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A stunning 11:11 Solar ECLIPSE in Leo on August 11, 2018 triggers a powerful Finger of God pointing directly at the Sun and Moon!
During any Solar eclipse you're letting go.
Something is being eclipsed in your past, and you're starting completely NEW.
This last if three consecutive eclipses is special, as it opens the 11:11 portal (August 11 at 10:58 am UT in London, 5:58 am EST in New York, 2:58 am PDT in L.A.).
Your life is in a state of RENEWAL:
- August, 2018 is a 19/10/1 Universal Month
- 2018 is an 11 Universal Year
- August 11 is an 11 Universal Day
It's already affecting you – eclipses are felt weeks before they occur (and many months afterwards)!
Amazingly, the planetary sacred geometry is equally as stunning:
- A Finger of God points directly at the Sun and Moon
- A Sun/Moon/Mercury eclipse conjunction is square fortunate Jupiter
Strong mystical forces are at play… many experiences will feel destined…
The Finger of God (or Yod) is one of the rarest sacred geometric shapes in astrology. It indicates powerful mystical forces are in play – and experiences and meetings around this time will feel DESTINED.
Something hidden can come to the surface.
This Finger of God creates an Awakening, opening up your Awareness, creating a wonderful safe feeling that amplifies Spiritual Transformation and Growth.
- At the bottom of the “finger”, the planets of Pluto and Neptune are sextile each other focused like a laser beam on the Sun/Moon Solar Eclipse.
Pluto empowers, Neptune spiritualizes.
You have he courage to speak your truth, the courage to love, embrace ALL of life.
This is a big moment – the 11:11 portal opens, clears the past, allows you to forgive, forget, and move forward.
A New Moon eclipse ALSO signifies a fresh start.
So this moment initiates a major turning point that will take you through the rest of 2018.
Listen deeply… find your sweet spot of inner peace.
Create something that feels playful – JOY is flowing through your heart.
- Sun and Moon join forces at 18° Leo – reflecting 20
You’ll get clarity on the gifts of 2018.
- Mercury retrograde is also conjunct the Solar eclipse.
Now your internal dialogue adds deliberation and attention on your inner voice, so you only engage and actualize what inspires you.
Remember, this eclipse happens in LEO – rekindling your capacity for exuberant self expression, joy, and courageous and passionate engagement!
- Every planet is impacted during this Eclipse.
This means your entire life is activated. Every part of you is going to be stimulated and awakened.
To get the complete cosmic forecast – including a major activation of VENUS – make sure you watch the eclipse video.
Here's to your New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo awakening!
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
P.S. For the most in-depth daily stars and numbers forecast (including printable PDF transcript and monthly music selections) delivered to your inbox a month in ADVANCE so you can plan ahead with precision and confidence, check out our Premium Wealth Forecast!
–> Listen to a free excerpt of AUGUST's Premium Wealth Forecast Here.
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