I would like to point out the FBI/Homeland Security guidelines changed because the Obama administration changed them in 2010. Our national security is now based on "political correctness" just like with the Major Nidal Malik Hasan, Fort Hood massacre Obama admin ruled "workplace violence" instead of the obvious Islamic Jihadi Terrorism. But let us not forget that President Obama ordered the assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki in April 2010 with a bomb dropped by a drone in Yemen because he influenced Major Nidal Malik Hasan and the "Underwear Bomber" aka Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Anwar al-Awlaki's 16 year old son was also assassinated in Yemen just for being related to him. BOTH were American citizens. Why didn't President Obama give a crap about al-Awlaki's US citizen rights then as much as he does the Boston Bomber's rights currently in custody?
So I want you to think about this... we Americans have had our civil rights taken away because of Islamic terrorist and it's an insult to our intelligence to see our government treat the Jihadist terrorist who actually commit an act of Jihadi terrorism with kid gloves. Now the Obama admin, FBI and Homeland Security want us to believe the Boston Bombers had NO FOREIGN HELP. Give us a fricken break already. As if the surviving terrorist is going to admit he or his brother were linked to foreign Jihadist. I'm pretty sure the surviving terrorist is thinking about his family in Chechnya and doesn't want them killed in retaliation for making a connection. The Jihadist are more ruthless than the mafia. HELLO?!?! Who's side on you on? Please read the additional article I added to emphasize why President Obama refuses to name it. I bet the leftist/Marxist press didn't bother reporting on the removing of Islamic Jihad or Islamic Extremist from our national security vernacular. Do yourself and your family a huge favor and read this page to understand the reality we are up against: From Saudi Arabia Wahhabi Islam to the Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Brotherhood: The roots of Pan-Islamic Jihad and wars in Sudan, Palestine, Bosnia, Chechnya and Egypt
I would like to emphasize that there are muslims all over the world who are freedom loving muslims that do not practice Wahhabi Islamic Sharia Law. These freedom loving muslims are being murdered in cold blood (because they refuse to convert to their man-made Islamic sharia law) by the muslims that practice and want to impose strict sharia law all over the world. The Muslim Brotherhood carries the flame of Wahhabi Islamic Jihad worldwide bankrolled by Saudi Arabia royal family/oil money and Iran mullahs who have accounts set up in Switzerland. It's one big mind game on us.
Why is it a mind game? Because up front both Saudi Arabia and Iran act like they can't stand each other and act like they have nothing to do with the Islamic militants murdering innocent civilians around the world in order to impose sharia law in a new country. All the while behind the scenes they are BOTH funding the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban, Al Qaeda and all of their affiliates around the world.
So I want you to think about this... we Americans have had our civil rights taken away because of Islamic terrorist and it's an insult to our intelligence to see our government treat the Jihadist terrorist who actually commit an act of Jihadi terrorism with kid gloves. Now the Obama admin, FBI and Homeland Security want us to believe the Boston Bombers had NO FOREIGN HELP. Give us a fricken break already. As if the surviving terrorist is going to admit he or his brother were linked to foreign Jihadist. I'm pretty sure the surviving terrorist is thinking about his family in Chechnya and doesn't want them killed in retaliation for making a connection. The Jihadist are more ruthless than the mafia. HELLO?!?! Who's side on you on? Please read the additional article I added to emphasize why President Obama refuses to name it. I bet the leftist/Marxist press didn't bother reporting on the removing of Islamic Jihad or Islamic Extremist from our national security vernacular. Do yourself and your family a huge favor and read this page to understand the reality we are up against: From Saudi Arabia Wahhabi Islam to the Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Brotherhood: The roots of Pan-Islamic Jihad and wars in Sudan, Palestine, Bosnia, Chechnya and Egypt
I would like to emphasize that there are muslims all over the world who are freedom loving muslims that do not practice Wahhabi Islamic Sharia Law. These freedom loving muslims are being murdered in cold blood (because they refuse to convert to their man-made Islamic sharia law) by the muslims that practice and want to impose strict sharia law all over the world. The Muslim Brotherhood carries the flame of Wahhabi Islamic Jihad worldwide bankrolled by Saudi Arabia royal family/oil money and Iran mullahs who have accounts set up in Switzerland. It's one big mind game on us.
Why is it a mind game? Because up front both Saudi Arabia and Iran act like they can't stand each other and act like they have nothing to do with the Islamic militants murdering innocent civilians around the world in order to impose sharia law in a new country. All the while behind the scenes they are BOTH funding the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban, Al Qaeda and all of their affiliates around the world.
Islamic Supremacist are the BIGOTS! They detest most all of humanity who is not a sharia practicing muslim. The Islamic militants even murder the freedom loving muslims who do not believe in or practice sharia law around the world!
Fox news
written by Associated Press staff
April 7, 2010
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama's advisers will remove religious terms such as "Islamic extremism" from the central document outlining the U.S. national security strategy and will use the rewritten document to emphasize that the United States does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terror, counterterrorism officials said.
The change is a significant shift in the National Security Strategy, a document that previously outlined the Bush Doctrine of preventative war and currently states: "The struggle against militant Islamic radicalism is the great ideological conflict of the early years of the 21st century."
The officials described the changes on condition of anonymity because the document still was being written, and the White House would not discuss it. But rewriting the strategy document will be the latest example of Obama putting his stamp on U.S. foreign policy, like his promises to dismantle nuclear weapons and limit the situations in which they can be used.
The revisions are part of a larger effort about which the White House talks openly, one that seeks to change not just how the United States talks to Muslim nations, but also what it talks to them about, from health care and science to business startups and education.
