June 10, 2013

USA: Letter From Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) Urging US Attorney General Eric Holder To Investigate A TEA Party Group Called True The Vote In 2010 Who Subsequently Was Harrassed By Several Federal Agencies!

Pictured above are former US Treasury Secretary and Rep Sheila Jackson Lee [source: AP]

[National Review 5/20/2013] True Scandal: TEA Party Group True The Vote Targeted By Democrats Gets Attention From The IRS—And The FBI, OSHA And The ATF

Brietbart's BIG Government
written by Brandon Darby
Monday May 20, 2013

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) asked Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate election integrity org True the Vote and its associated Tea Party group, King Street Patriots, immediately before the IRS and DOJ began targeting the group in June 2010.

Rep. Jackson Lee sent a letter to Holder which alleged that True the Vote was intimidating voters and their election monitors were crossing the line in unspecified “instances” of voter intimidation. The letter went on to directly assert that the “alleged events” were factual and that the True the Vote effort was behind the crimes. The letter offered no documented instances or data of any kind.

Letter to AG Holder Regarding Voter Intimidation in Houston by Brandon Darby

The letter, titled “Voter Intimidation in Houston, Texas and Request for DOJ Poll Monitors to Be Sent,” urged Holder to investigate with his DOJ and stated, “As a senior Member of the House Judiciary Committee, I urge you to order an immediate investigation into these incidents, and call for the Department of Justice to send poll monitors to Harris County immediately to ensure a safe and neutral voting environment during the November 2 election.”

“It was strange and concerning,” said Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of King Street Patriots and True the Vote. “She first said there were unspecified reports of crimes and that we were believed to be behind them. In the next paragraph, she began specifically stating that the events did occur, thus accusing us of crimes.”

“We really thought, and still do for that matter, that the congresswoman was going on the offense as a defense. This happened immediately after our group found an unexplainable and unusually high number of voter registration irregularities in her district,” said Engelbrecht. “None of our experts, none of our socio-economic comparisons and considerations could explain why her district had so many irregularities.”

Engelbrecht and True the Vote had previously sent a letter, along with documentation, to the DOJ regarding the unusually high number of voter registration irregularities in Rep. Jackson Lee’s district. “We felt like the congresswoman was abusing her position to retaliate against us for doing our duty as Americans,” said Engelbrecht. “Our offices are in her district and we were shocked that a congressional leaders didn’t embrace our efforts to ensure election integrity. The message we got was that looking at irregularities in the Rep. Jackson Lee’s district would result in the DOJ investigating us.”

Breitbart News previously released an in-depth analysis of True the Vote’s experiences with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee titled: “Voter ID Laws: Racist or Reasonable.”

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