Meet the newest member of the New York Times editorial board.— Garbage Human ๐ (@GarbageHuman_) August 2, 2018
I'd say that these tweets were part of her resumรจ when she applied for the job.
"Dumba*s f*cking white people!" NYT's newest editorial board member, Sarah Jeong, wanted to "cancel" white people— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) August 2, 2018
National Review
written by Jack Crowe
Tuesday August 2, 2018
Sarah Jeong, who will be joining the New York Times editorial board in September, has expressed open disdain for white people in numerous tweets sent between 2013 and 2015.
Jeong’s Twitter account is replete with racial insults against white people, whom she has described as “groveling goblins,” “bullshit,” “miserable,” and “dogs.”
“Dumba** f***ing white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” Jeong wrote in November 2014. “Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster un the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins,” she wrote a month later.
Jeong, who was hired Wednesday as the Times‘s lead editorial writer on technology, attended Harvard Law School and has previously written for the Atlantic, Motherboard, the Washington Post, and the New York Times Magazine.
Jeong’s comments, which have drawn considerable backlash among fellow journalists on Twitter, emerged months after the Times fired another new hire, Quinn Norton, over racist and anti-gay language in her old tweets.
Just hours after hiring Norton as a tech writer, the Times revoked the offer, claiming it was initially unaware of the tweets.
“Despite our review of Quinn Norton’s work and our conversations with her previous employers, this was new information to us. Based on it, we’ve decided to go our separate ways,” Times editorial-page editor James Bennet said at the time.
“I’m sorry I can’t do the work I wanted to do with them. I wish there had been a way, but ultimately, they need to feel safe with how the net will react to their opinion writers,” Norton tweeted after being dismissed.
The Times cast Jeong’s tweets as ill-advised responses to online harassment in a statement released Thursday.
Our statement in response to criticism of the hiring of Sarah Jeong.— NYTimes Communications (@NYTimesPR) August 2, 2018
"...I don't like firing people over old tweets, but the NYT's Sarah Jeong standard will definitely not apply to conservatives..."— TheSickManofEurope (@TheSickManofEur) August 2, 2018
You tell me. This is what the @nytimes said about Roseanne Barr's show being canceled....
NYT about Roseanne Barr ONE REPLY TWEET demeaning ONE PERSON in a political context:
"There are necessary taboos and essential decencies in every morally healthy society. ... (ONE REPLY TWEET) violates these in the foulest of ways."
NYT about Sarah Jeong's DOZENS of RACIST TWEETS:
Those were just harmless satire tweets and blaming trolls for her hate.
@nytimes spoke to her and heavily vetted her social media before putting the racist Sarah Jeong on as Editor. They say it is harmless satire.— Wesley Wood (@WesleyW36943320) August 2, 2018
N.Y. Times: We seek professional, unbiased journalists of Strong Moral Character. No hate is welcome here! Can you be a shining example of Tolerance, Acceptance & Love?— Tiffany (@TheSecret2Slim) August 2, 2018
TIMES: YOUR HIRED!!!#NewYorkTimes #Hypocrites #ThursdayThoughts #RacistNYT
Roseanne Barr was drummed out of her profession for making one arguably racist Tweet, but Sarah Jeong, who has a long history of making incredibly racist Tweets about "white people" and "white men," was just hired to the editorial board of the New York Times. @nytimes #MediaBias— Gradivus Graham (@GradivusGraham) August 2, 2018
Sarah Jeong is of South Korean descent. Without so many white people sacrificing their lives to liberate S. Korea in 1950s & still protecting it right now, she'd have been just like one of the N. Koreans today.— Tracy Hoang (@TracyHoang12) August 2, 2018
Here she is, spewing extremely hateful words against white people!
Her bio says she’s soon to be on the editorial board of the @nytimes— Yasmine Mohammed (@ConfessionsExMu) August 2, 2018
America, you really need to stop and address this mess in your society. It’s a complete 180 from what MLK preached. You need to turn this around, not reward racists like @sarahjeong#RacismIsRacism#HateIsHate
Well, @nytimes maybe doesn’t want dreaded white people’s money?— Jodi (@APLMom) August 2, 2018
It's not hard to guess that her ethnicity was more important to the hiring process than her intellect.— Charles Hoskinson (@cehoskinson) August 2, 2018
screenshot source: Twitch Team
Times stands by the hiring of tech writer Sarah Jeong despite 2014 tweets that included “Dumbass f–ing white people marking up the internet w/their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants," and “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men."— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) August 2, 2018
NY Times hires extreme anti-white racist anyway, blames “trolls” for her ultra-bigoted comments— Jack Posobiec ๐บ๐ธ (@JackPosobiec) August 2, 2018
Sarah Jeong was not joking. That is the B.S. excuse. This image proves that. Because this is not about "white men" this proves her hatred for all white people.— American Patriot (@carries338lapua) August 2, 2018
You are truly a horrible human being. You need a deeply rooted heart and soul cleanse.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) August 2, 2018
Racist tweets are "clearly tongue in cheek"....when POCs do it?— WiserInTime ใฒ✘◬ (@WiserInTime) August 2, 2018
Maybe we can get one standard for everyone and not lose our minds over people like Roseanne Barr while fawning over Sarah Jeong when they do essentially the same exact thing.
