Democratic Socialist Threatens To Shoot Up MAGA Event At Trump Hotel— Ryan Saavedra 🇺🇸 (@RealSaavedra) September 12, 2018
The Daily Wire reached out to @Ocasio2018 to see if she condemns threats of political violence since she has not issued a public statement. She has not responded.
The Daily Wire
written by Ryan Saavedra
Tuesday September 11, 2018
A supporter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has reportedly threatened to shoot up a "Make America Great Again" event at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Law enforcement officials with the Metropolitan Police Department have opened up an investigation in response to the threat, which was posted to Twitter on Tuesday, The Daily Mail reports.
"I am coming with a gun and i expect to get numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as trophies," the Twitter account wrote to right-wing pundit Cassandra Fairbanks.
My mentions are just loads of fun today. 😒— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) September 11, 2018
The account used the DSA logo as its profile photo and added an emoji of a rose to its name, which is common among DSA supporters.
Shortly after the threat was posted, the owner of the account appears to have changed their Twitter handle, according to Fairbanks.
Yeah he just changed his twitter handle— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) September 11, 2018
Entering the account's original Twitter handle into Twitter's search bar brings up an account that appears to be the same user.
The original account had retweeted Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, and the Democratic Socialists of America.
Ocasio-Cortez did not immediately respond to a request for comment on whether she condemns threats of political violence.
The threat comes just after news broke on Tuesday afternoon that a man in California was arrested for allegedly attacking a GOP congressional candidate in what appeared to be a politically motivated attack.
Steve Scalise (R) was shot at & Rand Paul (R) had his ribs broken. The left is much more violent, fascistic, dangerous, sick, twisted, intolerant & problematic than anyone they claim to be fighting.— An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) September 12, 2018
I will never vote blue again.
DC Metro PD says they responded to a mass shooting threat at Trump Hotel in DC.— Michael Moates (@freedom_moates) September 12, 2018
Secret Service tells me they can NOT comment on an ongoing investigation but are looking into the matter.
It started when a member of a Democrat Socialist group threatened @CassandraRules on Twitter
Just in the last week we had a lunatic drive a truck into Fox News, reports of switchblade assault on GOP Congressional Candidate & a mass shooting threat at a DC Trump meetup by a Democratic socialist.— An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) September 12, 2018
The left has a mental health & violence problem. The media fuels it all.
They call @DLoesch a murderer and then they threaten a mass shooting at Trump Hotel. Is the NRA responsible for that too?— Carmine Sabia (@CarmineSabia) September 12, 2018
Today— Mike Cernovich 🇺🇸 (@Cernovich) September 12, 2018
- Member of the Resistance tried stabbing a GOP candidate to death
- A Chapo Trap House member made a mass shooting threat against the Trump Hotel, where children stay with parents
It's time for the media to stop defending and covering up far left wing violence.
Hi @ChrisCuomo, do you stand by your support of ANTIFA and the far left?— Mike Cernovich 🇺🇸 (@Cernovich) September 12, 2018
The Daily Mail, UK
written by Keith Griffith
Tuesday September 11, 2018
Police have responded to the Trump International Hotel in Washington DC after an anonymous threat to shoot up a meeting there supporting President Donald Trump.
The threat was made ahead of the planned Tuesday evening event by an anonymous Twitter account that supports the Democratic Socialists, a far-left political group.
'I am coming with a gun and i expect to get numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as trophies,' the account wrote, referencing the Trump campaign slogan 'Make American Great Again'.
The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the threat, department spokesman Hugh Carew told, adding that no further details were immediately available.
Reported this to the DC police.— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) September 11, 2018
On Tuesday evening, MPD vehicles were spotted outside of the hotel.
A hotel manager confirmed that staff were aware of the threat and taking appropriate security measures.
The FBI did not immediately respond to requests for comment from
The threat was made by an account that has since been deleted, in response to a tweet by conservative writer Cassandra Fairbanks asking who planned to attend the 'MAGA meetup'.
Fairbanks described the monthly meeting as 'a mix of several different pro-Trump groups including Virginia Women for Trump' in a post on the Gateway Pundit.
The pro-Trump event was scheduled to begin at 6.30pm. Fairbanks and other conservative figures said that they still planned to attend.
Actually it has always been public. It’s the second Tuesday of every month at Trump Hotel in DC.— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) September 12, 2018
Every time we hold a MAGA event the Left tries to brutally attack it— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) September 12, 2018
- Deploraball
- Night for Freedom
- MAGA Meetup DC
The Left has a problem with domestic terrorists - and they won’t even disavow them
And CNN endorses them
Maxine Waters: I threaten Trump supporters 'all the time'— Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) September 10, 2018
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