May 15, 2013

SINGAPORE: Singapore Revokes Work Passes (Immigrant Temp Visas) Of Three Malaysians That Participated In Illegal Protests

The Star, Malaysia
written by Staff
Wednesday May 15, 2013

PETALING JAYA - The Singapore government will revoke the work pass of a Malaysian arrested for participating in illegal protests at Merlion Park on May 8 and 11, The Straits Times reported Wednesday.

The visit passes of two other Malaysians have been cancelled, while another 18 will have their work passes reviewed after investigations are completed, Singapore police said in a statement late Tuesday, according to the daily.

On Saturday, 21 Malaysians were arrested at a protest over the May 5 general election results, despite being warned by the police not to do so.

The eight men and 13 women, aged between 21 and 40 years old, are currently out on bail.

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