February 21, 2014

VENEZUELA: Dictator Maduro Ordered The Country’s State-Run Telecom Company To Block ‘Walkie-Talkie’ App Used By Protesters. >:/

My gosh people... I can't believe people are saying the Ukraine government protest and the Venezuelan government protest were created by the NWO. This coming from people who have absolutely no clue what has been happening in these two countries within the past year. They've been asleep at the wheel and suddenly wake up to news that people in these countries are standing up for their freedom. Instead of learning more and then standing behind them, they immediately blame the NWO for the chaos. MY GOSH! So, God forbid, when it comes down to us needing to defend ourselves against our own US government, what the hell excuse are these people going to use?

And for those of you who don't know, Russia and Venezuela are good at putting out propaganda. And both are great friends. They always blame the US for all their problems. Everybody does, but that's another subject for another day. The Ukrainians are pissed off because their newly elected government is aligning the country back with Russia/USSR. The people there don't want to give Russia any control over their government and economic affairs and for good reason too. Venezuelans are pissed off because their country is in a horrible economic state right now and they have a dictator who is ruling with an iron fist.

The Globe and Mail UK
written by AP staff
Friday February 21, 2014

The U.S. company whose “walkie-talkie” application Zello has become a wildly popular organizing tool for Venezuelan anti-government protesters says the country’s state-run telecom company has just blocked its use.

CEO Bill Moore of the Austin, Texas-based Zello tells The Associated Press that Venezuela’s main mobile operator and Internet provider — Movilnet and CANTV — blocked access on Thursday to Zello.com.

The push-to-talk application for smartphones and computers has been popular with protesters in Venezuela and Ukraine.

Moore said that on Thursday it became the No. 1 app in Ukraine for both the Apple and Android operating systems.

In one day this week, the company reported more than 150,000 downloads in Venezuela.

Zello was also popular in Egpyt and Turkey. Users can create discrete channels that support up to 600 users.

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