Making Room For Miracles
written by Tania Gabrielle
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Since the big Solar Eclipse we have been building towards a beautiful Full Moon in watery Pisces on September 6 at 8:03 am UT (London) 3:03 am EST (New York) and 12:03 am PDT (Los Angeles).
Amazingly, the Moon conjuncts (joins) Neptune in Pisces, the sign Neptune rules!
Emotional and spiritual transformation is now irresistible, as everything behind the scenes rises out of the shadows and is made light.
The element of water awakened by Pisces, Neptune and the Moon (ruler of Cancer, another water sign) is magnified exponentially!
Add into the equation the number 6 for September 6 – symbol of love and birth and compassion – and the underlying message clearly points to a period of cleansing, feeling, healing… and Love.
The lineup in the stars of numbers invokes a powerful, synchronistic message:
- ALL merges into ONE, we are part of one big ocean of love.
- Approach every moment with compassion, kindness and loving action.
- Spiritual and emotional healing are enhanced in a miraculous way.
Pisces is a water sign and represents the depths of the oceans – where Neptune rules. Pisces symbolizes the mystical and mysteries of the universe, the unanswered question – and our connection with Source. Unconditional Love is the highest expression of Pisces.
Pisces seeks to bring the hidden into our conscious awareness. Through intuition and meditation we become aware of every breath, every thought.
In the same way, water connects us to the oceans of wisdom. Water is the only element that can reach everywhere – tap into every resource, inspire from every angle.
We are exploring how to share our heart without any resistance.
Pisces activates creativity, Imagination, miracles, art, music – you are experiencing a refinement of your senses and your perception.
The more you FEEL, you HEAL.
One thing to keep in mind during any transition and awakening (which we are definitely experiencing at this time!) is that you may feel bit in limbo, as the water can bring to the surface certain elements that were not visible and conscious before now.
Secrets are revealed and you’ll notice that not all was as it seemed.
If you feel like a ship without a sail, remember…
- You are healing with every emotion – allow feelings to well up in your heart.
- Love, passion, tenderness, sweet delicate joy is always flowering inside the depths of your being.
The Sun is in Virgo opposite the Moon in Pisces at 13° – an added element of life-death-rebirth transformation.
You are super sensitive, experiencing much greater intuitive powers and compassion that knows no bounds – or boundaries. Meticulous attention is being paid to your health, well-being and healing – and how you can be of service to others in your chosen field.
13° means changes are appearing swiftly and unexpectedly so your intuition is your only compass from now on.
Finally, an astounding development…
Mercury retrograde ended just hours before this Full Moon, as Mercury moved direct on September 5. So you are beginning to see and communicate more clearly now.
But what makes this change of direction of Mercury so remarkable is…
Mercury is stationing direct at 28° Leo – the SAME degree as the Leo Total Solar Eclipse on August 21!
What miraculous synchronicity!
This incredible cosmic event signifies the inevitable shift in consciousness penetrating into every aspect of our human existence.
- 28° Leo is a critical degree in astrology carrying a greater impact.
- 28 adds up to 10 and 1 – the same number as September this year, a19/10/1 Universal Month and all of 2017, a 10/1 Universal Year.
- The Total New Moon Solar Eclipse and Mercury the Messenger activate the SAME point in the heavens – and do so during two consecutive lunations.
Absolutely extraordinary!
How will all this new beginnings, birthing energy affect you?
We have reached the point of no return…
Be sure to watch the important Pisces Full Moon Forecast to see how it all impacts you!
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
I added the image above to Tania Gabrielle's message I've shared with you in this post. The pictures and gifs that I share sum up my interpretation of the current astrological message.
written by Tania Gabrielle
Mercury is now moving direct, and that is good news!
What makes this moment even more dynamic are several additional cosmic activations.
- Mercury is changing directions on the SAME degree that the recent August 21 total Solar Eclipse took place on – 28° Leo.
- 28° reduces to 10/1, September is a 19/ 10/1 Universal Month, 2017 is a 10/1 Universal Year
- Mars just crossed the SAME 28° Leo mark on Sunday, September 3.
- The Pisces Full Moon (only hours away) has the Moon in Pisces merged with Neptune (Neptune is the ruler of Pisces) – a super strong water-related theme!
What synchronicity!
It’s so dynamic, that the energetic shift is irresistible…
You are starting to live each moment as if it was the only one you had.
Nothing is distracting you from the moment at hand.
And that means, what you are being, thinking about and doing right now is irreversible. Never will this moment – any moment – repeat again.
The transformational energy will continue to strengthen over the next days, with the culminating Pisces Full Moon in just hours, and as Mercury begins its forward momentum again.
Let’s look more closely at the 28° Leo (Total Solar Eclipse) degree.
Much has been stirred up and brought to the surface since the eclipse cycle in August, especially that big Solar Eclipse two weeks ago. Energetically we have entered a new stream of consciousness which is stimulating an Awakening to a greater degree than ever.
The changes are personal and global – extending to us all – but as always divinely planned.
Clearly this Solar Eclipse continues to leave a major legacy.
- Just two days ago, on September 3, Mars ALSO landed at 28° Leo.
- Now, Mercury is literally at a standstill at 28° Leo.
- The Eclipse happened at 28°53’ – almost 29° Leo.
In astrology, 28 and 29 degrees in any sign are considered “critical” degrees. Any planet or the Sun is greatly enhanced, having a greater impact.
It also activates the fixed star Regulus, which resides at 29° 50’ in Leo.
Regulus governs honor, courage, high spiritual goals, generosity, ambition and royalty. Thus, we are being held to our intentions – meaning, what you focus on is happening pretty instantly. The impact of your intentions are remarkably clear.
2017 is a 10 Universal Year – which carries the same message of Instant Manifestation!
In rapid times of change it is important to balance the swirling energy with a practice of conscious action and plenty of time for meditation and relaxation so you can acclimate to the changes in a graceful, flowing way.
Every thought, action, feeling is creating a powerful ripple effect.
An energetic restructuring is pervading every moment, every decision.
Maybe your life feels a bit on “stand-by” mode at this time. So much is being reorganized, and the restructuring can feel somewhat disorienting, for sure. You may feel lost or disillusioned. Just be patient and breathe through those moments.
Keep in mind that each new step is BOTH an acclimation and an activation.
Getting acclimated to the new vibrational weather means acquiring a new energetic wardrobe.
As you align to the undeniable shift, you’ll discover a new way of expressing yourself.
Today Mars moves into Virgo (leaving dramatic Leo behind!), while Mercury stations and starts moving forward again. This is lifting the energy (before the Pisces Full Moon) which is a wonderful and welcome development.
Notice if you are attracted to new ways of using language, that just feels better!
Or you may get fresh perspective that surprises you.
It’s all part of the overall “ripple effect”.
Go within to that place of love and peace. Relax. Be with the energy that supports you, inspires you, motivates you. You don’t need to understand where the energy is coming from.
Trust, all is well.
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
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