June 9, 2013

Be Strong And Courageous

[source: Pebbles]

Six times in Scripture God said to Joshua, “Be strong and courageous.”They are as follows:

1. Deuteronomy 31:6

2. Deuteronomy 31:7

3. Deuteronomy 31:23

4. Joshua 1:6

5. Joshua 1:7

6. Joshua 1:9

The Hebrew word for strong is hazaq meaning mighty, powerful, strong, hard, internal strength of character, and unyielding. The Hebrew word for courageous is ames meaning to be stronger, to persist, to be determined, to muster, to take heart and be victorious.

Notice if you will, how close these six Scriptures are huddled together, like a cluster of fruit from the vine of God. Time and time again, God is building Joshua up, encouraging him, stirring him up inside, fanning into the flame the gift from God to be strong and courageous, for God was with him just as He was with Moses.

We may face new ground in our walk with the Lord; we may be on the threshold of stepping into a battle for lost souls, or even a new direction. Never fear, take heart, for God is saying to you today, “Be strong and courageous,” for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

My friend, God repeatedly spoke to Joshua to build him up, to stir within him a strong, unyielding faith that no matter what stood before Him he would know that God would be with him just as He was with Moses. Now, let me bring this closer to home for you today, just as God was with Moses, just as God was with Joshua, just as God was with Jesus, so God is with you today. So rise up in the power of His strength, the power of His might and go forward. Hear the word of the Lord stirring you up, giving you internal strength of character to be stronger, to be determined, to take heart and be victorious. Hear the rally call of God to your heart today saying, from our text for today in Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV), “Be strong and courageous,” for the Lord your God is with you.

God bless you my friend, Matthew.

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