June 23, 2013

Summer Solstice/Full Moon Update 6-20-13

Crystal Wind
written by Lena Stevens
Thursday June 20, 2013

Dear Friends,

Summer Solstice is Thursday, June 20 at 11:04PM MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). This is definitely a time to celebrate what's new, what is coming, where your transition is taking you, and what's next, as well as to be in gratitude for the many gifts and support you have received along the way. The desire for being in love with others and life and the future is strong and we would advise being around people who are on the same page as you. Do something special to celebrate at this time and make sure you include boatloads of gratitude.

Full Moon is Sunday, June 23 at 5:33AM MDT (Mountain Daylight Time) On the heels of the Solstice, this is an exalted time and much of the aspects of the solstice also hold true for the full moon. There is some need for boundaries and protection and being grounded as the level of this exaltedness can throw you off into such an expanded state that you can lose focus and become vulnerable to other people's energies that go beyond just sharing a vision. Therefore it is more important than ever to be with others who are truly on the same page and who support and love you unconditionally and without any judgment.



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