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On April 30 (London) and April 29 in the Americas, an amazing, powerful Full Moon in Scorpio blesses us right as Mars and Pluto (co-rulers of Scorpio) form a conjunction!
Scorpio is an intense, magnetic star sign.
Some area of your life will be completely changed after the Scorpio Full Moon!
Expect an extraordinary ENERGY surge too with the Mars/Pluto conjunction happening the same time – plus purging and going DEEP emotionally…
You will experience changes – as TRUTH is uncovered (and may take you out of your comfort zone).
Scorpio makes sure we go to the core of the matter, as there is always more to investigate underneath the surface…
- One thing you’ll notice is being able to SEE through people, and get straight to the point!
Also, April, is a 15/6 Universal Month, and the Sun, Moon and Saturn will be at 9° – an exquisite code of LOVE and letting go, heart-centered expression and compassion – and manifesting expansive abundance!I added the images above to Tania Gabrielle's message I've shared with you in this post. The pictures and gifs that I share sum up my interpretation of the current astrological message. I highlighted the part of the message that inspired the picture gifs I chose.
Several powerful planetary events are activated during the full moon:
- Chiron moved into Aries a few days ago – starting NEW 50-year healing journey.
- Mars formed a conjunction with Pluto on April 26 – Pluto RULES Scorpio and Mars is the former ruler of Scorpio – so this magnification brings a big energy surge and push for success.
- Sun and Moon form a harmonious triangle with Saturn – (Sun trine, Moon sextile Saturn) – as all three are exactly 9° awakening your desire to assert yourself and persist.
You’ll notice your creative endurance has gone up a notch and how you have a tremendous capacity for concentration.
I added the images above to Tania Gabrielle's message I've shared with you in this post. The pictures and gifs that I share sum up my interpretation of the current astrological message.
Moon in Scorpio puts your energy on the deep subjects: money, sexuality, life-death-transformation.
Saturn helps you take responsibility to the core. As long as you're lovingly, passionately, positively engaged in what you're doing, the universe is going to be there for you and in such a fantastic way.
- Spend some time alone – tune WITHIN during this Full Moon
- Commit to what brings you great peace of mind and joy.
Definitely pay CLOSE attention to what is appearing around you – set your intention on the miracles you want to create in your life.
Have Faith and Persist!
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
P.S. For the most in-depth daily astro-numerology forecast (with printable PDF transcript and monthly star code music selections) delivered to you a month in ADVANCE so you can plan ahead with confidence, check out our monthly Premium Wealth Forecast.
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