October 13, 2013

The Great Awakening... ♥ Re-Post From 9/12/10

What an AMAZING message!!! Absolutely LOVED IT! ♥ Thanks to my dear friend Jeanette for sharing this video message with me! :)
Life is not a prison, it is a school. You are sent here to learn, you are sent here to grow. You are sent here to become more conscious, more AWARE.

The more you are moving towards your life’s fulfillment, the more your life becomes a rejoicing, a deep joy for no reason at all, a blissfulness so deep and so abundant that you can start sharing it with others. In fact, you have to share it with others because it is overflowing, you cannot contain it. ~ by Osho
I was asked earlier today if I was a follower of Osho. My answer is no, I'm not a follower of anybody on this terrestrial plane. I am connected to my Source, the Creator of all living beings. I enjoy reading what he has to share, his take on life and spirituality. Just like many others that I respect. This is positive food/nourishment for our spirit. It's important to care for ourselves regularly: mind body and spirit. What we take in shows through. Our thoughts and feelings create our reality. That is why it is important that we are CONSCIOUS of what we are feeding our senses. Balance is the KEY.
A person experiences life as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. Our task must be to free ourselves from this self-imposed prison, and through compassion, to find the reality of Oneness.~ by Albert Einstein
I received this pretty awesome message today through a facebook application called Message from God that I want to share with you. Perhaps this is something you need to hear. "On this day, God wants you to know... that change is the very nature of life, - welcome it. No glass ever became sand again; No bread ever became wheat; No ripened fruit ever became a flower. Welcome change, and choose what kind of glass you create, what kind of bread you bake, what kind of fruit you harvest."

I'm soooo ready! and so the creating and transformation continues... I embrace it. Thank you God for giving me the ability to enjoy the constant growing reshaping refining process through You. ♥

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