaggeration, and stunt casting.”
But regardless of how the performance was received, it’s almost unbelievable that Damon was cast in the first place. It’s one of a series of gripes with an episode that proved the show either inelegant or incapable of dealing with issues surrounding sexual assault with nuance, hindered by its own reckless pursuit of headlines over responsibility.
Late last year after the Harvey Weinstein investigations launched the beginnings of the #MeToo movement, Damon found himself at the center of controversy for decrying the “culture of outrage” and arguing that allegations of sexual misconduct should be analyzed on a “spectrum.”
“You know, there’s a difference between, you know, patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation,” he said.
Following that controversy, Damon gave another interview in which he said we’re not paying enough attention to the men who don’t commit acts of sexual misconduct—a seriously?!? if there ever was one. In an apology for his insensitive remarks, Damon said that he learned that he “should get in the backseat and close my mouth for a while” while women’s voices are heard.
We wouldn’t necessarily call playing an accused sexual abuser in the premiere of SNL sitting in the backseat.
Perhaps Damon and SNL thought that having him play Kavanaugh in a sketch meant to expose the judge as a hypocrite and a liar puts the actor on some path to atonement for his previous remarks on the issue. Or perhaps they both thought it too innocuous to consider.
But these things matter. Even celebrity casting on a sketch comedy series matters. If we are to judge this on a spectrum, casting a man who once insinuated that the #MeToo movement has gone too far as Brett Kavanaugh falls somewhere between tone-deaf and triggering at a time when women who come forward continue to be dismissed, vilified, mocked, targeted, and not believed.
In many ways, the show was in a no-win position with how to handle the news.
It’s easily valid to criticize the show for casting one of the biggest stars in Hollywood as Kavanaugh in a sketch about the hearings while not featuring Dr. Ford at all. At the same time, thank god the show did not attempt to turn Dr. Ford’s brave testimony into satire. And yet, there’s an uncomfortable dissonance in the level of attention given to the different sides of the story when an A-list celebrity brings headlines to one party, while the other isn’t given a voice at all—even if the sketch, as a whole, is meant to mock the former. (Like we said, no-win.)
But maybe it would be easier to excuse the problematic casting as an oversight, or as us being too sensitive and trigger-happy with complaints, had the show not also featured a “Weekend Update” bit in which Pete Davidson and Colin Jost giddily laugh over a joke Davidson cracks about switching fiancรฉ Ariana Grande’s birth control out with tic tacs, in order to “keep her.”
We get it. It’s a joke. But also, it’s an uncomfortable, lazy, antiquated one. It’s also a joke about reproductive coercion, which is a form of domestic violence. Maybe now, given the important conversations regarding sexism and abuse going on in the country, is not the time to make that joke. Or, hey, perhaps it never is.
The whole episode culminated with Kanye West performing over the credits in a MAGA hat, and then apparently delivering a pro-Trump rant after the show’s credits finished rolling. Obviously Kanye is going to be Kanye and no one has control over that. But you do have control over whether to book Kanye West for your massively popular TV show.
SNL boss Lorne Michaels has said West was a last-minute replacement for Ariana Grande after the singer withdrew from her slot as the musical guest, leaving bookers in a bind. But you know who else would probably have made themselves available for the kind of showcase SNL gives musical acts? Literally almost anybody in show business. You can’t control what Kanye West does, but you know what you’re getting when you’re booking him. So maybe don’t.
Again, this is a time for rage, and that can certainly happen through laughter. We need shows like SNL to get us through times like these. But anger was largely missing from Saturday night’s show, which instead played like a shrugged business-as-usual when it comes to staging political sketches when, in fact, there’s nothing usual about what we’re going through.
There has been great, cathartic late-night comedy that has dealt with these hearings, for example Samantha Bee’s entire Full Frontal episode that aired the day before Dr. Ford and Kavanaugh appeared before the Senate committee. (Would you guess after watching Saturday night’s episode that all three of SNL’s head writers are male, and only 5 of its 28 writers are women?)
It’s not just comedy, to be scoffed at or dismissed when it doesn’t get it right. The President of the United States cares deeply enough about the show to tweet about it. But more than that, it’s a reflection of larger cultural attitudes and, in some cases, ignorance about issues that affect and define us.
Armed Leftists Call for Mass Violence if Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed to SCOTUS.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 28, 2018
These Marxist Democrats want to turn us into a third world nation where mob violence for hire rules, no law and order.#SayNoToMarxistNovember2018#MAGA#WalkAway
Ugh ๐ Harassment and Death Threats to Conservative Politicians? Don Lemon Says It’s What You Get.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 27, 2018
So @CNN condones this disgusting third world behavior.