— The Unknown Tweeter (@Javaman22) August 2, 2018
Let me remind everybody, or should I say correct everybody. Roseanne Barr had her entire legacy destroyed by the Marxist Left because they were DEEPLY OFFENDED by ONE REPLY off the cuff TWEET about ONE PERSON she was politically demeaning in her reference. The Marxist Left pounced and labeled that ONE REPLY TWEET AS RACIST and outright called Roseanne Barr a racist and literally destroyed her 30 plus year legacy.
You guys on the Left are a piece of work for actually defending people who lately have had their older tweets exposed for pedophilia, and actual racism. You had the nerve to call 10,000 deleted tweets about pedophilia "jokes" referencing them as a few tweets, and dozens of racist tweets as "jokes". Yeah, we have your number. (emphasis mine)
UPDATE 8/3/18 at 1:56pm: I added tweets below.
Does Valerie Jarrett look of black descent to you pictured above? She was born in Iran, lived there for many years and is a Muslim. Roseanne Barr had her legacy destroyed because she INSULTED Obama's mentor Valerie Jarrett who groomed him.
— sarah jeong (@sarahjeong) August 2, 2018
Those tweets from the trolls were sent to her in 2014. She stayed hurt and angry years later? This is what Sarah Jeong is using to justify her hate filled racist tweets and anti-police tweets? Her hate filled rants were isolated tweets (messages).— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) August 3, 2018
Abolish the police.— sarah jeong (@sarahjeong) November 25, 2014
Look at the dates of Sarah's anti-police tweets 11/2014 above and 12/2017 below which was just seven months ago.
fuck the police— sarah jeong (@sarahjeong) December 5, 2017
EXCLUSIVE: NYT's Sarah Jeong also sent many anti-cop and anti-men tweets, including "kill more men" and "fuck the police."— Amber Athey (@amber_athey) August 3, 2018
This seems to further debunk @NYTimes' claim that she was just shining a mirror on online harassment.
I haven't read Andrew Sullivan in years, since he turned against the Iraq War. But this on the NYT's new racist hire is brilliant. When Racism Is Fit to Print via @intelligencer— Mark Humphrys (@markhumphrys) August 3, 2018
"Sarah" doesn't sound Asian. Did her parents culturally appropriate one of our pasty white names for their little budding racist?— #NoDeals❌ (@bgenlvtex) August 3, 2018
Tech writer fired by NY Times:— Dot (@DotatDabbled) August 2, 2018
FLASHBACK:— Allum Bokhari❌ (@LibertarianBlue) January 8, 2018
They'll fire employees like James Damore for minor critiques of progressive dogmas, but Google refuses to condemn calls for POLITICAL VIOLENCE from left-wing employees.
Google fired James Damore for memo discussing innate biological differences between men and women. Now Apple fires diversity chief for saying that diversity can include life experiences and perspectives and not limited to race, sex, and LGBT. Not good.— Steven Hamley (@stevenhamley) November 20, 2017
UPDATE 8/4/18 at 2:30pm: I added tweets below.
At least @Twitter got something right. Sad the same thing can’t be said about the @nytimes. Honestly can the publisher of the @nytimes not see how offensive it is to hire a person who is such a blatant, hateful #racist?— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 4, 2018
The NYT knows it and is currently weighing the political cost of coming out of the closet as the anti-white racists that they are. This woman is being used as a coal-mine canary. Whatever the results we know they sympathise with her views.— Ralph Temple (@BluDino) August 4, 2018
Jewish people are bullshit... like dogs pissing on fire hydrants. #cancelJewishpeople. Are Jewish people genetically disposed to burn faster in the sun?— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) August 4, 2018
The above statements are from @nytimes editor @sarahjeong. I simply swapped out the word “white” for “Jewish”.
No matter which way you slice it, @sarahjeong is a racist. It is ABHORRENT that the failing @nytimes has decided to stand by her.— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) August 4, 2018
Hoping for the extermination of ANY race, is indefensible behavior.
Ah yes— Jack Posobiec ๐บ๐ธ (@JackPosobiec) August 4, 2018
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