June 3, 2013

USA: CAIR Demands Muslim Prayer In Schools But Attacks Optional Bible Lesson In Michigan. Ugh :/

Liberty news
written by Anna Elliott
Monday June 3, 2013

Roseville Public Schools apologized for giving elementary students permission slips to attend Bible classes at a local Baptist church after The Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) sent a letter of complaint to the district.

The letter from the CAIR-MI executive director read, “School staff and teachers are not to serve as advocates for one particular religion or congregation within a religion by passing out slips inviting parents to give permission for their children to attend religious instruction.”

As EAGnews.org pointed out, this is exactly what CAIR wanted for Muslim students in a nearby district.

CAIR staff “recently met with Dearborn Public Schools Superintendent Brian Whiston to discuss concerns from some parents regarding prayer accommodations in Dearborn Public Schools,” according to Arab-American News.

The article goes on to say, “Dearborn Public Schools has implemented a policy which fully accommodates student-led prayer in all the schools, as well as unexcused absences for students who leave early on Fridays for Jumu’ah prayers. CAIR-MI is currently in discussion with Melvindale Public Schools to get similar accommodations for students that are now in place for Dearborn Public Schools. ”

So… let me get this straight. Muslims can practice their faith within the public school and even be excused from class to do so, but Christians cannot practice theirs off-campus?

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