Hi everybody, I know it's been a very long time since I've shared my personal feelings about my life with you. It has been such a mishmash of experiences it was hard for me to sit down and write about it. I couldn't explain it to you. I also, really, just don't like talking about it. After All, it's behind me. I don't need to keep it in front of me. I don't want you to feel sorry for me either please. That's not why I'm sharing this with you. I'm nobody's victim. The people wanting to cause me pain have as much of a karmic lesson in this as I do. I don't hate them. I literally feel sorry for every one of them. So, with that said, if me sharing this quick summary of what I've been going through with you can help just one person out there, then it's all worth it.
All this time, for the past 5 years, I've been devoting my time to help my mom with a set of circumstances that I took on to help her that stretched me beyond my capacity emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I'm also dealing with people from the Left that started with an obsessed neighbor, who have been harassing me, gang stalking me, destroying my property for the same time period. I have cameras everywhere, including in my car, and they still manage to get away with damaging my personal property. I've lived here for 19 years. I'm not moving until it's time for me to move. I have to constantly spiritually protect myself because of the Left's Black witch craft allies, and the so-called "do no harm" White witch craft allies of the Left, and Islamist, who literally do dark magic rituals to curse people, to cause harm to people, they don't like. I know that sounds insane, but the Supernatural world is very real. I'm a highly spiritually sensitive person and I feel even the hate filled thoughts and feelings toward me. They get shot at me like arrows. I have to calmly and without fear be spiritual vigilant to prevent the spiritual attack or nip it in the bud quickly. Don't let the dark forces get a curse over you in edgewise either.
All this time, for the past 5 years, I've been devoting my time to help my mom with a set of circumstances that I took on to help her that stretched me beyond my capacity emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I'm also dealing with people from the Left that started with an obsessed neighbor, who have been harassing me, gang stalking me, destroying my property for the same time period. I have cameras everywhere, including in my car, and they still manage to get away with damaging my personal property. I've lived here for 19 years. I'm not moving until it's time for me to move. I have to constantly spiritually protect myself because of the Left's Black witch craft allies, and the so-called "do no harm" White witch craft allies of the Left, and Islamist, who literally do dark magic rituals to curse people, to cause harm to people, they don't like. I know that sounds insane, but the Supernatural world is very real. I'm a highly spiritually sensitive person and I feel even the hate filled thoughts and feelings toward me. They get shot at me like arrows. I have to calmly and without fear be spiritual vigilant to prevent the spiritual attack or nip it in the bud quickly. Don't let the dark forces get a curse over you in edgewise either.
On top of all of that, I'm somehow managing to spiritually ascend whether I want to or not. It's all happening at once. There were times in my spiritual ascension that I felt like Jodie Foster with her eyes closed, being vibrated at high speed, locked down in her chair in the movie Contact repeating, "I'm okay to go." That was my spiritual being talking because heck I had so much going on that was working so hard to distract me from what needed to take place on my spiritual path. But God worked everything together for my highest good.
Jump to 1:48 in the video clip of the movie Contact I've shared with you below. That's how I felt with tears in my eyes. Now for those of you who don't know what I mean by spiritual ascension, I'm not talking about dying and going to heaven. I am referring to the process of spiritual growth and being elevated to a higher spiritual vibrational frequency. Another way to put it, the more I surrender myself to God, the closer I draw myself to God, Divine Source. And in that process, it's like I'm being lifted higher spiritually, causing my ego and flesh scales to fall by the wayside figuratively speaking. I share a picture gif below from the movie Spirited Away to give you a visual.
The spiritual atmosphere is shifting quickly. Remember, we are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience while we are here on this terrestrial plane.
So, for a long time I keep hearing the wonderful spiritual readers say that I have to leave this god awful person who has been mistreating me, being abusive, taking me for granted. I'm not in a love relationship. But what they were seeing was my circumstances. Well, right now, I can't do that until what I've been helping my senior mom with finally gets resolved. That's where most of my manifesting skills have been used in the form of prayer that God has been answering literally with miracle after miracle that have left me in awe of Him. The sooner my mom's stuff gets officially done, which could be any day now, thank you God, the sooner I can happily get on with my life. Does my mom have a clue how much work I've done for her? I don't think so. But my mom probably said the same about raising me. Will she thank me when it's all done and over with? Who knows? She probably said the same thing about raising me. But that's not why I dedicated my time and energy helping her. All I know is that my mom needed me, without needing to ask either, and I had the education and wherewithal to help her get it done efficiently and as quickly as possible. In the end, it was the right thing to do whether I wanted to do it or not. Without a second thought, I chose to take up the gauntlet on my mom's behalf and then watched God lead us through the battle to victory. I will be able to lovingly move on with my personal life with a clear conscience when this chapter in my life is completed.
