With 19 votes in favor, 4 against, and 11 abstentions, #OASassembly approves Resolution on the Situation in #Venezuela #OEAconVzla pic.twitter.com/yPcYbIg7W3— OAS (@OAS_official) June 6, 2018
'With 19 votes the #OAS's strongest resolution was approved in favor of the #Venezuela people.— Alexblx (@Alexblx) June 6, 2018
For countries of Inter-American - Nicolás #Maduro is not regarded as the President of Venezuela - and his electoral farce of May 20 is ignored as of no consequence.' https://t.co/HL3TBJrFqq
.@OAS_official passes resolution denouncing sham election in #Venezuela & calling 4 restoration of democracy. It begins process of expulsion of Venezuela from organization. I commend @Almagro_OEA2015, @realDonaldTrump admin & other countries 4 standing 4 democracy & freedom. pic.twitter.com/gKL43gBqkj— Alfonso Aguilar (@amigoaguilar) June 6, 2018
#OASassembly— Luis Almagro (@Almagro_OEA2015) June 6, 2018
A key step to restore democracy in Venezuela, adding more support to apply all the mechanisms of the Inter-American Democratic Charter #OEAconVzla https://t.co/o6nWy7LRLh
Tuesday June 5, 2018
(Adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 5, 2018)
CONSIDERING that the Charter of the Organization of American States recognizes that representative democracy is an indispensable condition for the stability, peace, and development of the region and that one of the purposes of the OAS is to promote and consolidate representative democracy;
REAFFIRMING the right of the peoples of the Americas to democracy and the obligation of their governments to promote and defend it;
BEARING IN MIND that respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; access to and the exercise of power in accordance with the rule of law; the holding of periodic, free, and fair elections based on secret balloting and universal suffrage as an expression of the sovereignty of the people, the pluralistic system of political parties and organizations, and the separation of powers and independence of the branches of government are, among other things, essential elements of representative democracy;
TAKING NOTE of the report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights “Democratic Institutions, the Rule of Law and Human Rights in Venezuela,” published on February 12, 2018, which reflects the political, economic, social, and humanitarian crisis in that country;
RECALLING that, through its resolution CP/RES. 1095 (2145/18) of February 23, 2018, the Permanent Council requested the Government of Venezuela to reconsider the convening of presidential elections and to implement the measures necessary to prevent the worsening of the humanitarian situation, including accepting the assistance offered by the international community;
CONSIDERING that the aggravation of the political, economic, social, and humanitarian crisis that has caused a deterioration in the standard of living in that country is generating an increasing emigration of Venezuelan citizens and is having impacts on the capacity of some countries of the Hemisphere to meet their different needs, including those pertaining to security, as evidenced at the meeting of the Permanent Council held on April 30, 2018;
RECALLING that resolution CP/RES. 1078 (2108/17) of April 3, 2017, declared that an unconstitutional alteration of the constitutional order of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela had occurred;
UNDERSCORING that diplomatic initiatives offered by the Permanent Council and undertaken by several member states have either been rebuffed by the Venezuelan Government, or failed until now,
1. To declare that the electoral process as implemented in Venezuela, which concluded on May 20, 2018, lacks legitimacy, for not complying with international standards, for not having met the participation of all Venezuelan political actors, and for being carried out without the necessary guarantees for a free, fair, transparent and democratic process.
2. To reaffirm that only through a national dialogue with the participation of all Venezuelan political actors and stakeholders can national reconciliation be achieved and the necessary conditions agreed upon for holding a new electoral process that truly reflects the will of the Venezuelan citizens and peacefully resolves the current crisis in that country.
3. To reiterate that an unconstitutional alteration of the constitutional order of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has occurred, as stated in resolution CP/RES. 1078 (2108/17) of April 3, 2017.
4. To urge the Government of Venezuela to take steps to guarantee the separation and independence of the constitutional branches of power and restore the full authority of the National Assembly, the rule of law, and the guarantees and liberties of the population.
5. To urge the Government of Venezuela to allow the entry of humanitarian aid and to implement epidemiological surveillance measures in its country to prevent the aggravation of the humanitarian and public health crisis, particularly against the reappearance of diseases such as measles, malaria, and diphtheria
6. To invite the member states to implement measures to address the humanitarian emergency in Venezuela, including supplying medicines, as well as considering contributions to the competent international organizations to strengthen the institutional capacities of the recipient countries.
7. To instruct the Permanent Council to identify, in coordination with the relevant inter-American and international institutions, the appropriate measures to support the member states that are receiving an increasing number of Venezuelan migrants and refugees.
8. To call upon the member and permanent observer states to implement, in accordance with their respective legal frameworks and applicable international law, the measures deemed appropriate at the political, economic, and financial levels to assist in the restoration of democratic order in Venezuela.
9. To remain seized of the situation in Venezuela in order to support diplomatic actions and additional measures that facilitate the restoration of democratic institutions and social peace, and that promote full respect for human rights and full adherence to the rule of law, within the constitutional framework of Venezuela and in a manner consistent with its international obligations and commitments.
