In a speech yesterday, PA President Abbas threatened the world with violence, condemned the US, accused Congress of terrorism, and claimed Jewish history in Israel is fabricated. MSM won't cover it, so @FreeBeacon translated his speech:— Noah Pollak (@NoahPollak) December 14, 2017
In Fiery Speech, Palestinian President Abbas Condemns United States, Threatens Violence & Denies Jewish History— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) December 15, 2017
Trump Terminates Palestinian Revisionism— American Thinker (@AmericanThinker) December 8, 2017
American Thinker
written by Dan Calic
Friday December 8, 2017
“If you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it….”
President Trump has announced Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Is this news? Hardly. Jerusalem has been the official capital of the Israel since its rebirth in 1948. Never mind it has been the eternal capital of the Jewish people throughout all of history.
Yet with Trump’s announcement, most of the world has gone upside down, especially the Arab world. Why is there such an uproar about this announcement? Some think it may be complicated while others see it differently.
For me his announcement is more of a yawn. Why? The simple fact is Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. This is not an opinion, or up for debate. Is London the capital of Britain? Is Paris the capital of France? Clearly the answer is yes to both. So why would anyone have a problem with Jerusalem being called the capital of Israel?
It’s when you ask this question the issue becomes less of a yawn and more complicated.
One must unpack who is saying it and why?
Leading the charge of the naysayers is the Arab world. Virtually every nation, including Jordan and Egypt which have formal peace agreements with Israel have voiced objection to Trump’s announcement. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran and others have criticized Trump. The UN is scheduling an emergency meeting of the Security Council .To no one’s surprise the Muslim terrorist groups have also decried it.
Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority (PA) has declared there will be “wars without end,” while PA chief negotiator Saeb Erekat said Trump’s move “disqualified the U.S. from any role in any peace process.” It should be noted in October, Erekat was the beneficiary of a lung transplant in the U.S., after being on the waiting list for merely two months. Over 1,300 others in need remain on the waiting list.
For those who see Trump’s move as damaging or killing the peace process, I say what “peace” process are you talking about? The two key players in the “peace” process are the prime minister of Israel and the leader of the Palestinians. They are the ones who would participate in such a process.
It seems to me if there was an actual “peace” process there would be ongoing negotiations regarding the key issues that divide the parties involved. Yet Mahmoud Abbas has stated and restated he will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state. He’s also said the Jewish people have no connection to Jerusalem. Plus, he’s denied there has ever been a Jewish Temple on Temple Mount. How is Israel supposed to “negotiate” its very right to exist?
As if these statements aren’t enough proof that Abbas is devoid of reality, he actually wrote his college thesis on denying the Holocaust. Sadly, much of the Arab Muslim world, and indeed many outside the Arab world are in alignment with Abbas’s views.
With such statements it’s clear Mr. Abbas is living in his own world of revisionism. The Bible, historical records and countless archaeological digs prove his comments to be utterly false and without merit.
Further, as if there isn’t enough reason to confirm that Abbas has no interest in a genuine “peace” process, he is paying large salaries to Muslim terrorists that have been jailed for murdering innocent Israelis. He says he will never stop paying them, even if it costs him is position. Much of the money he pays terrorists with comes from U.S. taxpayers in the form of aid from the U.S. government.
Americans are so outraged that their tax dollars are being used to pay Muslim murderers, Congress is in the process of passing legislation which will strip the PA of U.S. aid.
So the question again begs, where is the “peace” process?
Seems there is more than one definition of this. According to the Palestinians and the Israel bashers, the “peace” process consists of Israel agreeing to give away every inch of land beyond the ’67 ceasefire lines. This would include the eastern portion of Jerusalem where the Holy Old City is located. Approximately 400,000 Jews living in Judea/Samaria would have to be relocated.
