If I were the devil, I would try to convince people that I am God, or the son of God, or the prophet of God. How can any Muslim or Christian be confident that they are not following the devil?— Armin Navabi (@ArminNavabi) June 28, 2018
@ArminNavabi Because once you 'personally' feel His pure love yourself, there's no denying it.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 28, 2018
Once that 'personal' connection is made with Divine Source, you want to feel more of that unconditional pure love, and you'll want others to feel that pure love too.
Yeah the pure love, forgiving and all knowing allmighty. My ass. A god who created this world cant be good. And he is an asshole for promising to burn every non believer and lastly, you love your captor its Stockholm syndrome.— Yaratilmamis Insan (@not_created) June 28, 2018
The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, Yahweh never said He promised to burn every non-believer. Nor has Yahweh said that you should be killed for denying His existence.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 28, 2018
Yahweh created us with free will to choose to love Him back. God loves you unconditionally.
Religion is man-made
So there is a god out there, which in fact told Abraham to sacrifice his son and then changed his mind and gave him a goat to kill instead? Thats real but the mad poet mohammad was not a prophet? What are you talking about?— Yaratilmamis Insan (@not_created) June 28, 2018
What you described is symbolic of what was to come. When Yahweh allowed His son, Jesus Christ, to be sacrificed on the cross to atone for all of our sins. Resurrected 3 days later.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 28, 2018
We have been reconciled to our Father in Heaven & redeemed from the curse of the law by the blood.
Your emotions are a poor substitute for truth.— Lilith (@LilithLiberated) June 29, 2018
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings have a human experience.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 29, 2018
My soul recognized truth when I was in His presence.
You may have difficulty believing that I know exactly what you mean. I have experienced that. The problem is that this is not a reliable way to establish truth. My experience did not mean that it reflected a truth outside my mind. Beware of any system that feeds your ego.— Lilith (@LilithLiberated) June 29, 2018
Being filled with the Holy Spirit, filled by the pure love of Yahweh transcends the illusions of the ego.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 29, 2018
The closer you grow to God, you begin the process of surrendering ego. The ego is transmuted by love.
It's ego that stops you from feeling the unconditional love of God.
The cruelest and yet the most necessary curse I know.— Lilith (@LilithLiberated) June 29, 2018
May you learn.
What is the cruelest and most necessary curse you know?— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 29, 2018
What is it you want me to learn?
Love is not a curse.
Ignorance is a curse. Trusting in that which is not reliable is a curse. The curse I referred to is this.— Lilith (@LilithLiberated) June 29, 2018
Dirthara ma
It means
“May you learn”
You're speaking Elvish to me and telling me that trusting in that which is not reliable is a curse? Really?— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 29, 2018
No learning the cost of your errors, paying the cost in full with no relief is a curse.— Lilith (@LilithLiberated) June 29, 2018
The son of God Jesus Christ was sacrificed on the cross to atone for ALL of our sins. Resurrected 3 days later.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 29, 2018
We have been reconciled to our Father in Heaven and redeemed from the curse of the law by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the living breathing Word of God.
This reply she gave me in the tweet below 👇 is what Muslims are taught about Jesus Christ. That's why I get shocked and dismayed when I hear the Catholic Pope praise and honor Islam. He might as well be honoring Satanism since satanist feel the same way about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. What kind of example is the Catholic Pope trying to be for his flock? Praising a religion that denies Christ, the Word of God? Not only that, Islam claims allah told Abraham to sacrifice his son Ishmael. In the Quran, allah actually allowed Abraham to sacrifice Ishmael by slicing his throat and killed him. Then allah brought Ishmael back to life. That is a total and complete utter lie. In the first half of the Bible, which is the Jewish Torah written thousands of years BEFORE Muhammad was even born, Yahweh told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, NOT Ishmael, Yahweh STOPPED Abraham right before he was going to go through with it and gave Abraham and his son Isaac a ram to sacrifice in his place. Furthermore, it is a lie that Islam is an Abrahamic faith. Islam was created around 666 AD years after Muhammad had the cousin of his first wealthy wife translate the Bible and then twisted details to create the Quran. No joke. Muhammad was murdered by his own family in 632 AD after he slaughter masses of people who refused to submit to him when he went on a conquering spree to establish his caliphate (kingdom). Islam literally means submission. The penalty for leaving Islam is DEATH. Christians and Jews don't get killed if they decide to leave the faith. Their mahdi (messiah) comes at the 6th trumpet when Christians are expecting the antichrist to show up. Jesus Christ, our messiah, returns at the 7th trumpet. (emphasis mine)
— Lilith (@LilithLiberated) June 29, 2018OK I’m not certain why you’re saying this because I am very familiar with the theology. But even if it were true he didn’t really die. He gave up a weekend. There is nothing surrendered, nothing given up, nothing sacrificed. And you were proposing black magic and human sacrifice.
God, Yahweh is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. God is Alpha and Omega.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 29, 2018
God created all of existence. All that you see in nature was created by God Almighty.
The only thing Islam, Quran got right about the Bible is Mary chosen by God, and the VIRGIN BIRTH of Jesus Christ.
Prove. It.— Lilith (@LilithLiberated) June 29, 2018
Don't challenge me. All of you should be challenging God Himself.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) June 29, 2018
Tell God to prove Himself to you. Yell at Him. Scream at Him. Cry. Wave your fist at Him. Tell Him you need to know if He is real.
It's not about religion or joining a group. He proved it to me, gazillion others.
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