Crystal Wind
written by Dale Osadchuk
Saturday June 22, 2013
As Snowy Owl and Shooting Star approached the path to the Star Temple they could see lights from torches flickering in the dark. That meant someone was already at the Sacred Circle. As the sisters climbed the path the sound of drumming began. Bar-um, Bar-um, Bar-um. They immediately knew who was there waiting for them.
Sitting in a circle around the large drum was their Mother Flicker, their Grandmother Snow Goose and the three Shamans, Red Crab, Black Beetle, and Painted Turtle. The sisters knew the message to be received would be very powerful for the Medicine Men only joined the ceremony at auspicious Moon cycles. As the drumming continued all eyes turned to the West horizon.
Sister Moon was beginning to set and she was a huge golden silver orb lit up by the rays of Grandfather Sun who would soon rise in the East. She seemed so close that you could reach out and touch her. Sister Moon spoke. “In the far away time I am the closest to the Earth Mother than any other time in the yearly cycle. I pull on the tides, the rivers, and the earth’s crusts. There are floods, earth quakes, tornados, hurricanes, thunderstorms and forest fires that are affecting all life on Gaia, the Earth Mother.
This is to wake the two leggeds up so they will remember the Oneness of All, Mitakuye Oyasin, we are all related. It is to remind them, in their time, great change and transition is upon them and like the rivers the two leggeds must learn to flow with those changes. Of all Mother Earth’s kingdoms humans are the most resistant to the power of transformation but that is what is occurring. This is the Long Days and Earth Renewal Full Moon. When the two leggeds remember all life is sacred, harmony and balance will be restored”.
The Star Temple was bathed in gold and pink light as Grandfather Sun rose in the east. All seven people knew they must send prayers to the far away time to help the Earth Mother and all her kingdoms through the time of transition and transformation.
Science tells us Super Moons (when the Moon is closer to Earth than usual) have no affect on weather. I have been tracking the Super Moon phenomena for a number of years and I beg to differ. When the state of Oklahoma was hit by the first outbreak of tornadoes in May Uranus (unexpected events) was square Pluto (destruction). It was five days before the Super Full Moon Eclipse of May 25. The day before that Lunation the second rounds of tornadoes hit. There was also massive flooding in Europe. And now at our current Super Moon the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, in Canada, are experiencing extensive flooding. In downtown Calgary, Canada’s fourth largest city, you need a boat to get around. Here in Ontario, where I live, the weather network is predicting thunderstorms for the next six days. That is unusually.
So how do Super Moons affect our psyche? The theme for the Capricorn Super Full Moon is “we are all related.” It is also about how we feel empowered in the world and how we master our emotions. It is about understanding all life is sacred and interconnected and treating all life with Loving Kindness. Spiritually the Moon in Capricorn asks us to focus on our Soul Purpose and the Sun in Cancer asks us to step onto the Mystical Path. That is the gift from this Super Full Moon. We are also completing the lessons we have been working on since the Capricorn New Moon of Jan 11, 2013. The theme has been to walk our Soul Purpose Path, follow our dreams and visions, and be the change we want to see in the world. Of course that is what being human is about.
The ruler (both traditional and Soul Centered) for the Moon is Saturn in Scorpio (healing and transformation). He is in a grand water trine with the Sun in Cancer (the Mystical Path) and Neptune in Pisces (illumination). Trines are ease and flow and water is linked to the Soul. The Sun in Cancer is ruled by the Moon in Capricorn and she is sextile (easy opportunities) Saturn in Scorpio (transformation) and Neptune in Pisces (enlightenment). The Soul Centered ruler for the Cancer Sun is Jupiter at 29 degrees of Gemini. He is completing a year cycle where he has emphasised choosing to unite in love instead of choosing to separate in fear. He enters the sign of Cancer on June 25 and the focus will be following our Sacred Destiny Path.
The only planetary challenge comes from Mars in Gemini (the intellect vs. Intuition). He is inconjunct the North Node in Scorpio creating confusion about what needs to be transformed in order to move forward in a new directions. Chiron in Pisces, the healer and problem solver, is square Mars, asking us to find new ways to take action. That square was exact on June 19 so the energy is passing away or a separating waning square. If you are feeling stuck identify what you need to release and let it go. So this challenge may not be so problematic after all. This current Capricorn Super Full Moon is asking you what old patterns and behaviours are you ready to complete and release so you can fully walk your Soul Path. The coming Mercury retrograde in Cancer June 26 to July 20 will be asking the same thing.
As usual these days linear time is challenging me so I am going to post the rest of the information for this Full Moon from a previous article. The Animal Totems, Clan Mothers, Tarot Constellations, and Ray influences for Capricorn and Cancer will always be the same.
The Animal Totem who guides us for the Sun in Cancer is Flicker, new growth, transition, and healing. Stepping into the new always involves transition and letting go of the past. Cancer is the sign that has difficulty letting go of past hurts. “I may forgive, but I will never forget” is the motto. Well it is time to let that go. For the Moon in Capricorn the Animal Totem is Snow Goose, following your dreams and spiritual vision. Sister Moon does not like visiting this earth sign unless she can inspire you to live your Soul Purpose. That is Capricorn’s spiritual quest. Let both these Totems guide you to follow that quest and give your gifts.
The Clan Mother for the Sun in Cancer is Loves All Things. She is the guardian of unconditional love and compassion for all. Talks With Relations is the Clan Mother for the Moon in Capricorn. She is the guardian of learning the truth that all life is sacred. Together these Wisdom Keepers will guide you on your path to your Soul Purpose. Their stories are found in the 13 Original Clan Mothers and Earth Medicine, both by Jamie Sams.
The Sun in Cancer activates the Tarot Constellation of The Chariot, the principle of mastery through change and stepping onto the Mystical Path. If you can view change as an adventure then mastery is the gift. Change and adventure are interesting words numerologically. They both add up to 11. So if we can see change as an adventure we are working with the vibration of 11:11, the initiation of a cycle of new spiritual beginnings. The Moon in Capricorn activates the Tarot Constellation of The Lovers, the principle of relationship and choice. This vibration is very confrontational if you are in ego. It is the urge to unite verses the urge to separate, the choice to love verses the choice to fear, ourselves in relationship to each other and the world. The Clan Mothers for this Full Moon are asking you to choose Love for all Things. For more insight on Astrology and Tarot see Mary K. Greer’s new book “Who You Are in the Tarot”.
Cancer and Capricorn are both expressed through the 7Th Ray of Ceremonial Order and White Magic. It is the Ray of Ascension with Archangels Zadkiel, Invocation and Prayer, and Amethyst, Forgiveness and Freedom as our guides. They are the Keepers of the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Illumination. The other Ray is the 3rd of Divine Mind and Active Intelligence with Archangels Chamuel, Divine Love and Adoration, and Charity, Gratitude and Grace. The Moon in Capricorn also activates the 1st Ray of Divine Will and Power. It is the Light of Creator and Great Mystery we all carry within. The Archangels are Michael, protection and spiritual destiny guide, and Faith, trust and belief in self. Call on any or all of these guardians as you discover your Soul Path at this Full Moon.
Wishing you all love and blessings at this time of change and growth.
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