That shift away from terrorism has been building for a year, since Obama went to Cairo, Egypt, and promised a "new beginning" in the relationship between the United States and the Muslim world. The White House believes the previous administration based that relationship entirely on fighting terror and winning the war of ideas.
Bloomberg news
written by By Terry Atlas & Roxana Tiron
Monday April 22, 2013
The FBI, initially lauded for its quick identification of the suspected Boston Marathon bombers, now is facing scrutiny from lawmakers about its handling of a 2011 Russian tip that might have averted the attack.
The Senate and House have scheduled hearings this week, and the Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Michael McCaul of Texas, asked the FBI and other security agencies for all documents on Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the elder of the two brothers linked to the bombing.
Senator Lindsey Graham told Bloomberg News yesterday that Tsarnaev was on a federal travel watchlist, which failed to pick up that he flew to Russia last year. Tsarnaev’s visit to his parents and relatives in Russia’s Dagestan and Chechnya regions, a hotbed of Islamist separatist movements, didn’t register because the airline misspelled his name, according to Graham, a South Carolina Republican.
House Speaker John Boehner said yesterday in an interview on Fox News that it’s “way too early” to draw conclusions about the FBI’s performance. He said congressional committees will help determine whether the bureau “dropped the ball or didn’t drop the ball.”
The FBI, at the request of a Russia’s domestic intelligence service, conducted a three-month review of Tsarnaev’s activities in 2011, which included interviews with Tsarnaev and his family members, and a look into communications and Internet usage, according to two law-enforcement officials who asked not to be named because the bombing investigation is continuing.
FBI Investigation
The FBI investigated the Russian tip thoroughly “and did not find terrorist activity, domestic or foreign,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said yesterday. Subsequently, Russia didn’t cooperate with the FBI’s request to know if it had more specific information, according to Representative Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican who is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
Tsarnaev died after being run over by an SUV driven by his brother as he sought to escape a police manhunt in Watertown, a Boston suburb. The younger brother, Dzhokhar, 19, was charged yesterday by federal prosecutors with conspiring to use and using a weapon of mass destruction -- improvised pressure-cooker bombs -- to kill. The charge carries a possible death sentence.
The full House has scheduled a classified briefing today from Sean Joyce, deputy FBI director; Rand Beers, homeland security undersecretary; and Matthew Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center. FBI Director Robert Mueller is scheduled to take questions behind closed doors from the Senate intelligence committee today, according to Republican Senator Dan Coats, a member of the panel.
Dig Deep
Coats, an Indiana Republican, said a “key question” is why the FBI “didn’t follow up on its 2011 investigation” of the elder brother sparked by the Russian query.
“We’ve really got to dig down deep and make sure we are not missing anything here” because it could happen again, Coats said in an interview. It’s possible that the FBI did everything it could at the time “but we still have a lot to learn on that.”
The House intelligence committee has scheduled a briefing for tomorrow, according to a congressional aide who asked not to be named because the session isn’t open to the public.
While the 2011 Russian inquiry and Tamerlan’s Tsarnaev’s subsequent behavior might have provided warning signs, the elder brother “remained at liberty in this country to conduct the Boston attack, and it took days to publicly identify him as a suspect,” according to the letter released yesterday from McCaul and Representative Peter King, a New York Republican who heads the House Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence.
‘Extremist Group’
When a foreign government presents “concerns that a resident of the United States may be involved with an extremist group” that should be “great cause for alarm,” Maine Senator Susan Collins, a Republican member of the intelligence committee, said in an interview. “I do have a lot of questions” about how the investigation was handled, she said.
Still, Tsarnaev, a legal permanent U.S. resident, did have an application for U.S. citizenship placed on hold after the FBI had questioned him. He had been arrested in 2009 on an assault and battery charge and wasn’t convicted, according to Stephanie Guyotte, a spokeswoman for the Middlesex County, Massachusetts, district attorney.
Graham, who initially raised questions about the handling of the case, said yesterday the FBI did a “pretty good job” of looking into the initial lead. That request came from Russia’s FSB, the internal security agency.
Russia Trip
The current FBI-led investigation is paying close attention to a six-month trip Tsarnaev took to Russia in early 2012.
Tsarnaev was in the U.S. travel screening database known as the Treasury Enforcement Communications System, according to the two law-enforcement officials. The addition to the screening system is a routine occurrence when the FBI reviews individuals, the officials said, confirming that Tsarnaev’s name was misspelled on the Aeroflot passenger manifest for the flight from New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport to Russia.
After the 2011 FBI review was closed, it is unlikely that his travel would have raised any red flags even if his name had been spelled correctly on the airline manifest, one of the law- enforcement officials said.
More Radical
Following his trip, Tsarnaev expressed more extreme Islamic views. In January, he disrupted a sermon at the Islamic Society of Boston, raising concerns among the congregation, Anwar Kazmi, a member of the group’s board of trustees, said in an April 21 interview. In his outburst, Tsarnaev objected to the idea that both Martin Luther King Jr. and the Prophet Muhammad could be mentioned in the same context as sources of inspiration, Kazmi said.
The FBI did a “very thorough” job responding to the foreign intelligence service and asked for further clarification about its information, Representative Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican who is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said April 21 on NBC’s “Meet the Press” program.
“Unfortunately, that intelligence service stopped cooperating,” he said.
Graham, at a news conference at the Capitol, said he was told by the FBI that Russia didn’t respond to its request for additional information. During a 45-minute phone call with an FBI official, Graham said he questioned why the bureau didn’t monitor Tsarnaev’s Internet activity because “it’s pretty clear this guy was expressing radical Islamic views.”
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