written by Tania Gabrielle
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[source: CrystalWind.ca]
[source: CrystalWind.ca]
Early Saturday, February 11th at 12:32am in London and, Friday, Feb 10th in the Americas, (7:32 p.m EDT, 4:32 pm Pacific), the powerful Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 22° (Sun in Aquarius).
- Eclipses are open gateways to other dimensions – a portal to the divine – where we get access to in depth understanding.
- Eclipses are game-changers. They provide a Portal to get back on track, to get lined up with our Destiny.
Leo rules the heart and is playful and energetic. In any full moon you will FEEL deeply.
[I added this picture above to Tania's message]
So this eclipse will ask you – do you have the courage to live your life in a heart-centered way? Is LOVE your ultimate experience and intention?
This Lunar Eclipse in Leo activates the truly ROYAL part of you – AWAKENING you to embrace JOY & CREATIVITY and LEADERSHIP.
The sacred geometry of the eclipse is astounding – it forms a PYRAMID of LIGHT.
First, it is made up of a FIRE Grand Trine which is merged with a Kite and two Finger of Gods. Nearly every planet plus the Sun are activated in this eclipse.
Sun in Leo, Uranus in Aries, Saturn in Sagittarius form a GRAND TRINE – a beautiful and fortunate equal triangle – very creative! This FIRE Energy is aligned with the Pyramid of LIGHT, firing you up on all cylinders, propelling you FORWARD to ACT, and to Really MANIFEST – there is so much GOOD energy in the sacred geometry of this Pyramid of Light – you feel INSPIRED.
It’s a MAGICAL time of understanding & unveiling great MYSTERIES.
Bring every particle of your being, every energetic vibrational part of who you are, your feelings, your thoughts, the way you physically find yourself, your spirituality to the table.
Integrate your new knowledge and wisdom and understanding.
Ask yourself, how do I feel most encouraged to stand up for myself, … where I can express my uniqueness in a way that really shows who I am at a core level without any excuses whatsoever?
See all the amazing sacred geometry in this luminous Leo Lunar eclipse here.
Heal yourself and you HEAL the world.
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
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