10. To apply, in strict accordance with the letter and spirit of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, the mechanisms for the preservation and defense of representative democracy provided under its Articles 20 and 21.
1)The delegations of Antigua and Barbuda and Bolivia stated that they will submit footnotes.
🎥 [#VENEZUELA] Así fue el momento en el que la OEA aprobó la resolución sobre Venezuela con 19 votos a favor, 4 en contra y 11 abstenciones. El documento pide el desconocimiento de las elecciones presidenciales realizadas el pasado 20 de mayo https://t.co/8wWxEUf7X4 pic.twitter.com/AA4iPZDF6Y— NTN24 (@NTN24) June 6, 2018
I could not find any unbiased news in english that did not report this historical moment in favor of Maduro or the Chavista Marxist Regime in place. I'd like to say that I am shocked, but not anymore. So, I'm sharing news from a latin America media source. Please bare in mind that I'm using their translation feature, so it will not be a perfect translation to English from Spanish.
All of the Marxists worldwide are accusing the United States as usual. But as you can clearly see, most of Latin American nations stood firmly together along with Canada and the United States against this disgraceful Venezuelan Marxist governing body. (emphasis mine)
All of the Marxists worldwide are accusing the United States as usual. But as you can clearly see, most of Latin American nations stood firmly together along with Canada and the United States against this disgraceful Venezuelan Marxist governing body. (emphasis mine)
NTN24 Noticias
written by Staff
Tuesday June 5, 2018
The approval allows the convening of an extraordinary meeting to discuss the suspension of Venezuela from the agency.
After a long day, with 19 votes in favor, four against and 11 abstentions , the OAS approved the resolution on Venezuela.
The document calls for ignorance of the presidential elections held on May 20, where Nicolás Maduro was re-elected according to figures given by the National Electoral Council (CNE), opening of the humanitarian channel and recognition of the Venezuelan Parliament.
After a long session with an hour and a half wait for the presentation of the resolution on Venezuela, 19 OAS countries ignored the result of the election of Nicolás Maduro and urged collaboration in the recovery of democracy and the opening of a new humanitarian channel for Venezuelans.
Before the vote, the representatives of Antigua and Barbuda and Bolivia withdrew the proposals for amendment of the resolution considering that they would not be heard, and urged to work on a political solution to the problems of Venezuela.
After the approval, the Venezuelan Chancellor, Jorge Arreaza, described as "a fraud of form and substance" the resolution approved and assured that "this approval in theory gives carte blanche to the United States to continue attacking and intervening in Venezuela."
The approval of this resolution implies that it is allowed to convene an extraordinary meeting to decide on the suspension of Venezuela from the agency , something that would require the support of 24 States.
In the morning, the representatives of the different countries discussed the sanctions of the United States to Venezuela, where Trujillo stressed that they are specific measures "against punctual people", denying the statements of the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Jorge Arreaza, who affirms that they are against the village.
"The economic collapse of Venezuela is in the hands of Maduro," Trujillo said.
Withdrawal of Venezuela from the OAS in abeyance
On the withdrawal of Venezuela from the OAS, the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Luis Almagro clarified to the Venezuelan Foreign Minister that it is in suspense, due to the fact that in the secretariat of the organization there are communications from the National Assembly and the Supreme Court of Justice (in exile) in which it is noticed that the decision of the government of Nicolás Maduro is unconstitutional.
At the recent @OAS_official General Assembly, #Venezuela’s Foreign Minister took issue with Canada calling out the #Maduro regime. Hear what Minister Freeland had to say. pic.twitter.com/EbKBTG2Qne— Foreign Policy CAN (@CanadaFP) June 7, 2018
#AsambleaOEA|19 países a favor de resolución contra #Venezuela— Bricio Segovia (@briciosegovia) June 6, 2018
🇨🇷Costa Rica
#AsambleaOEA | 11 países se abstienen ante la resolución contra #Venezuela— Bricio Segovia (@briciosegovia) June 6, 2018
🇰🇳San Cristóbal y Nieves
🇹🇹Trinidad y Tobago
🇦🇬Antigua y Barbuda
🇸🇻El Salvador
#AsambleaOEA | 4 países se oponen a la resolución contra #Venezuela— Bricio Segovia (@briciosegovia) June 6, 2018
🇻🇨San Vicente y las Granadinas
#NoticiasEVTV El secretario de Relaciones Exteriores de México celebró la resolución en la OEA. "México continúa apoyando, por la vía diplomática, el restablecimiento pacífico de la democracia en Venezuela" #5Jun #EVTV #EvtvMiami #Venezuela #Mexico pic.twitter.com/b3pwsxLDBQ— EVTV Miami (@EVTVMiami) June 6, 2018
#OAS70years— OAS (@OAS_official) June 8, 2018
70 years ago, the OAS was created to promote unity, peace and prosperity in the Hemisphere. Today, in addition, the Organization is the regional watchdog in defense of democracy, freedom and human rights.@andresgonzalezd @Almagro_OEA2015 @NestorMendezOAS pic.twitter.com/xpiFN5KFnt
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