Birmingham Muslims claim child grooming doesn’t happen in Pakistan and blame British society for “encouraging” abusers. (Roughly a thousand Hindu and Christian girls abducted in Pakistan for forced marriages every year.)— Jack Montgomery ู (@JackBMontgomery) November 10, 2017
Breitbart News
written by Jack Montgomery
November 10, 2017
Pakistani Muslims in Birmingham have told ITV News their community is not to blame for the child sex grooming epidemic, saying the crimes are caused by conditions in British society.
“It is our responsibility? It is not!” declares one man, clearly indignant.
“The crimes are committed in this country; these grooming crimes are not committed in Pakistan. They are committed in this society, and it is the conditions of this society that are encouraging people to commit crimes like that,” he asserts confidently.
Newcastle groomer: “White women are good for only one thing – for people like me to f*** and use as trash.”— Jack Montgomery ู (@JackBMontgomery) August 10, 2017
While it is true that conditions in Pakistan are different to conditions in Britain — insofar as Pakistani Muslims are 98 per cent of the population in the South Asian country, rather than only a significant minority, as they are in Britain — some of the same issues can be observed with respect to the exploitation of non-Muslim girls.
For example, the National Catholic Reporter recently exposed how Pakistani Christians have been “abducted, raped, and forced to marry their rapists” before being forced to convert to Islam — making their marriages legal under Pakistani law.
Reports from earlier in 2017 have highlighted how Hindu girls have been subjected to similar ordeals, and police have “refused to intervene”.
Letter here from @thetimesIE attacking politically correct cover-up of child abuse by mostly Pakistani men in Britain. Note signatories.— David Quinn (@DavQuinn) September 5, 2017
The ITV report highlights a letter written in September by leading members of the Sikh, Hindu, and Pakistani Christian diaspora in Britain in support of Sarah Champion MP, who was forced to resign from the shadow government by Jeremy Corbyn for writing that “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls”.
The letter notes that the grooming of young and very often underage girls by “men of largely Pakistani Muslim heritage” has also “plagued our communities”, and insists that “smearing those speaking an inconvenient truth” is unacceptable.
“[W]e cannot ignore the race of the perpetrators, neither can we ignore the fact that the victims of sexual grooming gangs are almost always non-Muslim.”
Labour MP: ‘Floppy Left’ Fails to Confront Child Grooming, Slams Corbyn’s ‘Multicultural Policies’— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) September 2, 2017
One Pakistani Muslim woman interviewed during the report — less confrontational than the man quoted above — suggests that “targeting” the Pakistani Muslim community is unhelpful, “because you’re isolating that community even more”.
She adds: “We need to know how wide is this problem, actually. We need facts and figures.”
ITV highlights statistics which show that so-called Type 1 Abusers — men who operate in groups to target vulnerable children — are 75 per cent Asian, 17 per cent white, 5 per cent black, and 3 per cent Arab.
However, the first part of the report notes that they do not target white girls exclusively, and that many South Asian girls, including a very small minority of Muslims, are among the victims.
Many feel unable to come forward because of fears they will be shunned or bring their parents into disrepute for having lost their “honour”, with one young Sikh tearfully recounting how she was sent out of the country when her parents found out what had happened to her.
UPDATE 6/2/18 at 5:55am: I added the tweets below.