I've also been manifesting desired outcomes in other areas in the form of prayer. Which drew the attention from the dark spiritual realm wanting to disable me, snuff me out literally. The stuff I've experienced and witnessed is like totally insane. Even I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it or experience it. Prayer works people, if you want God and all of heaven standing guard around you 24/7. I've shared prayers with you on the right side of my website for you to use to help you get through whatever it is you need help with. Even at my weakest moments, when the dark forces thought they had me down in the gutter, the Holy Spirit was always there to lift me up and protect me. Always.
I've also been manifesting desired outcomes in other areas in the form of prayer. Which drew the attention from the dark spiritual realm wanting to disable me, snuff me out literally. The stuff I've experienced and witnessed is like totally insane. Even I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it or experience it. Prayer works people, if you want God and all of heaven standing guard around you 24/7. I've shared prayers with you on the right side of my website for you to use to help you get through whatever it is you need help with. Even at my weakest moments, when the dark forces thought they had me down in the gutter, the Holy Spirit was always there to lift me up and protect me. Always.
What prompted me to start writing this post was listening to one of my favorite spiritual readers repeating, "What makes you happy? What makes you happy?" As in, it's time for you to find your happiness and run with it. Well I know, with every fiber of my being, what makes me happy. I'm a Sagittarius for heaven's sake, fun is my middle name. All of this time I've been feeling like I've been holding my breath, deeply submerged, under water. I needed to stay focused helping my mom complete what needed to get done, and keeping my household safe. Playing and having fun would have forced me to catch my breath which could cause me to miss a very important detail or worse, lose control. In the past 5 years, at my lowest and heaviest point of carrying this burden, I literally surrendered it to Jesus. I found myself on my knees literally begging Jesus to please take this yoke from me, I can't do this on my own. From that moment on, God by way of the Holy Spirit, lovingly guided me with a whispered answer to a question here and gently nudged me in the right direction there. Unspeakable joy filled my heart and soul even though I still felt submerged in water.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)I started to look for picture gifs to help me describe to you how it has been for me these past 5 years. I googled "swimming to the surface gif" and chose these picture gifs below.
This was me for 5 years.
This was me starting to see a beacon of light at the surface
at the end of last year.
This is me now rushing toward that breakthrough.
I can't wait to FEEL that feeling.
This picture actually has me already feeling that feeling lol
funny how that works. ;)
This is when the spiritual transmutation has occurred.
I honestly can't believe I'm still here, smiling, and sane after all of this happening in my life. This is why I can't thank God enough for watching over me, protecting me, and taking care of me all of this time. While I was looking through the picture gif search, I stumbled upon a picture gif of this video below, which caused me to look it up on YouTube. This short film made me cry. It beautifully describes my emotional state this past 5 years in the manner I wanted to share with you visually.
Guillaume Néry published on Mar 9, 2018: AMA - a short film by Julie Gautier
JULIE: "Ama is a silent film. It tells a story everyone can interpret in their own way, based on their own experience. There is no imposition, only suggestions.
I wanted to share my biggest pain in this life with this film. For this is not too crude, I covered it with grace. To make it not too heavy, I plunged it into the water.
I dedicate this film to all the women of the world."
UPDATE 7/15/18 at 11:55pm: I added tweets below.
I'm watching 'Spirited Away' on DVD right now for the gazillionth time. This movie makes me smile. 😊 Great story. I highly recommend it. #MasterpieceTheatre #Supernatural #Thriller #suspense— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) July 16, 2018
Thank you @Studioghiblifr 💞https://t.co/VKrKRrJggj
Blown away. I just came to the realization that the Spirited Away story resembles my life this past 5 years.— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) July 16, 2018
Chihiro's parents made choices that put her in a predicament in order to restore her parents lives. In the end it was like nothing happened, when so much happened to her.
I have seen this movie tons of times since its release. It's so wild that I didn't make the connection until today. I actually cried the moment that lightbulb went off in my head. It was such an amazing release. I received a deeply personal message from Holy Spirit through this insight. Wow. Surreal.
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