I recall in 2005 when roughly 8,000 Jews were forcibly removed from the Gaza Strip after a 38 year presence, civil war almost broke out in Israel. Keep in mind this was a unilateral decision made by Israel that land for peace would work. Given what’s happened in the Gaza Strip since then, it’s obvious the land for peace concept does not work.
So why would any clear thinking person believe giving more land away would bring peace? Especially, when Abbas refuses to accept the existence of the Jewish state of Israel no matter what the borders are?
In reality, there is no “peace” process. So Mr. Trump has done nothing to damage it by stating a simple fact that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Unless you happen to be one of those who think if you tell a lie often enough people will believe it. Seems Abbas has been hedging his bets on this.
Of course we might still discover the moon is made of cheese...
Muslim-Israeli mayor cancels Christmas celebration, Christian advocates condemn the decision, and Newsweek knows just the headline!— Griswold Christmas Vacation (@HashtagGriswold) December 14, 2017 Muslims douse Bethlehem Christmas tree lights to protest Trump's Jerusalem decision. Few Christians remain there due to Muslim terrorism. Sad. @therealroseanne— SG (@GREENESJ333) December 10, 2017
My column: The miracle of Israel lives on 70 years later via @nypost— Michael Goodwin (@mgoodwin_nypost) November 29, 2017
New York Post
written by Michael Goodwin
Tuesday November 28, 2017
On Nov. 29, 1947, the United Nations voted to partition Palestine into two states, one Jewish, one Arab. Most Zionists accepted the deal, while Arabs almost universally rejected it and declared war.
One Muslim delegate, referring to Jews living in Arab nations, warned that “The blood will flow like rivers in the Middle East.” Iraq’s prime minister threatened that the Jewish state would not survive, saying “We will smash the country with our guns and obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in” while Syria’s leader claimed “We shall eradicate Zionism.”
Seventy years later, a lust for Jewish blood is a staple of Islamic State, Hezbollah and Hamas, whose charter calls for the elimination of Israel. Iran’s leaders call Israel “Little Satan” and vow to wipe it off the map.
In important ways, then, not much has changed. Jew hatred remains mainstream enough to flourish in the sunshine as well as the shadows, including at major American university campuses and European parliaments. Year in, year out, Jews are the victims of most of the religious hate crimes in the United States.
Some UN bodies exist to demonize Israel while ignoring wholesale slaughter and oppression in other lands. Indeed, if that partition proposal were submitted to a much-larger General Assembly today, it probably would not get majority support, let alone the two-thirds approval it got in 1947.
Yet in other ways, everything has changed. Israel, which declared independence in 1948, is a mighty regional power militarily and its economy and technical innovations are world-renowned. This is exceptionalism, Israeli-style.
Politically, it’s made progress, too. Peace treaties with Jordan and Egypt have proved remarkably durable and other Arab states have established quiet working relationships with the nation they tried repeatedly to destroy.
Paradoxically, the rise of Islamic terrorism has created common ground with some former enemies. Even Barack Obama’s flawed nuclear deal with Iran, vehemently opposed by both Israel and Saudi Arabia, is bringing the two nations closer because they share a vision of Iran as an existential threat.
A recent article in the Jerusalem Post described growing relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia as “perhaps the most significant shift in the region” and called a secret visit by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to Israel in September evidence that official diplomatic relations are possible.
Jared Kushner, President Trump’s top mideast adviser, also visited both countries in a bid to improve Israeli-Arab ties and help broker an Israeli-Palestinian deal.
On that second point, pessimism remains the safe bet. Although Trump reversed Obama’s tilt toward the Palestinians, neither president has had success in changing the essential dynamics: The violent refusal of Palestinian elements to accept Israel’s right to exist.
While much of the public debate is couched in terms of borders and settlements and sovereignty over Jerusalem, the larger truth is that Palestinians have pursued Israel’s destruction with more zeal than they applied to building their own state.
While you would never know it from most coverage in the American media, a two-state solution was offered to both Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, but neither would say yes. To do so would have meant signing their own death warrants at the hands of fellow Arabs committed to Israel’s destruction.