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) June 2, 2018๐‼๐⚔ UK: Yesterday British patriots marched peacefully against the arrest of #TommyRobinson in #Leeds. Today more patriots will demonstrate in #Manchester at 'All Saints Park'! #FreeTommyRobinson
๐‼๐ฌ๐ฅ UK: While Christian preachers are being arrested on British streets with the Bible under their arms, radical Muslims can spread Islam undisturbed.— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) June 1, 2018
Spotted just now in London. @SadiqKhan banned images of women in bikinis, replaced them with these...— Raheem (@RaheemKassam) May 26, 2018
UPDATE 6/2/18 at 12:55pm: I added the tweets and info below:
๐‼๐คฌ๐ถ UK: When the loudspeaker of the Muslim Dawah Islamists is louder than the bells of #BigBen in #London.— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) June 2, 2018
The Status of Non-Muslim Minorities Under Islamic Rule
Dhimmitude: the Islamic system of governing populations conquered by jihad wars, encompassing all of the demographic, ethnic, and religious aspects of the political system. The word "dhimmitude" as a historical concept, was coined by Bat Ye'or in 1983 to describe the legal and social conditions of Jews and Christians subjected to Islamic rule. The word "dhimmitude" comes from dhimmi, an Arabic word meaning "protected". Dhimmi was the name applied by the Arab-Muslim conquerors to indigenous non-Muslim populations who surrendered by a treaty (dhimma) to Muslim domination. Islamic conquests expanded over vast territories in Africa, Europe and Asia, for over a millennium (638-1683). The Muslim empire incorporated numerous varied peoples which had their own religion, culture, language and civilization. For centuries, these indigenous, pre-Islamic peoples constituted the great majority of the population of the Islamic lands. Although these populations differed, they were ruled by the same type of laws, based on the shari'a.
This similarity, which includes also regional variations, has created a uniform civilization developed throughout the centuries by all non-Muslim indigenous people, who were vanquished by a jihad-war and governed by shari'a law. It is this civilization which is called dhimmitude. It is characterized by the different strategies developed by each dhimmi group to survive as non-Muslim entity in their Islamized countries. Dhimmitude is not exclusively concerned with Muslim history and civilization. Rather it investigates the history of those non-Muslim peoples conquered and colonized by jihad.
Dhimmitude encompasses the relationship of Muslims and non-Muslims at the theological, social, political and economical levels. It also incorporates the relationship between the numerous ethno-religious dhimmi groups and the type of mentality that they have developed out of their particular historical condition which lasted for centuries, even in some Muslim countries, till today.
Dhimmitude is an entire integrated system, based on Islamic theology. It cannot be judged from the circumstantial position of any one community, at a given time and in a given place. Dhimmitude must be appraised according to its laws and customs, irrespectively of circumstances and political contingencies.
Dhimmitude: the Islamic system of governing populations conquered by jihad wars, encompassing all of the demographic, ethnic, and religious aspects of the political system. The word "dhimmitude" as a historical concept, was coined by Bat Ye'or in 1983 to describe the legal and social conditions of Jews and Christians subjected to Islamic rule. The word "dhimmitude" comes from dhimmi, an Arabic word meaning "protected". Dhimmi was the name applied by the Arab-Muslim conquerors to indigenous non-Muslim populations who surrendered by a treaty (dhimma) to Muslim domination. Islamic conquests expanded over vast territories in Africa, Europe and Asia, for over a millennium (638-1683). The Muslim empire incorporated numerous varied peoples which had their own religion, culture, language and civilization. For centuries, these indigenous, pre-Islamic peoples constituted the great majority of the population of the Islamic lands. Although these populations differed, they were ruled by the same type of laws, based on the shari'a.
This similarity, which includes also regional variations, has created a uniform civilization developed throughout the centuries by all non-Muslim indigenous people, who were vanquished by a jihad-war and governed by shari'a law. It is this civilization which is called dhimmitude. It is characterized by the different strategies developed by each dhimmi group to survive as non-Muslim entity in their Islamized countries. Dhimmitude is not exclusively concerned with Muslim history and civilization. Rather it investigates the history of those non-Muslim peoples conquered and colonized by jihad.
Dhimmitude encompasses the relationship of Muslims and non-Muslims at the theological, social, political and economical levels. It also incorporates the relationship between the numerous ethno-religious dhimmi groups and the type of mentality that they have developed out of their particular historical condition which lasted for centuries, even in some Muslim countries, till today.
Dhimmitude is an entire integrated system, based on Islamic theology. It cannot be judged from the circumstantial position of any one community, at a given time and in a given place. Dhimmitude must be appraised according to its laws and customs, irrespectively of circumstances and political contingencies.
— Scott Mathewson (@mathews_sun) June 1, 2018Speaking out against the imprisonment of Tommy Robinson at the British Consulate in NYC...
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