KPIX CBS SF Bay Area published on Aug 1, 2018: Andria Borba reports on additional information emerging about the Chinese mole who worked for San Francisco Senator Dianne Feinstein for 20 years (8-1-2018)
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) August 3, 2018Diane Feinstein had a Chinese spy working for her for 20 years.
Why isn’t this non-stop national headline news?
KPIX5, CBS San Francisco Bay Area
written by Staff
Wednesday August 1, 2018
SAN FRANCISCO - New details emerged Wednesday about how a mole for the government of communist China managed to stay by Senator Dianne Feinstein’s side for nearly 20 years.
It happened five years ago, but additional information is just surfacing about how the Bay Area senator’s office was infiltrated by a Chinese spy.
The Bay Area is a hotbed for Russian and Chinese espionage. Late last year, the feds shut down the Russian consulate in San Francisco.
You may remember the thick black smoke that billowing from building before Russian diplomats turned it over to authorities, presumably produced by burning documents.
Now, all eyes are on Chinese intelligence in the Bay Area after the website Politico reported last week that a staffer for Senator Feinstein turned out to be a Chinese spy who reported back to the government officials about local politics.
On Wednesday, the San Francisco Chronicle uncovered additional details in a column written by reporters Phil Matier and Andy Ross.
The column revealed that the Chinese spy was Feinstein’s driver who also served as a gofer in her Bay Area office and was a liaison to the Asian-American community.
He even attended Chinese consulate functions for the senator.
Feinstein — who was Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee at the time — was reportedly mortified when the FBI told her she’d be infiltrated.
Investigators reportedly concluded the driver hadn’t leaked anything of substance and Feinstein forced him to retire.
Former FBI agent and KPIX 5 security analyst Jeff Harp said he was not surprised.
“Think about Diane Feinstein and what she had access to,” said Harp. “One, she had access to the Chinese community here in San Francisco; great amount of political influence. Two, correct me if I’m wrong, Dianne Feinstein still has very close ties to the intelligence committees there in Washington, D.C.”
Harp ran counter espionage for the FBI in the Bay Area. He said in addition to traditional political intel and diplomatic secrets, Bay Area spies are often focused on things like R&D, technology and trade secrets.
“They also have an interest in the economy here. How to get political influence here,” said Harp. “What’s being developed in Silicon Valley that has dual-use technology. All of that is tied to the Bay Area.”
And he says, like in many areas, when it comes to counter intelligence and espionage, the Bay Area is a trend setter.
“As the Bay Area goes, so does the nation when it comes to technology,” said Harp. “So why not when it comes to spying?”
Harp pointed out politicians with access to classified information are generally trained on what not to say and when not to say it. But he also noted when you have a driver behind the wheel day in and day out for 20 years, there are more opportunities to slip up.
Feinstein’s office would not comment on the story, saying they do not address personnel matters or investigations, but they added that none of their California offices staffers had ever had security clearance.
The FBI declined to comment on the story.
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) August 3, 2018Diane Feinstein was Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence at the time her driver was a Chinese spy.
Why is she still sitting on that committee, and why am I the only one asking that question?
Feinstein funneling U.S. Intelligence to China, Shultz funneling it to Pakistan, Clinton supplying Uranium to Iran, by funneling it through Russia, and the media covering it all up, with the Russian Collusion Circus and Clown called Acosta. If they’re not the enemy who is?— Don smith (@Donsmit63078009) August 3, 2018
-Dianne Feinstein had a Chinese spy with her for 20 yrs— PinkAboutIt 🇺🇸 (@Pink_About_it) August 3, 2018
-DWS hires a family of Pakistani spies and gave them access to Dem servers and multiple people without any background checks
Russia Russia Russia!!!!!
What's amazing is that this detail surfaced in a random Politico article, and that Feinstein was able to bury it under the rug for YEARS. China placed a spy inside of the Senate Intel Committee, which has access to all of our secrets, and reporters shrug.— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) August 3, 2018
Just a few of the things the MSM ignored this week:— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) August 3, 2018
- Remains of our servicemen being returned from North Korea
- Donald Trump donating his entire salary back to the Treasury
- Dem. Sen. Diane Feinstein having a Chinese spy on the payroll for 20 years
When Dianne Feinstein, chair of the Senate intelligence committee, found out she had a Chinese spy on her payroll, she let him "retire" (with a pension?) and "kept it quiet."— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) August 3, 2018
That's how they roll on the Hill.
Better to be compromised than embarrassed.
San Francisco Chronicle
written by Phil Matier and Andy Ross
Wednesday August 1, 2018
A staffer in U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s San Francisco office was fired a few years back after being linked to Chinese spying in the Bay Area.
According to a Politico Magazine story on Silicon Valley espionage, the Feinstein staffer was suspected of providing political intelligence — but nothing classified — to his handlers, with one former intelligence official telling author Zach Dorfman that the suspected informant was “run” by officials based at the local Chinese Consulate.
A local source who knew about the incident confirmed to us that the FBI showed up at Feinstein’s office in Washington, D.C., about five years ago to alert the then-chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee that her driver was being investigated for possible Chinese spying.
“Dianne was mortified,” said our source, who spoke to us only on condition he not be named.
Besides driving her around when she was in California, the staffer also served as gofer in her San Francisco office and as a liaison to the Asian American community, even attending Chinese Consulate functions for the senator.
According to our source, the intrigue started years earlier when the staffer took a trip to Asia to visit relatives and was befriended by someone who continued to stay in touch with him on subsequent visits.
That someone was connected with the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of State Security.
“He didn’t even know what was happening — that he was being recruited,” says our source. “He just thought it was some friend.”
The FBI apparently concluded the driver hadn’t revealed anything of substance.
“They interviewed him, and Dianne forced him to retire, and that was the end of it,” says our source.
“None of her staff ever knew what was going on,” the source added. “They just kept it quiet.”
UPDATE 8/3/18 at 6:35pm: I added tweets below:
Senator Dianne Feinstein had a Chinese spy on her payroll—who also attended functions on her behalf—for 20 years.— Alana Mastrangelo (@ARmastrangelo) August 3, 2018
When Feinstein found out, she just asked him to retire. She wants you to believe she's really concerned about Russia buying Facebook ads, though.
FBI was investigating allegations the Chinese had tried to influence US elections. Cosco has been viewed with suspicion since one of its ships was seized in Oakland last year with 2,000 contraband assault weapons allegedly headed for Los Angeles gangs.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) August 4, 2018
Nothing says “I’m very serious about foreign espionage targeting the U.S. government” quite like 437,000 tweets about “Trump+Russia” and “Butina + NRA” and precisely 0 about Dianne Feinstein’s driver.— Arthur Boreman Once Held His Breath for 30 Seconds (@ArthurBoreman) August 4, 2018
No one talks about the 20 CIA agents under Obama that were murdered or sent to prison for life in China, after it was presume, a leak or possible hacking of then Department State of State Secretary Clinton had her server hacked.— Juansito (@Juansitoloquito) July 19, 2018
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