May 12, 2017

BOLIVIA: Local News Report With Video Shows Machete-Wielding Muslims Strike And Threaten To Cut Off Heads Of Bolivian Villagers Claiming To Own Their Land. The Police Didn't Bother Responding.

Bolivisión Al Día Santa Cruz published video on April 27, 2017: Vecinos del barrio La Esperanza, zona del Remanzo, denunciaron que fueron golpeados y amenazados con machetes, por musulmanes que afirman ser dueños de los terrenos. En las próximas horas sentarán una denuncia penal.


The villagers called the local police who didn't bother responding. The villagers could have been murdered by these 4 or 5 Islamists so-called refugees (extranjeros). But apparently, even in Bolivia, Islamist are a protected class where they act like the victims and are allowed to get away with terrorizing the non-Muslim Bolivian citizens for fear of being called "bigots". Islamist silence non-Muslims using public shaming/bullying like the Marxist in America, threats, and/or Islamic sharia blasphemy laws. And probably as in America get away with filing false police hate crime reports and not get prosecuted for same crime like the non-Muslims in the country. What "blowback" do you Marxists, and media blame this Islamist terror on?

Jihad Watch
shared by Robert Spencer
Saturday May 6, 2017

“Residents of La Esperanza neighborhood, in the district of Remanzo, complain that they were struck and threatened by Muslims who claim to be the owners of their lands.”

Spanish-language video from Bolivisión Al Día Santa Cruz, April 27, 2017.

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