Celestial Space Astrology
written by Dipali Desai
Friday July 19, 2013
As the Sun enters the royal regal sign of Leo on June 22nd, 2013, we also have a Full Moon in Aquarius. The Sun and Moon bring opposite qualities to light, that of the heart (Leo) and of the mind (Aquarius). The Full moon phase tends to push hidden emotions to the surface and provide the opening for healing and interesting realizations.
The Full Moon in Aquarius brings awareness towards the freedom to experience as well as dreams, goals and the future. The Moon in Aquarius is all about freedom to express emotions and feelings and a unconventional way. Think of it as being nurturing in a quirky odd way, perhaps more through brainstorming and talking than warm and fuzzy feelings.
With the Full Moon in Aquarius, it is helpful to see where and when you disconnect from emotions happening in present time in favor of ideas and thoughts of the future. Although with the Full Moon in Aquarius one is able to be objective, it is possible to also become aloof too.
With any full moon phase, it brings you in touch with emotions and feelings as well as anything that has been lingering in the shadows within the subconscious mind becomes illuminated. If you find yourself too aloof, use the Sun in Leo to help add warmth and stir passion. If you feel too melodramatic and overly subjective, use the Moon in Aquarius to help you with detachment and objectivity.
The Full Moon in Aquarius makes a tense wide aspect to Saturn in Scorpio, suggesting situations or issues bump up against “stuck emotional points”. It is helpful to allow residual emotions to come out and then objectivity will provide the information you require as well as being mature and taking responsibility for what you say and how you feel.
Mars/Jupiter meet up in Cancer and this symbolizes “energizing boost” possibly to emotions, family dynamic, old habitual tendencies and the potential to grow beyond the old comfort zones. Remember, during a Full Moon this type of aspect can signify a lot of emotional undercurrents and or amplify being passive/aggressive if there are repressed emotions hanging around.
The Grand Water Trine is still present at the time of the Full Moon in Aquarius. As, I’ve mentioned in previous articles, the Grand Water Trine (Jupiter in Cancer/ Saturn in Scropio and Neptune in Pisces retrograde) needs something to bring the subtle, inspirational and healing energy into manifested form. Indeed there is an added layer of energy with a a Grand Earth Trine happening soon. This will help create a “Gateway” of energy for those consciously tuning in.
Read more information about the “Star Tetrahedron” or the Star of David on July 29th, 2013 aspect here.
If you feel guided to work alongside of this auspicious energy then Register and Attend the July 28th “Star Tetrahedron: Sacred Balance within the Heart” Meditation” - Webinar
Intention: “I honor the wisdom of my heart and let it work with the mind in harmony.”
Full Moon Blessings to All
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