Sanitation Crews: Looking For Dead Bodies In Garbage From DAPL Camp.
RT @townhallcom North Dakota Access Pipeline Protestors Light Their Camp on Fire, Spew Greenhouse Gases Into The Air— GlobalAwareness101 (@Mononoke__Hime) February 22, 2017
North Dakota Access Pipeline Protestors Light Their Camp on Fire, Spew Greenhouse Gases Into The Air
written by Katie Pavlich
February 22, 2017
Liberal "environmentalists" and global warming fanatics have been camping along the North Dakota Access Pipeline route for months, demanding the project be shut down for the sake of preventing climate change.
After numerous clashes with law enforcement and a cold winter, protestors have been told to remove themselves from the area or be forcibly detained. Their response? They lit their entire camp on fire, spewing black spoke and green house gases into the atmosphere.
Large fire bursts through top of a large tent at #standingrock Oceti Sakowin camp a few hours before evacuation deadline of #NoDAPL campers— Sara Sidner (@sarasidnerCNN) February 22, 2017
We have a patten emerging @ #NoDAPL camp. Now 2 more tents burning. Totaling four in past 30 minutes. Snowing too #StandingRocksLastStand— Sara Sidner (@sarasidnerCNN) February 22, 2017
Ah yes, nothing more environmentally friendly than burning plastic.
Good job, greenies. You've defeated the entire purpose of ever protesting in the first place.
Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters Leave Abandoned, Frost-Bitten Dogs >:/ via @LifeZette— GlobalAwareness101 (@Mononoke__Hime) February 28, 2017
Taxpayers Foot $1M Bill to Clean Up Dakota Access Pipeline Protest Area 😦😒— GlobalAwareness101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 2, 2017
Lifezette News
written by Edmund Kozack
Tuesday February 28, 2017
Anti-pipeline activists who left 2,500 garbage trucks of waste also left helpless animals.
Dakota Access Pipeline protesters who caused an environmental catastrophe at the Oceti Sakowin protest site left more than heaps of human waste, garbage, and petroleum-leaking vehicles. They also abandoned poor, defenseless puppies.
A total of two dogs and six puppies were found abandoned at the site and rescued by local nonprofit Furry Friends Rockin’ Rescue, local news reported on Saturday.
“Extremely sad being these guys were left behind. But we offer — Furry Friends offers hope. I mean, there’s so much hope within Furry Friends as far as these puppies finding homes,” said Furry Friends worker Tiffany Hardy.
There could be more animals at the site in need of rescue, too. The organization is set to return to the camp to catch animals who are being frightened by the sounds of the heavy machinery, which is being used to clean the area of the waste left by so-called environmental protesters.
“It’s a mess down there, so it’s really, really hard to find these animals and get them,” said volunteer Julie Schirado.
The two dogs the group rescued reportedly show signs of exposure to the brutal North Dakotan cold, with frost-bitten ears and mangy fur.
The reports of the cast-aside canines follow news of the grave environmental threat to the Missouri River posed by the almost unfathomable amount of waste left at the site by protesters, a threat so grave it compelled North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum to sign an emergency evacuation order.
Authorities estimated that protesters left enough garbage and human waste to fill 2,500 pickup trucks.
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