The result is that many Palestinians remain scattered in “refugee camps” around the region established nearly 70 years ago, unwanted by their hosts while serving as political pawns. In their own self-governed territories, they are bitterly divided and impoverished, with much of the population living on international handouts and a fantasy that a Palestine without Jews is inevitable.
At times, there have been brief interludes of hope that internal change was coming. Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority, which governs the West Bank, told an Israeli journalist that he believed the Arabs’ 1947 rejection of the partition was a mistake that he hoped to correct.
That was six years ago. Since then, Abbas, finishing the 13th year of a four-year term, has done little to turn that idea into reality.
As I prepare for an upcoming trip to Israel and the West Bank, my third visit to the region, I expect to find an even more dynamic Jewish state, where even the constant threat of catastrophe does not interfere with a zest for life.
Then again, that’s Israel. A miracle among nations.
Caught: Palestinian ambulance, Red Crescent, sneaking protestors to a violent riot, Red Crescent claims "to refrain from participating in all belligerent actions and conflicts." How do you explain this, Red Crescent? Via @cogat_israel RT TO SHARE THE TRUTH! #Israel— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) December 11, 2017
Home severely damaged by Gaza rocket on Friday belongs to brother of Hamas spokesperson. #Israel #Palestine refugees.— GlobalAwareness101 (@Mononoke__Hime) December 17, 2017
The good news: A Gaza eatery is offering massive discounts to North Korean diners. The bad news: There are no North Koreans in Gaza. #odd— AP Oddities (@AP_Oddities) December 14, 2017
Holy shit.— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) December 13, 2017
NYT editorial vs Trump Jlem speech titled "East Jlem's History." Says Trump misguided bc "East Jlem was exclusively Arab in 1967." Didn't mention was bc Jordan ethnically cleansed it after centuries of Jewish life & razed ancient Jewish sites
Breaking overnight: ISTANBUL (AP) - Palestinian President Abbas says Palestinians won't accept any role for US in Mideast peace process 'from now on'— Josh Lederman (@joshledermanAP) December 13, 2017
Cool. Now there is no excuse for the Trump administration to not cut off funding for this terrorist and his organization.— (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) December 13, 2017
And this is a change how? Plenty of threats and lip service from Abbas but until they remove the requirement that a Jewish state cease to exist no agreement is possible. He is disingenuous and has no interest in any peace that does not include the elimination of the Jews.— Sabin Brabb (@SabinBrabb) December 13, 2017
No role no $$$. See ya.— Juan Jose Gutierrez Barrow (@jjmiphoto) December 13, 2017
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: "We will not recognize Israel as a Jewish state"
Mahmoud Abbas fabricates history: "The Bible says the Palestinians existed before Abraham..."
Ya think?— TheNatSecRoundtable (@NSRoundtable) November 22, 2017
Antisemitic Chants, Calls for New Intifada at a Times Square Demonstration Protesting Trump's Jerusalem Declaration— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) December 11, 2017
What are the authorities doing to investigate the anti-semtism here and bring the guilty parties to book! This is a shame on U.N. Countries throughout the World where "immigrants" fail to adapt to their chosen surroundings and protest peacefully. Integration? No chance!— Brian D Selby (@selbers1953) December 11, 2017
I hope everyone is paying attention. Now is the good time, a perfect example, when you can clearly see 'moderate' Muslims magically instantly become radical Muslims.— GlobalAwareness101 (@Mononoke__Hime) December 11, 2017
There has NEVER been a lone wolf Islamist terrorist. You can see them in the thousands worldwide now.
Everyone's masks are being removed. EU tells Netanyahu it rejects Trump's Jerusalem move.— GlobalAwareness101 (@Mononoke__Hime) December 11, 2017
EU is standing behind the Islamist Necromongers. It was EU who participated with the Nation of Islam's Islamist refugee push onto non-Muslim nations. Trojan horse.
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