Vote Republican, Capitalism, freedom this November.
Say no to Marxist third world politics!
THIS IS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY TODAY. Not Democrats per se as in Liberal Individual Freedom. They are now the Marxist party calling themselves the Democrat party. (emphasis mine)
An interesting point here.— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) September 28, 2018
If the FBI CLEARS Kavanaugh after a week and Democrat Senators STILL vote no, they appear hyper-partisan and anti-due process right before the midterms.
The more I think about this, this is a major trap for Democrats.
These Liberals really are charming aren't they? Please continue. You're making 11/6 easier with every word.— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) September 28, 2018
This @thinkprogress editor is gleeful about how effective it is to stalk, confront, and threaten elected officials. These are the new rules of the left.— Far Left Watch (@FarLeftWatch) September 28, 2018
This is your brain on elitism. Don’t engage in it.— Elliott Hamilton (@ElliottRHams) September 30, 2018
Tweet above was commenting on Tweet below ๐ but Tom blocked Elliott so his tweet doesn't show above.
Here's a different idea: instead of the 70 percent of Americans who live in urbanized areas driving out to the sticks to meet Real Murica, maybe the other 30 pct could think about how disconnected they are from the 21st century majority of the citizens in their own country.— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 30, 2018
My gosh, the Democrats keep harping about wanting to preserve Democracy, when all the while they have been trying so hard to DESTROY DEMOCRACY.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 28, 2018
Democrats REFUSE to accept they lost the Presidential election fair and square.
President Trump was DULY ELECTED by the people.
I'm a concerned American. I was raised in a very Liberal household & environment. I was a Democrat my entire adult life until 2008. I even supported Hillary's campaign against Obama.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 29, 2018
People like you are why I will never vote for Democrats again. You hate America. #walkaway #maga
Adam W. Schindler reports from Kavanaugh Confirmation: 4 Doctors Interviewed Saw Protestors Being Paid While Waiting In Line.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 5, 2018
Not only were the Democrats in the Senate organized, the protestors who over ran the public ticket line were also organized.
Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 17, 2018
When Dem Cory Booker was a student at Stanford University, Booker admitted to grabbing a (DRUNK) girl's breast (fell on the bed) when he was 15 while they kissed at a New Year's Eve PARTY.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 28, 2018
"As we fumbled upon the bed... I slowly reached for her breast."
.@SenBlumenthal lied for years about serving in Vietnam, which is all you need to know about his courage & honesty. Maybe he should reconsider before questioning Judge Kavanaugh’s credibility.— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) September 27, 2018
Ugh ๐ Jimmy_Kimmel suggests cutting off #Brett_Kavanaugh’s penis if he’s confirmed to Supreme Court.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 25, 2018
Per @SenThomTillis, here's an update of the @senjudiciary Majority's investigation into allegations involving Judge Kavanaugh:— Senate Judiciary (@senjudiciary) September 27, 2018
UPDATE 10/4/18 at 1:04pm: I added tweets below:Here's a timeline of the @senjudiciary Majority's investigations into various allegations leveled against Judge Kavanugh in recent weeks:— Senate Judiciary (@senjudiciary) September 27, 2018
After being briefed on the FBI's seventh background investigation into Judge Kavanaugh, I have seen no corroborating evidence to the claims made against him. It's time to vote, and I will vote to #ConfirmKavanaugh.— Senator John Thune (@SenJohnThune) October 4, 2018
Anti-Kavanaugh protestors are just throwing trash all over the sidewalks.— Harlan Z. Hill (@Harlan) October 4, 2018
So much for the environment!#MAGA ๐บ๐ธ
All of these Marxist anti-Kavanaugh protestors in DC at the #Senate Office Building are PAID ACTORS. This is called astroturf, grassroots for hire. #WalkAway#KavanaughConfirmation#KavanaughAccuser#Christine_Blasey_Ford#SCOTUS#StopKavanaugh#abortion #PlannedParenthood— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) October 4, 2018
Does PP know that you can’t kill people in their 240th trimester of life?— Chadwick Moore (@Chadwick_Moore) October 4, 2018
Ford has already TESTIFIED BEFORE Congress UNDER OATH at a hearing they scheduled specifically for her. FBI doesn't need to interview her unless new details emerged.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) October 3, 2018
None of Kavanaugh's accuser's would ever get passed a Grand Jury.#IstandwithBrettKavanaugh#ConfirmKavanaughNow
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